
One Piece: Monkey D. Luffy— A Different Path

a different Luffy doing different things and may be sometimes doing same dumb stuffs— a bigger and stronger strawhat crew

freshleaf · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

[10] Exploring Foosha

The morning sun filtered through the curtains of Luffy's small room, rousing him from his slumber. He stretched and yawned, his typical morning routine underway. After splashing some water on his face and changing his night clothes to casual one, he headed downstairs and set off for Party's Bar.

As Luffy swung open the door, the lively atmosphere of the bar greeted him. The Red Hair Pirates were already in full swing, starting their day with their usual camaraderie. Benn Beckmann, a coffee cup in hand, noticed Luffy's entrance. He nodded and greeted Luffy with a hearty "Good morning." Luffy returned the greeting with a cheerful grin.

Lucky Roux, with his mouth still full of food, overheard Benn Beckman and Luffy's morning greetings. He turned his attention to Luffy, greeted him with a wide grin, and said, "Good morning, Luffy! Feeling hungry, buddy?"

Luffy returned the greeting with an enthusiastic "Good morning!" and a rumble from his empty stomach. He nodded vigorously and exclaimed, "Yeah, I'm super hungry!" Roux wasted no time and offered him a juicy piece of meat. Luffy's eyes gleamed with delight as he accepted it, and he mumbled his gratitude between bites.

At that time Makino, with her cheerful demeanor, emerged from the kitchen and spotted Luffy in the hall. She couldn't hide her warm smile as she greeted her little brother with a hearty "Good morning, Luffy!" Luffy reciprocated the greeting with a cheerful "Good morning! Big Sis"

Makino then addressed him with a friendly tone, saying, "Luffy, wait for a sec. Go ahead and take a seat at one of the tables. I'll bring your breakfast to you." Luffy nodded with a grin and replied, "Alright, big sis!"

Luffy, after finding himself a table in the bustling Party's Bar, took a seat. Beside him sat Yasopp, who had noticed Luffy sitting down and greeted him with a casual "Yo, Luffy! Good morning." Without missing a beat, Yasopp continued, "Let me tell you a story about my son, Usopp."

However, Luffy, feeling a bit tired from Yasopp's stories the previous day, let out a subtle sigh and responded, "Weren't you telling me about him yesterday?" Yasopp, engrossed in his tales, didn't seem to notice Luffy's sigh and replied with enthusiasm, "Well, then, how about I tell you a new story about my son?"

A short while later, Makino returned to the hall carrying a tray with Luffy's breakfast. As she approached Luffy's table, she couldn't help but notice his predicament of being trapped in Yasopp's never-ending "my son's Stories" saga. This observation led to a small, amused giggle escaping her lips.

Luffy, feeling a bit betrayed by the situation, turned to Makino with an expression of mock indignation. However, Makino's giggle only grew louder, and playfully teased him about his unfortunate storytelling ordeal.

As Luffy enjoyed his breakfast, engrossed in Yasopp's stories, Shanks and Uta entered the bar. Shanks greeted Luffy and Makino with a warm "good morning," and they both returned the greeting.

Makino efficiently brought them their breakfast, ensuring everyone was well-fed. After they had finished eating, Luffy approached Shanks with determination in his eyes. He told Shanks that he had a request, sparking curiosity throughout the bar. In a loud voice, Luffy declared, "Let me set sail with you on your next adventure!"

The entire bar fell into an abrupt silence, all eyes on Shanks and Luffy. Then, breaking the silence, Shanks burst into hearty laughter. Luffy, puzzled by Shanks' reaction, asked him why he was laughing, to which Shanks replied with a smile, "You're quite the character, Luffy."

As Shanks chuckled at Luffy's bold request, he reminded Luffy that he was still just a kid, and they didn't bring children into their crew. Luffy, momentarily forgetting that Uta was part of the Red Hair Pirates, exclaimed, "I'm not a kid!"

Shanks, unfazed by Luffy's protest, handed him a glass of refreshing orange juice. He playfully taunted, "Is that so?" Luffy, without even realizing it, took the juice and mumbled a polite "thanks."

Shanks continued to tease Luffy, pointing out, "Look, you're still drinking juice, so you're definitely still a kid!" Luffy, feeling a bit embarrassed, retorted with a playful "huh" and looked at the glass in his hand. He then exclaimed, "Shanks, THAT'S UNFAIRRR"

The entire bar erupted in hearty laughter, enjoying the playful banter between Shanks and the young, spirited Luffy.


In the bustling market of Foosha Village, a young and energetic Luffy dashed through the crowd with Uta following closely behind. Luffy's boundless enthusiasm led him to a specific shop where he suddenly stopped, waiting for Uta to catch up.

"Hurry up!" Luffy exclaimed, his impatience showing.

Uta, with a tired voice, retorted, "Instead of telling me to hurry up, how about you slow down a little?"

But Luffy was already off again, not waiting for Uta's response. He pointed toward a shop and said, "That's the Fish Shop run by a fisherman named Po. Big Sis Makino and Misaki-san buy fish for the bar from there."

Without pausing, Luffy grabbed Uta's arm and pulled her along toward the exit of Foosha Village and the entrance to Mt. Colubo.

Luffy, still holding Uta's hand, led her up the mountain. After about ten minutes of walking, they arrived at a cave. Luffy gestured for Uta to follow him, and she did.

As they entered the cave, Uta's eyes widened in awe as she laid her eyes upon a breathtaking sight. Inside the cave was a magnificent waterfall, cascading down into a small, serene pond. Lotus and lily flowers adorned the edges of the pond, adding to the enchanting atmosphere.

"How beautiful," Uta exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder.

Luffy beamed and nodded, his eyes reflecting the same appreciation for the place. He explained, "Isn't it? I found this place when I was wandering with my Grandpa."

Luffy and Uta spent some quality time in the hidden oasis, chatting and savoring the beauty of the place. The peaceful atmosphere and their newfound friendship made it a memorable moment.

As they decided to move on and climb higher, Luffy suggested they have a little competition. Uta, confident in her climbing abilities, agreed. They counted to three and began to ascend the ridge. Luffy's competitive spirit kicked in, and he managed to reach the top first, grinning triumphantly.

Uta joined him at the summit, slightly out of breath, and teased him about his "insane athleticism." Luffy proudly declared that he won this competition due to his training. Their banter continued as they playfully competed in various things, from cuteness to who could talk louder. They took turns winning, making their journey even more enjoyable.

Lying on the grass, basking in the warmth of the sun, Luffy and Uta continued their friendly banter. Uta, curious about Luffy's request to join the Red Hair Pirates, asked him why he wanted to set sail with them. Luffy, still gazing at the sky, replied with a hint of determination in his voice, "I want to go on adventures. I want to live with freedom."

Uta, wise beyond her years, responded by saying that she believed freedom existed within one's own heart and that there was no need to search for it elsewhere. Her words resonated with Luffy, although he didn't fully grasp their meaning at the moment.

Intrigued by Uta's perspective, Luffy asked her to tell him more about the Red Hair crew. Uta, sensing Luffy's genuine interest, couldn't help but smile and replied, "You really want to join the crew, don't you?"

As Luffy and Uta continued their conversation, Luffy invited Uta "Hey Uta follow me! I will show you the best view in the entire Goa Kingdom"

Uta gladly agreed, and as they walked together, she shared more about the Red Hair Pirates.

"They're wild, always drinking and dancing," Uta explained with a grin, to which Luffy chuckled and nodded. Uta continued, "Even though they have their bad habits, I love them all very much. I'm grateful to be the musician of the crew."

Reaching an abandoned windmill, Luffy guided Uta to the top, where they had a breathtaking panoramic view of the town and the golden fields of crops. The sight was truly stunning. Looking out over the landscape, Luffy shared his dream of exploring the world and experiencing such beautiful views with his friends.

Listening to Luffy's passionate words about making friends and traveling in search of these magnificent sights, an idea began to blossom within Uta – the idea of bringing the world together through her music.

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