
One Piece: My Crew Is Trash!

Crossing into the world of One Piece, possessing the ability to summon for companions from other worlds, it was an exhilarating thought! Then when Zyhark bravely borrows money from the mountain bandit king, to meet the conditions for making a summon, he summoned the wise and intelligent Water Goddess Aqua, he feels that dreaming about punching the Four Emperors and kicking the Admirals it was just that—a dream. Then ridiculous companions like Pokémon's Team Rocket's Meowth and One Punch Man's King appear one after another, Zyhark dares not to even dream anymore. He only hopes to survive well in an era where heroes rise together with this group of troublemakers... www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

Zaelum · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 162

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Sabaody Archipelago, in the brightly lit Marine base.

"Smoker, what did you say? You want to submit a request to Fleet Admiral Kong, in your capacity as the garrison commander of Sabaody, to completely abolish the legality of the slave auction house?"

Garp, sitting with his legs crossed in his chair, was shocked. Even the doughnut in his mouth was forgotten, left unchewed.

The legality of the slave auction house had been a long-standing issue in Sabaody Archipelago, serving as one of the main venues where Celestial Dragons selected slaves, with Donquixote Doflamingo of the Seven Warlords of the Sea behind it.

Abolishing it was far more challenging than clearing out other lawless zones in Sabaody! "Although it's just a small auction house, the things it's entangled with are too numerous."

Kuzan also didn't think highly of Smoker's proposal. Not to mention, Smoker was only a Marine Headquarters Captain.

Even if a higher-ranking officer came forward, the chances of success were very slim.

"Let's hear your specific thoughts, Smoker."

Compared to the others, Sengoku was much calmer.

He knew that Smoker, stationed in Sabaody Archipelago, had long wanted to change the status quo of this island at the end of the first half of the Grand Line.

He also knew that Smoker, who had been repeatedly blocked by Fleet Admiral Kong, wouldn't bring this up for no reason.

Under the gaze of two Vice Admirals and an Admiral, Smoker remained very composed. He took a deep drag on his cigar, exhaling a thick plume of smoke.

"I want to use the impact of this Celestial Dragon assassination incident. Since the auction house is protected by the World Nobles, we only need to make them realize that this so-called legitimate existence poses an unpredictable safety risk to their lives."

"Surely, even Fleet Admiral Kong and the Five Elders would make a cautious decision then?"

Having seen the various evils of the world in Sabaody, Smoker, who deeply understood his own limitations, had been waiting for an opportunity.

An opportunity to justifiably abolish the slave auction system.

And now, thanks to Zyhark and Aqua, this rare chance was right in front of him! "As expected, this is very much in line with your crazy style."

Sengoku, who had already guessed this possibility, thought for a moment and said, "It's indeed most appropriate for you, as the garrison commander of Sabaody, to propose this. If necessary, I will also provide as much support as I can."

"However, Smoker, your current rank is still too low."

Smoker did not refute, merely biting down on the two cigars in his mouth.

Sengoku glanced at him, then looked at the Justice flag hanging in the office.

After a few seconds of silence, he finally spoke his mind: "Accept the promotion, Smoker. While being in a higher position means facing more constraints and frustrations, it's a reality you must confront."

Both in terms of strength and achievements, Smoker already met the standards for promotion to Commodore.

Unfortunately, ever since his post in Loguetown, Smoker had consistently refused promotions. Even with the support of Sengoku and Garp, they couldn't push it through.


Sengoku was slightly surprised that this time Smoker didn't refuse and agreed right away! "It seems you've grown quite a bit in Sabaody."

After a sigh, Sengoku slowly stood up, walking to the floor-to-ceiling window and looking out at the distant part of Sabaody through the glass.

There, the vast and free ocean was shrouded in a dark, lifeless shadow, with only the distant lighthouse flickering with a faint light that seemed ready to go out at any moment.

"Tomorrow, I will convey your wishes to the headquarters."

"As for the abolition of the Sabaody slave auction house, let's leave that for later."

"Let this incident ferment until the most opportune moment."

Snore, snore, snore.

The night was deep, and Garp, slumped in his chair, had long since fallen asleep, snoring loudly, his snot bubble bigger than his old face.

Kuzan, on the other hand, stared at the table, lost in thought.

Since the Ohara incident, his once passionate self often found himself inexplicably hesitant.

In contrast, Smoker, who had not yet experienced that deep sense of powerlessness, had eyes that shone with unwavering determination.

This "Sabaody Celestial Dragon Assassination" event, which would shock the world in the future, indirectly or directly altered the life trajectories of these two new-generation Marines! Zyhark felt he owed them a huge favor, but in reality, Smoker, Kuzan, and even Garp and Sengoku, admired and were grateful for his actions.

After all, what he challenged wasn't just the World Nobles but the greatest "evil" of this world! From here on, the gears of fate and time began to turn. ...

In the calm sea, on the first-floor dining room of the Endless Dream.

Munch, munch, munch.

A little girl with purple gradient twin-tails and blue dragon-shaped pupils was leaning over the dining table, holding chopsticks with her small hands, shoveling the mountain of rice in front of her into her mouth.

With two tender white dragon horns on her head, she wore a knitted sweater with pink sleeves and a pure white one-piece short skirt underneath, her small chubby legs dangling in midair due to her height.

Her slender tail, ending in a dumpling-like tip, swayed back and forth, delighted by the delicious food.

This small, cute girl with big, gleaming eyes was Zyhark's new partner, whom he had painstakingly summoned...

The ancient dragon skilled in thunder, Kamui Kanna! Though her human form appeared to be a seven or eight-year-old girl, she was actually 14,000 years old. 

(In her world, this age is equivalent to the childhood phase, with a very immature mind)

Watching Kanna eat with such a cute expression, Zyhark felt his weary heart healed.

This, damn it, is the true meaning of the Sea Restaurant's existence! Even the usually arrogant Aqua showed an extremely rare gentle side, quietly sticking close to Kanna, inhaling the sweet scent in the air (not really).

She occasionally reached out a finger to cautiously poke Kanna's chubby cheeks.

With Kanna's arrival, Meowth's cute status in the dumb goddess's eyes collapsed instantly, and even the giant egg buried in moist soil, its fate unknown, faded into insignificance.

Even self-proclaimed manly Meowth and the usually stoic King couldn't help but glance at the adorable Kanna, their faces showing the same healing and contented expression.

Kanna only glanced curiously at the strange person poking her cheek, then continued eating, her eyes darting about.

Having been sent to this world by her father under a mysterious contract for her pranks, she understood through a brief introduction that the man her father made the contract with was named Zyhark.

Given her age, calling him Kobayashi wasn't out of place at all.

"Establishing yourself as the boss by addressing others properly from the start" was her friend Tohru's advice.

She remembered it well.

"Zyhark, you did well this time. In the future, use Kanna-chan as the template for all your wishes~"

Aqua, her maternal instinct shining brightly, grew more satisfied with Kanna the more she looked, even going as far as to praise Zyhark.

King and Meowth, though silent, nodded in agreement.

Who wouldn't like a strong, cute, and obedient little dragon girl?

'But why do I feel like she's always looking at me? Could it be she's attracted to my manly charm, meow?'

Meowth was overjoyed.

To him, Kanna's occasional glances were clearly looks of admiration for her senior! Such a lovely feeling, meow! Meowth felt he might melt from happiness.

Zyhark completely ignored Aqua's praise.

He was puzzled why the wishing pool, known for its traps, would suddenly be so generous and summon a high-quality SSR?

Could it be that sacrificing a Celestial Dragon, given the high risk and difficulty, triggered its conscience?

As he pondered this, Kanna, having finished every grain of rice, elegantly set down her chopsticks.

Her small hands neatly placed on the table, she showed no sign of wiping her mouth or ending her delicious dinner.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Kanna finally couldn't resist her urge, lifted her head, and in a flash…

Swallowed Meowth whole!

The smiling Meowth's world turned dark, and one thought remained in its mind: Oh no, have I become a snack, meow?!

(End of Chapter)