

"I don't know, but I really want to know how he has such clean and smooth-looking skin," another female said while looking at her own skin, which is in no way nearly as clean or soft looking.

But before they could discuss it more, Daisy put a full stop to the conversation. "Alright, I understand that Dan suddenly became extremely attractive. It is a topic worth discussing, but you all should return back to your work as it is about time we opened."


'Why are they all behaving so weirdly right now?' Dan thought as he devoured his breakfast so he could get back to work.

He knows that Frosting and Stainless have some effect on his body. Still, he doesn't know what those effects are, except stainless passively ensures he is 100% clean all the time while Frosting increases the smoothness of his body.

'And I don't think they all would behave like that, just from them.'


As Dan leaves the pub after finishing his morning shift, he returns the greetings his co-workers were saying to him, predominantly females.

'Okay, this is going crazy. Why do those two simple effects completely change their attitudes toward me?' Dan thought as he recalled his morning shift.

Usually, no other female worker bugs him or even takes the initiative to talk with him, as they all treat him like an outsider that is taking advantage of Daisy's kindness.

But today, they all want to talk to him about something or try to find an excuse to touch his skin.

As Dan walks while thinking about this, he lightly collides with an old lady walking in the same direction.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't paying attention," Dan said while grabbing the hand of that old lady, so she wouldn't fall on the ground after he mistakenly collided with her.

"Don't worry about that. No harm was done," the old lady kindly said as she picked up the handbag filled with vegetables and other items that fell on the ground at their collision.

"Here, let me help you with it," Dan said while picking up the bag. He didn't know why but felt like he should help her.

"There is no need for that. I just live around the corner."

"Then it is no problem, as I also live in that neighborhood," Dan said with a small smile.

Maybe that smile did some sort of magic, but in the end, the old lady agreed, "Fine if you insist."

So, they started walking toward the old lady's house, with Dan carrying a handbag.

"So, what is your name, boy?" the old lady asked curiously.

"My name is Daniel, but you can call me Dan. What about you?"

"My name is Maria, so where do you live? I've never seen you here before." Maria asked curiously as they approached her house.

Dan smiled, "I live near Happy Hours."

"Oh! So, you are the new man living in Daisy's house now," Maria asked in a playful tone.

Dan nearly stumbles after hearing his words in that tone before he asks the main question that comes to his mind, "But how do you know that I am living in her house?"

Maria laughed a little before replying, "Not only me, but I am sure that almost everyone in this town knows that a man is living in her house now."

"Oh! I see," where the only word from Dan on this is after that, they just continue to walk in silence before they reach Maria's house.

"This is my stop, kid, and I would love to call you inside for some tea, but I can see that you have someplace you want to be, so I will not insist," Maria said before taking the bag and began walking to the door.

But before she entered the house, she turned her head toward Dan and said in a serious tone, "But remember, kid, almost everyone wears a mask in their life to hide something. Sometimes it is a pain, while other times it's their emotions, and some hide their true nature, so you better be careful of who you trust."

Afterward, she quickly closed the door, leaving Dan bewildered in front of her house with only one thought in his head, 'What the fuck!!!'


After the dramatic encounter with that old lady, Maria leaves Dan completely confused, as he already knows that only a few people show how they actually are in front of the public. Others simply follow the traditional society that declares acceptable so they are not judged by others.

But he still couldn't understand why she said it like that.

'Maybe she was indicating toward someone, like Miss Daisy... Nah, she is too kind and has such a great reputation around town, so maybe it is someone else in Happy Hours,' Dan thought before putting it in the back of his mind since he didn't care about it that much.

While thinking about this, Dan finally reached his destination, the best bakery in town.


"Welcome to Bob's bakery," a decently attractive female at the counter said as she saw him walk inside.

"Yeah, I would like to buy those cookies," Dan said while pointing at random cookies on the shelf, which had the least price.

"That would be 50 beri each. How much do you want?"

"I would take five with a standard coffee," Dan said before taking a seat at one of the tables.

After a few minutes, a waiter came with his order, five simple chocolate cookies and a cup of coffee.

"Please enjoy your order," the waiter said before going back.

"Oh, I will," Dan muttered as he looked around and found that he was the only customer there.

Dan brings his hand above the cookies and releases golden frosting with shimmering gold dust on it.

Then he released some heavy cream into his coffee to make it more delicious.

Dan can see that the lady at the counter is going inside after seeing him release the frosting from his hands as he drinks his coffee.

After that, Dan sat down to enjoy his coffee and cookies before an old man in his forties sites in front of him.

"How are cookies and coffee?" the old man asked in a calm voice.

"Pretty good, actually, but if you ask what I liked the most, then I would say the cream on the top," Dan replied calmly before continuing in a passionate voice, "The frosting on them is unmatchable, seriously the best I have ever eaten. You should also try it."

The old man looked at the two cookies left on the plate before picking one and taking a bite.

The old man's eyes widened as he felt the taste of the cookie being enhanced by the cream on top.

After finishing with one more bite, the old man turns toward Dan and asks, "What was that cream? It was way more delicious than our usual frosting."

"I know, right? Now let's talk about the price you are ready to pay for it," Dan said as a devilish grin began to appear on his face.


After the meeting, Dan returns to Happy Hour in a cheerful mood, as the deal went better than expected.

The bakery owner Bob was more than willing to buy his cream at the premium price of 1kg for 1000 beri if Dan could provide him with at least 4kg of different flavors of delicious frosting every day, which he was more than happy to do as Dan could produce 5kg of frosting of any type with his current stamina.

So, from now on, Dan will go to Bob's bakery every afternoon to deliver 4kg of frosting and get 4000 beri.

Which will help increase his earnings to 43,000 beri per week.

'Things I do for money.'


(Word Count: 1354)


If you like my story and want to read up to 10 chapters ahead, then you can check out my pa treon: https://www.Pat Reon.com/Hit30

It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian)


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