
One piece : Naruto's dream

Humanity has mocked, enslaved, and looked down on us. That is what Naruto thought, from childhood he was destined to do great things. But will it be his destiny to destroy what Otohime worked for, or will it take a special princess to change his mind?

Huvnn · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 18 : The First Loss is oddly Refreshing(3)

"That's right Blondie; I ate the Flame-Flame Fruit. Good luck trying to hit me." Ace replied with a wide grin.

Reeling his right arm back Naruto gave him a shark-like grin.

"Challenge accepted! Water Shot!"

Thrusting his right arm forward he hurled a simple droplet of water at the fire-user.

"Heat Haze!" Ace fired back as he thrust his right arm out, shooting out a stream of fire from his palm of his hand.

The two attacks hit dead on, extinguishing each other into a small mist.

Undeterred though, Naruto flexed his powerful leg muscles and flew right into the steam swinging his axe, just like before though it harmlessly passed through his opponent without harming him.

"Come on Blondie, I already told you that you can't hit me with that thing!"

Ace shouted at the tiger shark fishman.

"It was worth another shot freckle-face!"

Naruto shot back.

Looking at his axe he tossed it away where it landed on the sand with a loud crash and stretched his arms, "All right then I guess I'm going to have to try something new."

With that said the tiger shark fishman bent his legs, jumped high into the air, and flew straight into the sand.

(On board the Moby Dick)

"Did your student just dive into the sand?" Whitebeard deadpanned.

"Yes…I wonder what is going through his head?" Jinbe scratched his bearded chin in confusion.

"Don't you know your own student's moves?" Namur asked as he neared the two of them with the other commanders in tow.

"I've only taught him the basics of water manipulation, extreme strength, endurance, and speed training and how to perfect several karate techniques he was having trouble with."

The Knight of the Sea defended himself.

"But recently he's been really secretive about them. So far there is only five that I know of, and that's when he reached level twenty in the dojo."

"So…this is really the first time you're seeing him in action." Marco questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"That is correct." Jinbe answered. "And I have faith that he'll exceed my expectations."

"Provided that he even lays a hand on Ace." Whitebeard commented when he saw the blond fishman leap out of the sand, and phase right through the former Captain of the Spade Pirates.

Hitting the ground once again Naruto bared his sharp teeth at the fire-user.

He made it no secret that he thought lowly of devil fruit-users, and now he despised whatever kinda power Ace had that made him virtually immune to physical harm by conventional means.

"Damn it all to hell." He muttered to himself.

"Come on Blondie is that all you've got? I thought a student of Jinbe would be more challenging!"

Ace continued to taunt his opponent with that same damnable smile on his face.

"Shut up!"

The blond roared. Tightening his leg muscles the tiger shark fishman sprang at the black-haired teenager, Naruto raised his right arm to clothesline Ace in the throat.

And just like every physical attack he tried it just went right through him, however this time Ace pivoted on his right foot, and struck him straight in the back, lighting his vest, along with himself in a blaze.

Fortunately for Naruto the hit just sped up his momentum causing him to fly into the ocean, extinguishing the flames.

Then everything was silent, dead silent, for several seconds no one dared to move. Then chaos erupted beneath the ocean, without any warning Naruto rose out of the water like an angry god of the sea.

The water trailed off his tan skin to cool down the recent burns which resulted in the loss of his vest, and his blond hair mattered against his head, shielding his eyes.

But the rage was rolling off of him; everyone could see his already muscular frame increasing in size. Without a word Naruto raised his right arm and the sea obeyed spinning constantly in motion to the point where it was nothing but compactly pressured water spears.

"Water Fang Bullet!"

his voice whispered, as if a verbal command was given the sea water surged forward like attack dogs.

Immediately Ace went on the defensive, jumping away from the spirals of death that took massive chunks of wood from the palm trees.

He jumped over one that tried to take him out at the knees, but to his shock it and several others changed their course of direction to impale him in midair.

Fully knowing that he couldn't dodge them all at once he drew deep into himself, and exploded in a shower of flames.

The two elements hit each other dead on creating a massive cloud of steam that covered the entire beach.

Naruto however wasn't done by a long shot, opening his mouth a powerful jet of water flew out at the shore.

For the spectators they saw nothing but devastation as the technique dragged on for five straight minutes, leveling hundreds of trees and shattering boulders.

When the adopted son of the Royal Family ended his water technique to catch his breath an enormous wall of fire flew through the thick mist forcing him to dive underneath the waves.


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