
One Piece: My wife is Nico Robin[Dropped]

What? I am in a contract marriage with Nico Robin for five years. #NoHerem

WeedSmokah · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Black Market*

Chinjao Mansion:

Inside a large dojo, Victor dressed in a simple white training uniform sat with rapt attention with Chinjao sitting opposite to him. The latter honored his words and decided to train Victor in the Hassoken Martial Arts and also help him awaken Haki.

"Victor Moriarty! You have trained your physique to a decent level hence I'll skip the basic physique training. I'll only explain everything once so it's up to your talent to learn the techniques."

"I'll be in your care, Sensei!!" Victor said with a respectful bow.


'At least this brat knows a little humility, he can still be redeemed with proper guidance. I'll train him everything I know, with this my lifelong debt to you will be repaid, Adolf.' Chinjao thought to himself. Victor's grandfather had once saved his life when he was young while he was fighting a common enemy and cruelly asked him to bear this debt.

"Haki is a very mysterious force that exists within every living soul in this world. Armament Haki can be used to exponentially increase the defense and attack power of the user. Observation Haki on the other hand can be used to increase the user's senses to superhuman levels. These can be awakened with proper physical and mental training but there's also an elusive third type of Haki." He paused for a second and continued.

"Haoshoku Haki is a rare form of Haki that allows the user to exert their own willpower over others. Unlike the other two types of Haki, this type cannot be awakened through training, and only one in a million people is born with this ability. It is said that whoever possesses this type of Haki has the qualities of a king, and thus they are known as Supreme Rulers."

"Remember, Victor, Haki is not just about physical strength; it's about will. You must strengthen your spirit and mentality if you want to awaken this power. The strength of your willpower will determine the potency of your Haki. So as your first task, I want you to meditate to do a self introspection. Identify what defines your existence as an individual. What are your ultimate goals and dreams?"

Victor listened to his words very carefully and slowly closed his eyes blocking out the external world as he began his meditation. In the peaceful serenity of the dojo, he allowed his thoughts to wander seeking the core of his self. As he delved into his introspection his past life's memories began to flash through his mind like a movie followed by his new life as Victor. The words of Chinjao echoed in his mind - "What defines your existence as an individual? What is your ultimate goal and dream?"

Opening his eyes, Victor looked at Don Chinjao with determination. "Sensei, my existence as an individual is defined by my commitment to a revolution and protecting those who cannot protect themselves. My ultimate goal is very selfish, I want to create a safer world for my wife and family."

Chinjao nodded in approval. "Well said, Victor. It's completely okay to be greedy and selfish in the pursuit of power. Now, with this clear understanding of your purpose, your training in Haki will have a strong foundation. Let us begin your training boy."

And so, with his newfound clarity, Victor embarked on a journey of self-discovery and martial arts mastery. Inside the large dojo of the Chinjao Mansion, a young disciple was being forged into a deadlier fighter by an Old man, one whose spirit burned with a powerful will and dreams that would send ripples in this godforsaken world.


Mr. Hugh POV:

Victor had left the BlackRocks for almost two weeks now after making him in charge of the Moriarty family operations. Fortunately, this old man was very capable, and with the help of his trusted family members, he followed every order efficiently.

First, he conducted a strict internal assessment of the gang members and the thousands of new recruits who wanted to join their ranks after hearing Victor's passionate speech. These tests included the doriki levels, artistic and intellectual talents, and devil fruit ability(if any). After a thorough screening that lasted for two weeks, he finally shortlisted 100 people with extremely good potential and made their detailed resumes as per Victor's orders. The biggest surprise was that there were three devil fruit users as well as people of a few different races among the recruits. The slave traders often dealt with exotic races due to higher demands and large profits and many were rescued after it was banned followed by sweeping raids.

Tropico was also bustling with activity as large farmlands and ranches were being built employing the masses. They have also hired a group of skilled architects and established the Home Ministry that plans sustainable growth of the towns and conducts surveys on their lands. The schools and orphanages were operating at full capacity as new ones were being built. The citizens also volunteered to help in whatever they specialized in be it teaching, craftsmanship, accounting and maintaining public security along with the Moriarty Family members. Most of these developments were directly funded by the money they acquired after raiding corrupt officials and businessmen. 

It was not like they were saints too, so a new building was dedicated as a police station where people could file complaints for any injustice they have suffered due to the Mafia. If someone had really committed a capital crime, they were arrested and put in the dungeons. They will undergo a public trial when the mess is cleaned up.

Meanwhile, Tesoro has started working while being trained by him on how to run the business and finance management. Zala has assumed her duty as Madam Robin's combat trainer and bodyguard, the latter's schedule was very busy. Early in the morning, Robin had to undergo intense physical training for a few hours, she was also learning to manage household finances from Mr Hugh in the afternoon followed by devil fruit training during the evening, self-study at the library at night and finally gossiping/relaxing with maid Ruby for a while after dinner.

*Peru Peru Peru*

Suddenly a den-den mushi started to ring bringing him out of his thoughts. He quickly picked up the call. It was his private den den mushi to which only Victor called to send important orders and receive reports directly from him.

"Master Victor! I hope you are in good health." He greeted with enthusiastically.

"I am fine Uncle Hugh, how's the situation at home?'

"I've good news, Master Victor. Our men have located the child named Trafalgar Law at Swallow Islands in North Blue and awaiting further orders. We have also found the den den mushi number of Fisher Tiger."

"Good Job!! I want you to invite Trafargal Law to join our family. Promise him that we can help him take revenge on Donquiote Doflamingo one day. Any other conditions are also negotiable but I want him on our side."

"Is that kid so special?", Mr. Hugh didn't question the orders but only wondered if it was worth the trouble.

"You'll be surprised, I have very high hopes for him."

"Understood, I'll oversee this task personally then." Me Hugh said solemnly.

"Also send me the contact information of Fisher Tiger. Oh, also contact our black market contacts, I want the catalog of all the devil fruits in the market."

"Are you sure about this Master Victor? After eating Devil Fruit you'll be cursed by the seas." He said worriedly.

"The type I'm looking for is worth the tradeoff," Victor said confidently. He can eat three devil fruits so he should use them to create a good build, right? The three should be compatible and complement each other in strengths.

After a few minutes of conversation about the business, Victor hung up the call. His hellish training under Don Chinjao was still underway but it will be over a little faster than he had originally anticipated if he keeps training like a machine. His enhanced vitality and recovery meant that he could be at his peak performance after some good food and rest. Whenever he was a little free he would also train his pyrokinesis in secret. In these past few days, there have been no calls between him and Robin as both focused on their own lives.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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