
One Piece: My wife is Nico Robin[Dropped]

What? I am in a contract marriage with Nico Robin for five years. #NoHerem

WeedSmokah · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

New Beginnings!(Update)

Victor sat inside his huge office as he looked at his four clones who had different appearances and were hidden under metal masks, half of which were painted black while the other half had a different color. (Like Deathstroke). He started assigning them tasks to be more efficient.

Clone 4: Mission: Manage the paperwork Difficulty: Hard 

Clone 3: Mission: Go with the elite unit under Zala and do bounty hunting for combat experience. 

Clone 2: Mission: Train Haki.

Clone 1: Mission: Work on researching technology and science

"Of course, training daily whenever you are free is a must." Since everyone was connected by a hivemind they also shared the same personalities. They were not mindless slaves but his projections brought to life. Clone 1 spread its wings and flew away from the window and then the rest of them followed to do their respective tasks.

*Sigh* "It sure is handy!!" Victor said as he could remotely get all the Clone's POV in real-time simultaneously.

*Knock Knock* "Victor, are you busy?" Robin's voice came from outside bringing him out of his thoughts.

"I'm not busy Robin, come inside." Victor couldn't help but feel something whenever he saw her.

Robin wearing purple sweaters and comfortable clothing entered the room. She bought them while shopping for clothes with Sofia, the dress accentuating her graceful figure while maintaining an air of casual elegance. Her raven hair flowed gracefully down her shoulders, and her demeanor carried an air of both intelligence and warmth.

"What were you working on?" Robin inquired as she approached Victor, her curiosity evident in her expressive eyes.

"I've finished my task, I should have more time in my hand for some time. How was your day?"

Robin looked at everything with curiosity, her eyes flitting across the room. "I rested all day Victor, and also didn't skip dinner like certain someone."

Victor grinned, acknowledging his oversight. "Guilty as charged. I got a bit lost in my work and forgot about the time."

Robin playfully rolled her eyes. "You're lucky I made you a dish, I learned when I was a child."

"Is that so?" Victor raised an eyebrow, genuinely interested. "What did you make?"

Robin smiled with a hint of nostalgia in her eyes. "It's a traditional Oharan dish called 'Koekela.' It's a warm soup made with a variety of seasonal vegetables, fish, and a special blend of herbs. It tastes best during the cold seasons."

"That sounds wonderful. I can't wait to try it." Victor replied happily.

Robin walked over to a tray she had prepared and uncovered a dish filled with the aromatic Koekela. The rich scent of herbs and spices wafted through the room, instantly making

She ladled the soup into two bowls, placing one in front of Victor and the other for herself. "Be careful; it's hot," she warned.

Victor took a careful sip of the soup, and his eyes widened in surprise. "This is amazing! It's comforting and flavorful," Victor exclaimed after the first taste of the Koekela. The warmth of the soup seemed to embrace him from the inside, and the combination of flavors danced on his taste buds.

Robin smiled, pleased with his reaction. "I'm glad you like it, but I cannot make it as good as my mother. She once made it for me before leaving for an expedition and since then I have worked hard to recreate the taste."

"She must have been a talented woman!" 

Robin has a wry smile on her face, "She was good at everything except parenting Victor. Sometimes, I even used to wonder if she ever loved me at all. She fought for her ideals even till her last breath."

After a moment of silence she spoke again," But I've come to realize that love takes many forms, and sometimes, people show it in ways that aren't easily understood. Perhaps my mother, in her pursuit of ideals, believed that she was contributing to a better world for me."

"I'm sure she must have loved you a lot Robin, you are very precious. Do you miss her Robin?" Victor asked with concern.

"I'd be the happiest person in the world if it were true," Robin admitted, her gaze drifting into the past. "Despite everything, she was my mother. There were moments when she showed genuine affection, and I held on to those memories. But it's also true that her absence caused me quite a bit of trouble growing up alone. Life has a way of shaping us, doesn't it?"

"I can assure you she'd have been proud of you Robin, this is the best Koekela soup I ever tasted," Victor said to lighten the atmosphere after he finished eating and drinking a glass of water.

"Is that so? I know you'll get bored after you had enough." Robin said playfully as she looked at Victor. 

"I feel like I can get used to your cooking. Why don't you make me a few more dishes when you have time?" He looked into her beautiful eyes.

"We don't have that clause in the contract Hubby." Robin teased cutely with a giggle.

"Robin! A piece of paper can't decide our future." He said like a wise man and passed on the holy words to the new generation.

Robin was in a dilemma, she couldn't deny that her feelings towards Victor had changed. During the whole trip they had already shared a lot of moments that brought them closer, and she realized Victor somehow always managed to make her smile with his words.

She knew that he had changed drastically after waking up from the coma. He suddenly awakened his Lunarian bloodline and suddenly it was as if he was a different man who kept surprising her again and again. Being the only witness of all those secrets she knew this sudden flip in character was very unnatural. 

What drew her attention and raised her curiosity was why Victor looked at her so intensely with those blue eyes of his. It was as if she was the only woman in this world, he didn't act like this with anyone else and that honestly made her feel butterflies in her stomach. He was tall, dark, and handsome and she always felt secure in his presence.

"I know you have many secrets. Just answer my one question honestly, Are you Victor Moriarty?" She had done her research, people do change after waking up from a coma but some of their old habits are still retained on a subconscious level. Victor became a completely different person altogether, the way he thinks, talks, and reacts subconsciously is unnaturally polar opposite to the prodigal he met in the bar.

Victor was stunned when he heard Robin question his real identity. He realized he was at an important crossroads in his life that would determine the future of their relationship. 

He can take the risk and tell her the truth but he might risk losing her forever if she's disappointed. He can also try to avoid answering the question which would at least make Robin stay with him for the remaining duration of the contract where he can try to win her heart. The easiest route would be to keep lying that he was the original Victor but he would have to live with the guilt that he was deceiving both Robin and himself. After a moment of silence where countless scenarios passed through his mind, he decided to take a big gamble.

"I am not the Victor Moriarty who made the contact with you. I guess you figured that out already?" He said calmly but his heart was beating rapidly and he was even starting to sweat a little.

"I had doubts when you gave your first speech but the day I saw your speech at the Sanchez Celebration Party it became conclusive. You weren't trying to be discreet from the beginning anyway." Robin didn't look surprised upon hearing this. A lot of mystical and weird things exist in this world so nothing was impossible.

"My name was Major Varun Batra in my previous life and I died when I was 26 years old. Just when I thought it was the end of my chapter I opened my eyes as Victor Moriarty along with his memories and Lunarian Physique." He didn't say anything about how he read about this world in a manga, he was mature enough to realize some things must be kept secret at all costs until it's the correct time.

"What do you mean by previous life? And why are you helping me?" Robin was intrigued and looked at him.

"Can we go over this with a glass of wine? It'll take some time to explain." Victor said with a sigh, he was not good at this. He was a fighter and a killer so he was new at this stuff.

Robin nodded as she activated her powers to sprout an array of arms that quickly brought out a bottle from the indoor bar and prepared a glass for both of them. This was a lot to take in even for her.

"So listen, it may seem confusing but my world was very different from yours. Everyone was ordinary humans so we had to focus on science and technology to survive and grow our civilization. Our world was equally cruel but with the increase in connectivity and education..." He began to explain how incredible human resilience was and how the history of our modern world was forged with countless wars and revolutions to Robin. 

She continued to ask many nerdy questions as the scholar side of her came into full display. Victor patiently explained everything he could without revealing too much, meanwhile, he kept his observation haki activated to detect foreign presence.

Her eyes widened and all the pieces of the puzzle began to fall in the correct places and things began to make some sense. Robin thought for a moment and asked as she looked into his eyes, "Victor, you didn't explain why you are helping me." 

"I...I like you that's all." Victor said softly as he averted his eyes. His ears were starting to become red.

"Can you speak louder?" Robin said eagerly as she didn't hear him properly.

"I like you, Robin." He spoke a little loudly as he still didn't dare to look into her eyes. Victor was feeling tensed for the first time, he didn't even feel this way when he faced the Omnipotent Guardian.

Robin was stunned speechless when she heard his confession, her heart also skipped a few beats. She had never faced such a situation before but she was a little relieved from inside. At least she wasn't the only one feeling this way, she was experiencing a storm of new emotions like happiness and joy but she was still a little worried. The ball was in her court and she had to make a decision, does she reciprocate his feelings?

After a moment of silence, she finally said, "Do you really mean it, Victor? I won't regret my decision right?"

"Not in this lifetime." Victor suddenly became very serious and replied earnestly.

Robin sighed in relief, she was content with the answers. She should at least know who her real husband was before committing to the relationship right?

"Alright! Take responsibility and don't break my trust husband." Robin held his tie and pulled him towards her. Victor felt like the world slowed down as he felt Robin's soft lips pressing against his, a fleeting touch of tenderness that he had never felt before. He felt at peace and the world felt a little more colorful. She broke the kiss as she felt breathless from all the heat in the room, her cheeks had a slight blush as she kept holding him by his tie.

Victor's heart raced as he looked into Robin's eyes, his own filled with a mix of surprise, desire, and affection. He gently placed his hand on her cheek, his thumb brushing away a strand of hair that had fallen across her face.

"Robin, I promise to take responsibility and protect you, no matter what," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Let's have a new beginning Victor! I'm new at these so I'll be in your care. Don't let me down." Robin said with a newfound passion as she held Victor's large hands which were filled with callouses due to his training. The new couples seemed to get lost in each other's gaze as they shared the moment in peaceful silence.

The room seemed to disappear as they leaned in for another kiss, this time more passionate and lingering. The crackling of the fire and the warmth of their embrace created a bubble of intimacy around them, shutting out the rest of the world. As they pulled away from each other, Robin smiled at him and Victor's heart swelled with happiness.

The weight of the secret he had been carrying had finally been lifted, and in its place was a newfound connection between two broken souls that were starting to heal. With their glasses of wine now nearly forgotten, they sat close together in front of the fireplace, talking and laughing as they held each other in a warm embrace. The night was still young, and in the presence of the crackling fireplace and each other's company, it felt like time had paused just for the two of them.


A/N: It is Official. (End of Arc 1: New Beginnings)

Keep following the story and Sorry for the late updates. 

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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