
One Piece: My Code Name Is Green Bull

Jon has always felt that he is very sad and reminded that he has traveled to the world of Pirates without a system or golden fingers. It wasn’t until that day that Jon understood that he himself was the biggest golden finger. On the stage where the admiral was conferred, Sengoku solemnly said to Jon: “From today, your code name is ‘Green Bull’.” ………… Translation

Ace_Imp · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Alone Among Hundreds of Flowers

John walked behind Gion, just now he heard Tsuru call Gion's name, he remembered that Gion's name was the name of the future admiral candidate, Momousagi's nickname, could this girl in front of him be the future Momousagi?

As he walked further, John's face changed, because all along the way he saw only female Marines, there was not a single male Marine, and when he thought about what was said in the anime, that under the command Vice Admiral Tsuru was all female Marines, he couldn't help it, a chill went up his spine.

"Miss Gion, I wonder where you're taking me?" John couldn't help asking Gion.

Gion, replied: "You will soon find out"

After a few more minutes of walking, Gion led John into a small courtyard.

"The vice admiral said that since we are all female watchmen, it's naturally inconvenient for you as a man to live with us, this yard was made specifically so that you could live here, and you will be the only one who lives here."

John glanced at the yard, which was several hundred square meters and looked like a farmhouse, not comparable to the small high-rise buildings he had passed before, but this made John very happy.

He was just worried that Vice Admiral Tsuru would let him live with the female Marines, although that was a blessing for most men, but for John, being surrounded by a group of female Marines was a frightening thought.

"Fine, I'll disturb you Gion-sama."

Although Gion was only a teenage girl, she was no longer small, at over two meters tall she looked almost as tall as John.

"The vice admiral said that from tomorrow you will train with us, the female sentinels, at seven o'clock in the morning, go to the area that we just passed, we are all training there." Gion instructed John.

John couldn't resist and asked, "Miss Gion, one more question, everyone who works in the department, are they all female soldiers?"

Gion obviously understood what John meant and replied with a gentle smile, "Yes, there are many male admirals on the staff, but this is the vice admiral's territory, and they mostly don't come here only when they have some affairs. At least in all the time that I've been here, you are the first male watchman who lives directly in the department.


As expected, John was even more impatient when he asked, "So can I go and find a place to live somewhere else too?"

He thought the department was organizing a place to stay so John didn't look for a place himself, but now that this situation arose, how could he want to stay here, even though it was a separate complex, but with female watchmen all around, it was too scary.

Gion smiled as she replied with a sense of malice, "The other male Marines hate to leave here, but you are out of luck, the vice admiral ordered you to stay here and train with us, you cannot leave the department until she gives her permission."

"Well, my mission has been completed, so I'll go, and remember, tomorrow morning at seven o'clock be on time in the square."

"What sin have I committed."

John sighed and could only walk helplessly into the yard, but in his heart he was depressed, he really entered the women's department, what the hell was Mr. Zephyr thinking, punishing him in this way?

The yard was rather big and to John's satisfaction there were a lot of green plants around, at first glance he knew that someone was growing them, and from their sight he felt very comfortable.

When he entered the room, it was well stocked, not to mention accommodation for one person, even if there were a few more people, they wouldn't feel cramped.

Owning a private home in Marineford was certainly a rarity, and John didn't think he would have the privilege.

The next morning, John arrived at the square with a mixture of anticipation and excitement, and when he saw hundreds of female watchmen, his legs began to tremble a little.

It really was like being alone among a thousand flowers.

"Come and join the squad, one of you, stand here."

John came quite early, yesterday Gion told him that it was already seven o'clock, and he came at six thirty, but he seemed to be late anyway, since all the queues were lined up.

With a single glance, Tsuru called out to him as she stood in front of the formation and placed one in line.

Everyone knew that all the soldiers under Vice Admiral Tsuru were women, and now that a male sentinel had suddenly appeared, these women were very surprised.

Tsuru spoke, "As you can see, from today, a rookie, Midshipman Lyons John, will train with you, but he is not included in your ranks, he is only a sentinel attached to the department."

John looked around at everyone and forced himself to calm down, they were hundreds of female Marines wearing the same training uniform, but the style of this world was still more open, white arms and thighs made him very embarrassed.

It's not that he didn't see women, on the contrary, in his previous life he saw many beautiful women, the beauty of their faces, they were all rare beauties.

But it wasn't the same as now, now there were so many women looking at him, and his feelings were definitely different.

These female watchmen were divided into short and tall.

Several female giants stood next to John, and this was the first time John had come into contact with the giants, and he felt too small compared to them.

The female watchmen here are the equivalent of Vice Admiral Tsuru's personal troops, except for her, only the commander in chief can mobilize them, and they are usually not needed, so they only have one task.

John then followed these female Marines and trained with them for a while, so they stopped embarrassing him and focused on their training.

It is only in his free time that John is still bothered by the female Marines, as he is the only male Marine, and these female Marines often joke with him, making him feel awkward, but he has no power to get mad at them.

Many people wanted to be reborn as women, but John thought that those students at the academy used to be much prettier than these female Marines, who were actually all crazy.

Six months passed in the blink of an eye.

It seemed to John that he had moved from a naval academy to another academy, and for half a year he surprisingly had no assignment or official job, except for training with the women's department, and he had nothing to do every day.

At first he was very uncomfortable, it was not at all the naval life that he thought about.

Especially with the female watchmen, they were a torment to him.

With a large group of female watchmen and only one male watchman, he thought he would be treated very well.

But who would have thought that these women are so abnormal that it seemed there was not a drop of pity in them.

John shuddered as he thought back to the brutal abuse he had been subjected to by these female Marines over the past few months. It is true that women were much scarier than men.

True, women were much worse than men. If he resisted, he resisted, but it turned out that it was useless to resist, since there were many of them, and many of them were so strong that he was no match for them, and they mocked him.

But over time, he got used to it, especially after he met women and he became friends with them, they no longer teased him, as in the beginning.

Usually, all he did was train and train the strength of the fruit man.