
One Piece : My Quirk System

The story of an ordinary person getting stranded in the One Piece verse because of the argument he had with someone online. Now, with a unique system that only works with money, he was sent to survive in this crazy world. . This is my new One Piece fanfiction. As you all know, my English is not that good, so surely I will make a lot of grammatical and other errors, so please just tell me where I have made a mistake so I can correct it. And yeah, I don't own anything except for my OC. (same goes for this cover) . If you like my story and want to read up to 10 chapters ahead, then you can check out my pa treon: https://www.Pat  Reon.com/Hit30 It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian) . If you want you could also join my discord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr (Without space) .

Hit30 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


[Not my fault I set this up at the start, and that damn operator even gives you a hint, but here we are.] Rob said in an amused voice, like what had happened was only entertaining for him...which is kinda true.

[Now enjoy the attention you have gained because I certainly will.]

'You are a giant asshole.'

[I know that, and I enjoy being one.]


Meanwhile, on the ship's deck, the DC superheroes (Minus Robin and Kaldur) looked at each other nervously.

They all were hoping that they could discuss their future plans or paths, given their current circumstances.

"So, what should we do now?" Wally couldn't help but ask with a tense and stiff look that was unusual for an impulsive speedster.

Artemis replied with a shrug like the current situation doesn't bother her much, "Don't know, but maybe we should try to talk to him sincerely like normal humans without thinking we could take him on."

But seeing the looks she was receiving from her teammates, she couldn't help but defend herself, "What? Sometimes it just works, so maybe it will also work for us?"

Still, it was not enough, as Barbara frustratingly said, "How can you talk about all this so casually, Artemis? We all are in deep shit, captured and slaved to by a mentally unstable person, who was also our target."

"So, I ask you again, how can you take all this so casually, Artemis?"

Everyone could clearly feel Barbara's frustration and angst from her words. But then again, Barbara is not the only one struggling with such emotions. Almost everyone is feeling emotional distress because of recent events.

"Don't know, but it most likely maybe because I'm not the reason we all are in this situation, unlike your boyfriend, or maybe because we can't do shit about our situation no matter what we think or plan," Artemis said in a somewhat mocking voice. "So, pick your poison, Barbie."

"WHY you..."

Hearing this, the already frustrated and angry Barbara almost attacked her, which was unusual for her, but before that, Zatanna, who was near her, intervened to stop their verbal spat from evolving into a physical confrontation, no matter how much she wanted Barbara to get punched in her face.

"Stop it, you two. Fighting among yourself will not help our situation," she said while trying to stop Barbara from doing something she might regret later.

Barbara stopped for a second after hearing this before turning her face toward her with an incredulous expression.

"Our situation?" Barbara asked loudly while easily removing her grip, showing she was still physically superior to her in this world, before grabbing the same arm and twisting it painfully.

"You are free and have a way to go back home while we all are his slaves now with no way to go back."

"So, how the hell are you in the same situation as us?"

But before she could do anything else, Conner forcefully removed her hand, freeing Zatanna's hand from her grip while glancing at her, "What the hell is wrong with you? You can't just attack her like that."

"Yeah, right, I can't just attack her like that," Barbara said while moving back. "Maybe I should ask my master's permission like a good slave before doing it, right?"

"Maybe you should like you tipped him toward me at the promised time," Zatanna said while slowly messaging her hand. She really wants to punch her in the face now.


M'gnna shouted while looking at Barbara and Zatanna like any adult would look at children when they were fighting.

Her patience has run out with their bricking. Even if she understood that even before coming here, Barbara was angry and sad about the attack on her father, she now had enough of her childish drama.

"You two should stop right now."


"She started..."


No one said anything after that as they all looked at their sweet and soft-spoken M'gnna in shock.

Seeing no one else speaking, She nods like she has accomplished something. "Good, now I understand that all of us are affected by these circumstances, but fighting like this will not do any good for us."

"Artemis being sarcastic about the situation will not improve it, so stop doing that to your friends," M'gnna said before turning toward the black-haired girl.

"Zatanna, I don't know you for much time, but from what I have seen, you are an intelligent girl, so I don't need to tell you how important your independence is to us, right? So, please don't give him any chance to take it away from you."

After saying that, she turned toward the empty place near Barbara and said something that shocked them all, "And can you stop ordering her to create a conflict here?"

"M'gnna, what are you saying? No one is there?" Wally said before the sound of clapping came from his side.

"Bravo! M'gnna, bravo," Dan said while dropping his invisibility and surprising them even more as Wally jumped two steps backward in shock.

"You really exceeded my expectations, unlocking observation haki just after hearing the basic explanation from someone who has no idea what it is. Your talent in it is nothing short of phenomenal."

As far as the accusation of starting this argument was concerned, Dan did not even try to deny it. In order to make Zatanna strike him somehow, he ordered Barbara to start it before leaving to discuss it with Rob.

'But now, since this plan has failed, let's improvise,' Dan thought while moving toward M'gnna.

Reaching near her, Dan gently lifted her face, making her look directly into his eyes, and said, "What can I say other than I really hit the jackpot with you, M'ganna?"

But he somewhat underestimated her appeal and overestimated his control, as those tempting pink lips on her innocent face brought back those dark thoughts he desperately tried to avoid.

'What are you waiting for? Just do it. She cannot say no to you.'

'You are her master, and she is just your slave. You own her.'

'Just look at those exquisite pink lips! How can you be so cruel not to taste them immediately?'

Dan immediately gets rid of those thoughts while moving back to M'gnna, so he cannot do something that will complicate things for him.

M'gnna also stepped back as a slight blush crept onto her face because of how close their faces got a second ago.

An innocent thought appeared in her mind before she immediately suppressed it. 'W-was he trying to kiss me?'

Although she has seen several kissing scenes in Earth's show, this was the first time she had come close to doing one herself.

'Does it feel as good as they say?' She contemplated while stealing a quick glance at Conner.


"If you are done flirting with her, then can you tell me the reason for all this?" Zatanna asked with a frown on her face, but a little bit of annoyance could be felt from her words.

Still, if what M'gnna was impelling is true, then she has to be on guard against him because this bastard just tried to make her break the promise.

'Damn it, even with a frown, she looks so stunning.' Another stray thought appeared in his mind.

Banishing those thoughts while cursing his teenage body, Dan replied in a calm voice, "To see if you are all worthy of the second chance I was planning to give."


Seeing how most of them looked confused, Dan explained, "A second chance for you to complete your mission. For you all to return home."

Some of them had already thought they would never be able to return home, but Dan's words gave them hope, like a ray of light in complete darkness.






Only for him to crush it again with his following words.

"But now I don't think I should now."


(Word Count: 1359)


Want to read more chapters? Then consider subscribing to pa treon. You can read ahead for as little as 1$, and it means a lot to me!

My pa treon: https://www.Pat Reon.com/Hit30

It doesn't have much, just 10 advanced chapters of this story, and 12 advanced chapters of my other stories (One Piece: Adventure of Leo, and Pokemon: The Guardian)


You can always come and say hi to me or ask questions about this fanfiction on my dis cord server: https://Dis Cord.gg/XFYKYnvcqr

(Links are without space)

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See you in the next update... Peace Out!

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