
One Piece: My wife is Nico Robin[Dropped]

What? I am in a contract marriage with Nico Robin for five years. #NoHerem

WeedSmokah · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Who are you?*

Varun aka Victor Moriarty dressed in a neat black suit and bandaged chest sat at the end of a long table, Mr. Hugh Sabini, the butler stood beside him with a serious expression and many men in coats were sitting around the table silently waiting for Victor to speak.

"How many of our men died last night?"

"Boss! 12 of them died and 21 are mortally injured." One of the subordinates said gloomily.

"Pay them and their families appropriate compensation and make sure the families of the fallen are properly taken care of. More importantly, how did anyone not notice another gang infiltrating our area?" Victor asked coldly, his tone sending shivers down everyone's spine. 

"Young Master! It was Capone Bege, he was the one behind all of this. He previously assassinated the head of the Bosco family, causing internal strife and using that chance to strike again. He probably wanted to do the same thing with us." Mr. Cliff, his grandfather's second in command reported.

"Capone Bege is a dead man but I know there is a traitor among us. How did he know the route and timing of our carriage so that he could plan the well coordinated ambush? Someone from our side wasn't too happy with my succession I guess. What is your opinion on this Mr. Cliff?"

"Are you doubting my sincerity, Young Master Moriarty? I have spent my entire life building this empire along with your grandfather. For more than fifty years I have dedicated my life to this family." He declared in a cold tone with determination in his voice.

"I heard recently that your youngest son goes to a private school owned by our family. Also, your wife should be coming out of the spa owned by us...Right now!" Victor said as he looked at his golden pocket watch. Mr. Cliff's face turned pale when he heard those words and he clenched his fists.

"Are you threatening me, Victor?" He said as he gritted his teeth in anger.

"I know what went through your mind old man, that I am just a young brat and how you deserve to rule the Moriarty Empire but you know what Cliff...It's not a dog's duty to think, you just need to follow the words of your master. A crazed dog who tries to bite his own master will be eventually put down. You think Grandpa didn't know you were behind my parent's deaths? But he kept you alive because you were an obedient dog to him. You have outlived your usefulness Cliff, so die for me."

He took out a pistol and pushed it towards Mr. Cliff who was stunned by the sudden turn of events. He felt immense anger and humiliation boiling inside him. This little prodigal brat dared to humiliate him and spit factxx in front of the whole gang!! Doesn't know the immensity of the heavens and Earth, today this old man will show who is the boss here. He quickly signaled his accomplices and together in a swift movement, they fired the bullet toward the heavily bandaged Victor who was chilling with his legs on the table. You survived once, but can you survive twice?

*Bang* *Bang* x9

Everyone watched with horror as the small bullets bounced off Victor's forehead and body defying their expectations. A total of 9 men rebelled and simultaneously fired their guns but it was futile and the plan was doomed to fail. It was as if Victor suddenly became bulletproof.

"Mr. Hugh, clean up the trash."

"As you wish young master!" He slowly pulled out his gloved hand from the pocket and took out a butter knife and in a minute 9 heads rolled on the floor before anyone could react. Everyone saw a blur and then Mr Hugh effortlessly eliminated the traitors and returned to his original position while wiping off the blood with a clean napkin.

"Everyone, In the coming days there will be a massive restructuring of our organization. Everyone must remain calm and trust the process, follow orders and everything will be better. My first order is to cease all human trafficking operations in our territory from this moment and close down all the slave shops by the evening. Also, send someone to invite the Mayor of this city to visit me for a cup of coffee with me."

"Understood Boss!!" Everyone answered in unison with a bow ignoring the headless bodies in the room.

"Everyone should leave and report the progress by the evening along with the results." Mr. Hugh supported this decision inspiring confidence among the loyalists.


"Young Master! You have changed for the better, Master Adolf will be proud of you if he sees you right now." Mr Hugh said while silently wiping off his tears.

'Fortunately, he can't see me else he will die of heart attack once again.'

"You know what Uncle Hugh?? Facing and surviving death truly changes a man as if they had a rebirth, it makes one think back if someone will mourn their death. Looking back, I had Uncle Hugh by my side since my childhood."

"I am glad you have changed Master Victor!! This is the first time you have called me Uncle since I took you into my arms when Lady Lilith and Master Leo gave birth to you. Now you understand what it means to have a family. Master Adolf was right when he asked you to get married. Miss Robin is truly a courageous lady befitting of the great Moriarty family and you both are a match made in heaven." Mr Hugh was too emotional and happy that the legacy of the Moriarty's will not end in this generation. How can a tiger cub be afraid of a little bloodbath?

Hugh gave a very emotional speech and started shipping VictorXRobin passionately.

"Uncle Hugh, you need to chill. I will grant you one-hour break, go and drink some tea." Victor the capitalist felt a little generous today.


Victor was alone in his grandfather's office as he looked at the large family photo of the 3 generations of Moriyaty family in the room. His grandparents and his parents holding young infant Victor in their arms smiling happily and Hugh standing in the back with a slight smile on his usual stoic cold face.

"Do you miss them?" Robin spoke as she entered the room and observed Victor lost in his thoughts.

"Should I miss them?"

"You should."

"I guess I should."

Robin slowly approached from behind and gave him a small hug much to Varun's surprise. "Don't turn back." She ordered.

"Miss Robin, you are violating the contract." He was a little flustered and guilty, he was not who Robin thought him to be. Victor was dead, he's just a replacement. For a second he wondered if he should leave and start a life anew, he wouldn't have to get entangled in the messy stuff and focus on himself. He was the loner type too so there wouldn't be any problems. 

"You are Party A, not me. I permit you to be in my arms for now." Robin said sweetly as if trying to console Victor before stepping away after the hug. "So what are you planning to do next?"

"Clean up the West Blue and be strong enough to protect my wife," Victor smirked as he looked at Robin from a distance. He will give himself a chance, maybe his new life won't have to be a bloody warpath life before. It's not as if he would fall in love or something, right?

"You should know by now that you are playing with fire Victor. I am not someone who you can protect forever, if you get too close you will die." 'Just like everyone did.' Robin whispered softly in the end as memories of a burning island and her beautiful mother flashed before her eyes.

"Those who have faced true death aren't afraid of it Robin," Victor said firmly seriously.

"Who are you?" Robin asked suddenly as she looked at Victor's back with suspicion. Something was amiss, she could feel it intuitively.

"You are a smart woman, keep guessing. I'll be happy if you think about me all day." Victor said with an awkward playful smirk. He was very bad at this.

"Should I?" Robin questioned.

"You should," Victor replied with a serious face.


At the lunch table:

In the lavish dining hall, a feast unfolded—a succulent lobster bisque, tender filet mignon adorned with truffle butter, champagne bubbles, and decadent chocolate torte, enveloped in an air of affluence. A few maids in neat uniforms stood in attention awaiting any orders.

"Robin, I'll be leaving BlackRock for some time in a few days. I will hire a capable bodyguard for your safety and defense training, I hope you will use this opportunity to train your skills too so that you can protect yourself in the future."

"Didn't you promise to always protect me, Mr. Husband?" She asked playfully putting on an act like a cute little wife.

"I believe in woman empowerment, especially my woman." Said Victor righteously.

"Is my new bodyguard a man?"

"No, she's a family friend of mine." 

"So it's a woman, I didn't know you were the jealous type, Mr. Husband!!" Robin exclaimed with a shocked face but there was only cold silence in reply.

Meanwhile the head maid, Ruby who was serving the dishes was having butterflies in her stomach and just wanted to share the gossip with others in the mansion. By the evening she quickly became the gossip queen in the mansion as the story of the 'epic battle of love' between the newlyweds spread through the halls. Everyone had already chosen sides and had a clear winner in their hearts as VictorXRobin's ship gained rapid momentum, especially among the gossiping maids, chefs, and gardeners who had been serving the family for generations. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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