
One piece: Multiverse System

Devils_Requiem · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Princess Boa

After a few minutes Doflamingo left the mansion to see how the fight was going, realistically those 3 should be able to kill Akainu pretty quickly. But the world has it's own will, might give him a bit of a protagonist boost of strength so he can make it to marineford.

" DOFLAMINGO!! " Akainu shouted from the sea,

" Oh wow, expected but very surprising. " Akainu was a giant made of Lava as he was tanking the attacks from everybody

Diamante and Pika couldn't really contribute so they stayed away at the edge of an Island, Baby sniped with haki covered bullets from far aswelld trying to help in some way.

Sugar transformed into her giant form as she kept shooting tailed beast balls and clawing the Lava body with no effect as it would instantly regenerate.

Monet would try to freeze the Lava but her fruit wasn't that developed so the lava would overpower the ice. None of their attacks were working but Akainu wasn't able to do any damage either it was at a stand still.

Trebol focused on redirecting all the attacks thrown at them since he couldn't do any strong enough attacks to the Lava body. Unknowingly as soon as they heard Akainu shout Doflamingos name they felt secure and know they will win. Without stopping they continued attacking, waiting for Doflamingo to do the killing move.

" Were you that scared of dying, Akainu? What is this knew ability? " As Doflamingo talked he walked in the sky higher and higher to look Akainu in the eyes.

" I'll kill you! " Akainu shouted as he tried rushing at Doflamingo but was stopped by the others making him even more pissed.

" Y'all stopped the others from calling for backup right? " Doflamingo asked as Trebol replied.

" Ofcourse, look to your right. "

Doflamingo took a look and the ship was frozen, without a second thought he appeared inside the ship and took a look around.

He found a snail and brought it out before melting it with heat and going back to where Diamante and Pica were.

Doflamingo threw the snail at Diamante before saying,

" Repeat after me " Diamante nodded before turning on the snail.

" Sir, Let the Fleet Admiral know we are being attacked. Akainu is trying to hold them back but i don't know if we'll make it out. After leaving the Whitebeard territory we stumbled upon Kaido by accident, we believe they were going to fight whitebeard or take over an island. We-" Diamante shouted into the snail using a different voice before crushing the snail.

" Why did we do that? " Diamante asked confused.

" This way, when Akainu doesn't come back it will be because " Kaido " fought them and we won't get any suspicion even if they did let someone know they were passing by my island. " Doflamingo explained as Diamante nodded.

" Alright, get a ship ready we're traveling to Amazon Lily for a bit. " Diamante nodded and left with Pica to get things ready.

" STOP IGNORING ME! LAVA BURST!" Akainu grew more before exploding as Lava flew on every direction making everybody dodge or block taking the opportunity to fly towards.

Doflamingo started twirling his finger in a circle as the water in the ocean slowly started following,

" I won't kill you so don't worry. " Doing a grab motions the water bounced on the Lava transformation swallowing it up slowly.

" YOU BASTARD!!! " Akainu shouted before being swallowed up.

" Bring the handcuffs " Doflamingo told Sugar which she quickly dashed to get them.

Doflamingo brought out Akainu from the ocean in a ball of water keeping his knocked out and unable to use his abilities till Sugar came and cuffed him.

Once that was done Doflamingo kicked him in the stomach waking him up vomiting water in pain. " Good he's alive. "

" Young master everything is ready! " Diamanté shouted as the ship was closing in.

" Cool, let's go on a trip guys. " Everybody hopped on the ship and began their trip.

As they were leaving the ocean split open and swallowed the ice and lava damage and the ship concealing them under the ocean.

No evidence left.

After 3 days they arrived at the island Amazon Lily and docked comfortably.

" We're basically here on business but not really, don't get angered by their words alright? They basically hate all men, well the princess does. " Doflamingo explained as they nodded.

" Then why are we here? " Monet asked curiously.

" I'm not sure how but the girls here are strong, im not sure if they're being produced or they're accidentally saving strong people, but most of them are able to use haki, if i trained them they can be strong Allies " Doflamingo explained.

" So you want to rule this place? " Trebol asked curiously.

" In a way yes, but doing it forcefully wouldn't work out, they'll most likely rather die or kill themselves. " Doflamingo answered as they got off but before taking more than 5 steps an arrows pierced the ground a few centimeters away from his foot.

" What are you doing here? " A girl asked in a group who aimed their bows at them.

" I'm just here for negotiation, if you let the Princess know she'll come. " Doflamingo said, the girl made eye contact with one of the other girls, she nodded and quickly left.

" Don't move until we say so. " The girl affirmed.

" Wow they're pretty arrogant, if you didn't tell us before I would've put a bullet on her head. " Baby said with a small chuckle.

" What can I say, they're sheltered so they don't know reality, they think of Boa as a God or the strongest being. Just let them be. " Doflamingo said as Monet created a seat for him to sit down on with Ice.

After a few minutes Boa finally came, though annoyed of his presence.

" What are you doing here? " Boa said aggressively readying a love arrow.

" I came for a business deal, nothing too big. " Doflamingo said standing up.

" State it. " Boa said as the followed her and readied their bows purer with armament haki.

" This island becomes mine, in exchange I'll train your people. You can continue being queen, it doesn't matter to me. " Doflamingo said straight up.

With a snap of his finger Diamanté dragged Akainu who was handcuffed with his feet tied up with a rope.

" Why do you have him? " Boa asked letting go of her abilities.

" It's just something I got on the way, I did promise to end him in this month. " Doflamingo said with a smirk.

" Even so, the people here are strong, they don't need your training. " Boa stated.

" If they were, why did u become a warlord to protect them? " Doflamingo said with a small chuckle.

( A/N I felt like bring this back for no real reason :3. )