
One piece : Metallica

Gild Tesoro, one of the non canon tragic villains from One piece gets another chance to change his fate. His memories from his past life along with the ability to control magnetic materials awakens when he's met with a stressful situation regarding a celestial dragon. After massacring the celestial dragon and becoming an enemy of the government he has to navigate his new life to get the best outcome possible. Now with memories from his past life and new abilities will he be able to have a better ending to his story. Disclaimer : I don't own one piece or any of it's characters, all of it belongs to Goda. I don't own the cover art the credit goes to the artist. Author's note: This will be my first time writing something for the online platform. English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors here and there, so feel free to correct me. I'm always open to suggestions and will always listen to constructive criticism. I'm just writing this cause I'm bored and I don't feel like doing anything else.

Konrad_iguess · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Pika Pika no mi

[New world]

Dark clouds filled the sky as strong winds blew to and fro. No bird dared to take flight in such a disastrous condition making it so that no life could be found in the sky . But amidst all the stillness of the non-living there were two life energies clashing with each other in the sky, devoid of any worry for the stormy weather.

"Yasanaki Sacred Jewel", Vice admiral Borsalino crossed his arms as several shots of light beam cut through the air and rushed at Tesoro.

"Sheesh! Right to business aren't we", Tesoro exclaimed with a grin as the Board flew at high speeds to evade the light beams. Tesoro's golden rings liquefied to form small shields around him, blocking most of the shots.

Flashes of light clashed against metal as they moved with great speed through the ocean. The beams managed to force through the golden shields as they began to melt under the high temperature of the attack.

"If you let me go I promise to find you a dealer who will sell you the best shades in the Grandline", Tesoro teased as he dodged a light beam that was headed straight for his head. His hover Board engine started to whirl loudly emitting steam before pushing him further away from Borsalino.

"Hmmm….I don't accept bribes…", Kizaru turned into light particles as he started to give chase to the escaping Tesoro.

A green trail of light was left behind as Tesoro's hover Board went full throttle to keep up with Kizaru's speed but it still seemed to be lacking enough speed to throw the light man off of Tesoro's tracks.

Tesoro's eyes moved from left to right frequently, his guard was raised against the fastest person he knew. His eyes widened when he foresaw that a was kick coming from above him aimed straight for his head . A yellow trail was left behind by a black boot as the kick was just managed to be block my Tesoro's haki coated arms.

Taking the full brunt of Kizaru's light speed kick Tesoro was sent flying through the sky downwards. Rapidly descending in altitude Tesoro almost fell into the ocean before using his power to raise the hoverBoard . This in turn levitated him a few meters above the raging ocean below , preventing him from dining with seakings.

Sighing with relief Tesoro looked up distainfully at the future admiral who remained floating in the air with his shining right boot raised up.

"Oi! What were you thinking throwing me down! What if my suit had got wet!?!" Tesoro shouted angrily as he pointed at the future admiral . While pointing he saw a weird texture on his sleeves, on looking down at his other arm his eyes almost popped out of his skull as he found both of the sleeves of his suit were burnt to a crisp and were beyond repair .

Borsalino raised his brows at the weird antics of his adversary, he was confused as to why this man was more worried about getting his suit wet rather than of drowning in the sea due to the devil fruit curse.

'But then again what can I expect from a man who showed to the whole world that he's attacking the holy land of Marijoa', Borsalino wasted no time and fired a yellow beam of light from his feet.

Seeing Kizaru preparing to fire a light beam, Tesoro already had his hand raised up to defend. The most darkest metal ring on his finger liquefied and slithered around his arm before forming a large conical shield the size of a wall.

The beam of light hit the tip of the shield as it was directed around Tesoro. The scattered beam of light caused several smaller explosions as they hit the already fierce waves below.

"Ooohh….. I think a long distance battle won't really be effective against you….", Kizaru pursed his lips while raising his arms infront as a bright light sword formed in his right hand.

Tesoro frowned as the shield liquefied to form a ring again. He looked down at his suit before looking up to meet Kizaru's gaze with an intense glare.

"Tch! It can't be salvaged anymore", He ripped his black suit off of his body and threw it into the ocean.

Tesoro wore a black shirt underneath that hugged his muscular figure tightly. His broad chest puffed as he cracked his knuckles, flexing the muscles of his girthy neck Tesoro grinned at Borsalino.

"I hope you are ready Kizaru, because I'm going to end this fight quickly now", he then tried to use his powers to control the iron in Kizaru's body . The keyword being 'tried' as he was met with resistance once again.

"Ohhh….so this is what it feels like…..you shouldn't try this you know….. it's useless….I already got informed about your devil fruit power...", Borsallino smiled pleasantly as he used basic armament haki throughout his body.

"Hmm ….", Tesoro raised his eyebrows knowing that he would have to overcome this barrier against his power in the future. "Fine then, I'll just have to beat you the old way, Kizaru" The rings on Tesoro's fingers liquefied as they fused to form an amalgamation. The mixture of metals then formed a thick gauntlet around Tesoro's arms, sharp spikes and intricate designs adorned the gauntlet.

"Hmm... you call me Kizaru a lot?..... I'm yet to be an admiral so I haven't received my code name yet…. But thanks for thinking so I guess….", Kizaru looked a bit confused as he turned into particles of light and appeared next to Tesoro trying to slash at him with his light sword.

Tesoro blocked the slash with his gauntlet as they began a contest of strength, trying to push at each other to see who would be victorious.

"…..I do not know if I should agree with a criminal comparing my power with an admiral….", Borsallino put more force behind the slash trying to overpower the non-budging Tesoro, "But I won't go easy on you just because you are flattering me…..".


[New world ; Far away from Marijoa]

The red vehicle continued to fly through the sky with great speed. Tanaka checked the large GPS on the dashboard, pressing some buttons he sighed in relief as a red circle on the screen came into their view.

'Almost there. Luckily we weren't followed by any marines or government agents ', Tanaka chuckled to himself before flinching at a sudden loud noise .

"zzzZZZZzzzZZ-", the loud rumbling sound seemed to have been emitted by his bear sized companion who had the emotional maturity of a kid.

"Tch! Don't scare me like that you big ape….", Tanaka angrily mumbled before his attention was grabbed by a blinking red button.

Grabbing a speaker close to his face he pressed the button he smiled with gentle demeanor , "Hello! Hello! Tanaka here".

"Hmm~ it seems the extraction went smoothly. Have you made sure you haven't been follow?", A feminine voice asked curiously.

"Hmp! It's just you…. Yes I'm sure no one followed us", Tanaka frowned as he had expected someone else to call.

"Ara~Ara~ Tanaka-San were you expecting someone else?", the feminine voice teased, "I'm sorry to inform you that it's already pass young prince's bed time and he's been put to bed by Mrs. Gild".

Tanaka frowned greatly as his head vein threatened to pop, "Of course I knew that! Don't tease me Baccarat! ".

He slammed the speaker back to it's place and shut it off, "I just hoped that she was still awake….", he mumbled to himself as he continued to drive.

"Huh?….I….want… cream buns...", Dice woke up from the noise of the slamming of the speaker but fell back to sleep.

"Princess? Are they working for royalty?" , Fisher Tiger who was resting with his one eye open overheard the conversation due to his super sensitive hearing . He started to formulate ideas of what kind of people they were being assisted by.

Boa Hancock one of the rescued girls was also wide awake as she couldn't sleep even if she tried to. She also managed to slightly overhear the conversation and started to form her own theories.

The rest of rescued slaves were already fast asleep in their seats as they were not too suspicious of the people who were helping them.

After a while the intercom inside the bus-like vehicle turned on as Tanaka's voice was heard by all the inhabitants, "Wake up people! We will be landing any moment now as are at our destination".

The now freed inhabitants groggily woke up, rubbing their eyes with an exhausted groan , "Are we safe now?", the question was unanimously asked by the them.

"Yes, we are now far away from anyone that can harm us", Tanaka claimed with a slight dramatization to his tone, "You guys can look outside and see for yourself".

Boa Hancock who was near the widow looked outside to see a dense fog surrounding them. She squinted her eyes trying to see anything but just then a flicker of light caught her eye. After which she saw the source of the light as more light started to be visible, her eyes widened in amazement at what she was seeing before her.

Tiger was also looking down with shock, his mouth wide agape as he tightly gripped his chair on seeing such a place existing.

"Is this even real?", Sevta and the rest of the slaves muttered with disbelief.

Below them stood a colossal ship made of gold. It was more appropriate to describe the ship as moving island as it's sheer massive size rivaled a small city. It was elliptical in shape, bordered by tall gold brick walls with golden docks spread all around it. Large gold tinted buildings with pools attached to the exterior porch and roads lined with golden pillars could be seen clearly from above. But above all the most eye catching feature of the ship was it's name in bold golden letters on the largest building in the center of the ship, 'GOLD HORIZON '.

The lights at the docks were lighting up the sky as it assisted the flying bus in landing safely. Once the bus landed the door opened with a loud hiss as the rumbling of the engine came to an end. People dressed in elegant suits and maid dresses approached the bus. They greeted each and every slave and helped them get off the bus.

Tiger's eyes darted around to look for escape routes, 'What did I get myself into?', he was paranoid after seeing such wealth that could only come from a combined efforts of several celestial dragons.

Boa Hancock and her sisters were already being handled by the staff of Gold Horizon who got little to no compliance from the sisters. Boa gritted her teeth as she started to formulate a theory that the attack on Marijoa along with their escape was all staged by the celestial dragons as a twisted game for their petty laughs.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!", Hancock growled at one of the female staff who tried to check on her for any injuries. Just then an aura radiated out of the little girl and spread all around her.

Boa continued to glare at the woman who flinched and fell backwards. The woman knew she shouldn't be afraid of just a little girl but just when the girl shouted at her a chill ran down her spine that made her knees weak.

'It's all just a game to them isn't it!', Hancock clenched her fist as she stood infront of her confused sisters who didn't know what their sister was thinking .

The sisters felt chills, they never expected to have such a reaction to their older sister. But the sisters supported their elder sister's decision without any afterthought and chose to follow her stand against the people of Gold Horizon without even knowing why Boa was acting out.

The rest of the slaves surrounding them also felt goosebumps as they started to sweat from their foreheads.

Tiger recognized the uncontrolled small burst of conquerors haki and noticed that it came from the little girl.

'So the kid has the quality to become a big shot', he found it a bit ridiculous that he managed to rescue a conquerors haki user from becoming a slave for life under the celestial dragons.

"What's going on here?", Tanaka passed through the ship as he enquired around for the source of the commotion. Following behind him was the huge blond man , Dice , who was still yawning as having just woken up from his nap.

After asking a staff nearby Tanaka came to know about what had just happened and approached the little Boa , "Hey kid , I know what you've been through is hellish and that you are all jumpy and shit but you gotta understand that we are just trying to help you."

Boa glared at Tanaka when he tried to console her , " Help us?! Why should we trust what you say!" , she spread her arms out and gestured towards the main city of Gold Horizon, "How do you explain all this riches and luxury? It's not everyday that someone just happens to have this kind of wealth!".

The Boa sisters nodded as they agreed with their sister's point. They crossed their arms and stood beside Hancock to back up her claims whatever they might be.

She gritted her teeth , "You people must have set all of us up. You think it's funny, to give people hope to just snatch it away".

"Oi kid you must be having some misunderstanding. Just let me expl-", Tanaka tried to calm Boa but was interrupted.

"I agree with the kid", Tiger interjected as he started to approach Tanaka and Boa . "This kind of luxury and wealth is usually associated with the celestial dragons and royalty. Who are you people exactly and what schemes are you planning?".

Sensing the tense atmosphere Dice blocked tiger from coming close to Tanaka, "We are not scheming anything. We are just following boss Tesoro's orders".

Tiger glared at the large man who was built like a brick wall. His fury continuing to grow along with his suspicion. He was sure that he could take him on a fight even on land or water but what worried him was that they were at a strange place and surrounded by people who could be enemies. 'if only I had to worry about only myself', Tiger furrowed his brows.

"Oi Dice, don't get hostile", Tanaka muttered from behind his companion before looking at Tiger "I promise you our boss only has good intentions".

"Good intentions? Like hell I'll believe that!", Boa scoffed at Tanaka before speaking with a tough mannerism , "I bet your boss is just planning on making us into his slaves. He's just like the celestial dragons, nothing but a rich bastard."

Tanaka's blood boiled at that comment as he glared furiously at Hancock , "What did you say you little shit!" .

The dense air of discontent could be cut with a knife as Tanaka and Boa continued to glare at each other while Dice and Tiger knowing a fight could break out at any moment dared their opponent to move first.

Sevta swallowed his saliva as the tension grew, he wearily looked around for any weapons as he was ready to fight alongside Tiger if things took a turn for the worst.

The people surrounding them were too afraid to approach them given that they were already quite shook from the burst of conquerors haki.

"Ara~ara~ it seems our guests are quite unsatisfied with our services and some apologies are in order from our staff", a feminine voice cooed as the tapping sound of high heels approached the angry bunch.

A curvaceous red head with an hourglass body shape and long slender legs smirked as she catwalked towards the 'guests', her hips swaying with each step. She wore a black and white striped short dress that hugged her curves tightly, a yellow feathered scarf around her neck, blue pearled earrings hanging from her ear and dark sunglasses covering her eyes. The short dress did not cover the red tattoo on her left thigh.

The slaves couldn't take their eyes off of the alluring woman before them and could do nothing but stare in silent adoration.

The lady turned towards Tanaka and dice before smirking, "I advise you both to stop your antics before boss knows about it. After all, the guests should be treated with care".

Dice sighed before nodding slowly in understanding but Tanaka just grunted before crossing his arms, "Mind your own business ".

Baccarat smiled as she turned towards tiger and Boa Hancock, "I'm truly sorry for my colleagues actions they can be a bit of a meat-head sometimes. I hope you can find it in your kind hearts to forgive them and lend us your trust".

Hancock and Tiger grew weary at another unpredictable factor thrown into the mix. The red head seemed to held a strong management position, her relaxed and composed demeanor showed to them that she wasn't afraid of any of their retaliation or that she believed that there would be no fight being out up by them.

Tiger scoffed at the woman, " And Why should we trust you? All you humans are the same ". Although he said this tiger knew kind humans also existed in this world but their number couldn't be compared to the majority of evil hearted humans . But he held different opinions about humans who had been subjected to an arduous life of slavery.

Tiger clenched his fist as his paranoia made him contemplate several scenarios at that instant. He felt that he needed help every slave escape as quickly as possible as the boss seemed to have yet to arrive. From what he saw at Marijoa he wasn't confident in his abilities to confront that dancing maniac.

Baccarat sighed in frustration at the distrust of the Fishman. She had already been informed a few days prior by her boss that they might be subjected to a Fishman slave's prejudiced outlook on humans.

Just as Baccarat was contemplating on how to explain to their guests that they meant no harm , a sound of flapping of wings was heard from above. Distracted, everyone looked up to see a young teenager girl gliding down with the help of wings made of flesh.

She landed between the hostile Tiger and baccarat with a soft thud as the wings on her back withered away into flower petals.

Baccarat instantly knew who she was and came close to her to whisper, "Miss Robin you shouldn't be here. I'll handle all of this since Boss left me in charge.", she sighed before continuing "And most importantly your identity is might be revealed".

Tiger was now very agitated at the arrival of a new fruit user. But when he looked at the face of the newly arrived girl he felt that he had seen her somewhere before during his travels. The blue eyes and straight black hair seemed to ring a bell but he couldn't put his finger on it. His sharp ear also managed to pick up the supposed name of the girl, 'Robin….. I feel like her name and appearance is familiar but I can't quite remember'.

Robin smiled at the worried Baccarat, "It's okay Baccarat-San. I just want to help you out if possible." She turned to Tiger, "And I don't mind my identity being revealed if it helps our guests to trust us".

Tigers eyes widened after being able to look at Robin's face more clearly. While on his travels he had seen the wanted poster for the youngest girl with a high bounty, the devil child, "You….. You are Ni-".

"Yes, I'm Nico Robin.", Robin completed Tiger's sentence "Since you know that I'm wanted by the government and the marines you must now understand that we are not affiliated with them."

Tiger wanted to believe that it was some kind of trick but he has to trust his eyes. The girl standing before him was the perfect mirror of the wanted poster he saw before. She had aged a lot since the picture was taken but the resemblance was still there.

Hancock who was now standing beside Tiger looked at Robin with a weird expression, 'Wanted by the government? She looks just like my age'.

Robin saw the look that Boa was giving her and replied, "Don't worry, I mean you no harm. I'm not as ruthless or dangerous as the government puts me out to be. So don't be afraid of me".

Boa gritted her teeth and clenched her fist tightly in front of her face, "Oi, Who said I was afraid of you!". Before Boa could go forward and give into her violent tendency she was blocked by Tiger's hand.

Tiger frowned with deep contemplation as he looked at Robin, "Okay Nico Robin, I am ready to accept that you are not working with the marines or the government. But then answer my one question, Did you know about my attack on Marijoa and why did all of you interfere. You had no reason to.".

"I'm sorry but I think you will find a more satisfactory answer if you ask the one man behind this whole operation.", Robin smiled as Tesoro's wide grin came into her mind. "As for now I can only offer you the assurance that you all will be safe in here".

Tiger nodded slightly as he recalled the scene back at Marijoa, "Who is he exactly?".

"I'm not sure if you heard of him before but he was notorious a few years back for killing a celestial dragon, his name is Gild Tesoro." Robin's face gleamed with pride before adding "He's my father".

Tigers eyes widened as he finally recalled where he heard that name before. It was before his journey and before he even met a celestial dragon. It was all over the newspaper that he got when he went to the surface for a small expedition before his travels.

"But I read that he was killed by a newly appointed Marine admiral", Tiger was hesitant to believe Robin.

"I have already mentioned about the government spreading false information about me so it's pretty evident that the same happened in the case of my father as well", Robin explained.

Tiger looked at Robin intently and tried to search for any speck of deceit.

"I see", on finding nothing Tiger sighed in relaxing since a long time. "We'll be in your care then", he nodded at Baccarat who seemed to now be content that their guests finally trusted them.

Boa looked up at Tiger with slight confusion but decided to trust the decision of the man who freed her and her sisters. She looked back at her sisters and nodded. The sister instantly understood each other without a single word.

Baccarat nodded before donning her stage smile again, "Please follow me, I'll take you to your quarters where you can relax and rest. We also have some delicacies that simply taste amazing~", she swayed her hips as she walked back to Gold Horizon leading the slaves.

The slaves now sighed with relief with relief before following Baccarat. They no longer had to be on high alert and that the situation was defused. The maids and butlers assisted them on their way.

While the Boa sisters were heading to the city Hancock looked back at the maid that she had shouted at. She looked troubled as she was in a dilemma, she didn't know whether to apologize or not. She decided to ignore such feelings and continue walking as the feeling of remorse might make her seem weak willed.

"Don't be too stressed now", Sevta patted Tiger's shoulder lightly as he walked towards the main city of Gold Horizon.

"Took you long enough", Tanaka snorted as he walked by Tiger and phased into the ship.

"Please enjoy your stay", Dice smiled at Tiger, seemingly forgetting the hostile encounter he had before. Walking beside the slaves he offered to carry anyone of them who had trouble walking.

"I did loose a few of my toes so can you carry me?", Sevta chuckled, sarcasm evident in his tone . He was left in disbelief when he was picked up in a bridal carry immediately by Dice.

"Woah, your toes are really gone", Dice looked at Sevta's feet while continuing to walk forward .

Now knowing that this man didn't understand sarcasm at all Sevta struggled to get down but Dice held him tightly and refused to let go . Dice thought that he was just shy about asking for help and thought that Sevta was just afraid to impose a favor on dice. Obscenities were continued to be shouted by Sevta as Dice ignored him and continued to carry him towards the city.

Tiger sighed with exhaustion before starting to following the line of slaves. He stopped beside Robin and asked, "Are you sure we will be safe here? The powers your father is messing with is no joke".

Robin knew that these kind of thoughts would be hard for anyone to keep at bay during such times . She smiled assuringly, "Don't worry Tiger-san. Tesoro-San is capable of protecting us".


Sweat began to trail down Borsallino's forehead as he continued to block each punch and jab from Tesoro using his light sword . He had underestimated his opponent's strength a moment ago when he tried to use brute force against him.

What only ended up happening was that the never budging Tesoro pushed him into a corned with his monstrous strength.

A wild gleam shone through Tesoro's eyes as he continue to rain down punches on the light human, not giving him any chance of relaxation. The thrusters on his feet at max output to barely keep up with the speed of the fight.

Borsallino struggled to keep up as everytime he tried to turn into light particles Tesoro would just punch him with his haki coated gauntlets before he could even start.

'Is this the future sight that Zephyr-sensei talked about', Borsallino tried to take a step back and become intangible light particles but Tesoro rushed in with an upper cut.

Blocking the blow with his light sword Borsallino was sent flying backwards due to the sheer strength behind the punch. He managed to stop himself mid flight, his arms aching from blocking such a heavy blow. Breathing heavily, Borsallino thought of turning back as he had underestimated his opponent.

"Can't have time to relax now can we", Tesoro smirked as he raised his right gauntlet at Borsallino. The gauntlet morphed into a fist sized cannon as a flash of light occurred and a metallic sphere headed towards Borsallino.

Using his speed of light Borsallino dodged the shot, which exploded just before it reached the spot where Borsallino was before, and moved behind Tesoro but still kept his distance. He had already experienced his strength and concluded that a fight in close quarters would lead to a quick defeat.

Crossing his arms , "Yasanaki sacred jewel!", Borsallino shot several light beams towards the exposed back of Tesoro.

Gold tinted shield erected to cover Tesoro's back as all the beams were deflected . The gold covering of the metal shields melted to show the inner dark core. Tesoro frowned as he slowly turned towards Borsallino, he was growing tired of the repeated failed attempts by this yellow monkey.

"Stop fighting like a coward!", Tesoro roared as he aimed the right cannon at the light man and shot several metal bombs.

Turning into light Borsallino continue to dodge and weave around Tesoro as the barrage of metal bombs followed him . Metallic dust filled the air as Borsallino continue to dodge and shoot Tesoro. The beams did little to no damage as the shields were continuous erected again and again. Borsallino noticed that nothing he did worked but just hoped that he could wear down Tesoro over time. There was no way that Tesoro could use his devil fruit limitlessly without suffering from exhaustion. This was no longer a simple battle for Borsallino but a battle of endurance.

After a while of continuing this fiasco , Borsallino grew anxious about his opponent's tenacity and crossed his arms to shoot the largest condensed light beam he has ever conjured. The beam was shot at light speed as it headed for Tesoro's chest.

Tesoro foresaw the move that Borsallino was planning and just turned around to face the man. Smiling, he took the beam head on. A large explosion occurred as Tesoro's whole body was engulfed in smoke and flames .

'What? Is this a trick?', Borsallino was left bewildered at the fact that Tesoro just took the hit head on. While still reeling from shock he failed to notice that the metallic dust around him had started to shift around Kizaru without his attention.

It was too late by the time Kizaru look around to realize that he was encased in a huge metallic sphere . The sphere was so huge that it surrounded him and ran a few meters from it's center. The hollow sphere contained within a frightened Borsallino and the smoke covered Tesoro who was now visible to be grinning.

"Nowhere to run now" , Tesoro raised his right arm and squeezed his fist as the sphere started to shrink.

Borsallino sweated profusely as his brain tried to formulate a plan to best counter this predicament.

"….hmmm…..it seems you didn't plan your move cautiously….You just served me victory on a silver platter", Borsallino smirked as he turned into light ray and went charging towards Tesoro.

"Huh?", Tesoro was confused as to what Kizaru was talking about. He just used his future sight to see his move. What he saw confused him further as Kizaru completely missed him and hit the metal wall beside him.

The future came to pass as Kizaru did hit the wall and reflected away. He hit another wall and continued to get reflected. Tesoro's eyes widened as he realised what was happening. The speed at which Borsallino continue to bounce from one wall to another continue to grew as the sphere contracted. The speed continued to grow as Tesoro's future sight could not longer keep up.

Tesoro stop the shrinking of the sphere but the stone was already rolled and it only continued to gain momentum as Tesoro was struck in his stomach by a kick at the speed of light enhanced by the repeated reflections.

Tesoro tried to stand his ground but was sent flying due to the sheer force generated by the fast attack. He crashed into the metal wall forming a deep crater, stuck to the wall for a few moment before unsticking and falling off.

Borsallino didn't let the momentum die as he continued to fly from one wall to another and strike Tesoro randomly. He himself didn't knew where he was heading and continued to use his light speed hoping to hit Tesoro.

Rays of light trail filled the inside of the sphere as Tesoro started to be flung inside the sphere without a moment of rest. The sphere was filled with craters and dents as the fight continued , it seemed that everything was going in the favor of Borsallino.

'I just have to continue till I'm sure he's down', Borsallino smirked in his thoughts as he continued to move faster and faster.

"You shouldn't be too overconfident as the tides of the battle can change on a whim", Borsallino taunted as he kicked Tesoro again sending him flying.

Tesoro closed his eyes and frowned , his body was being tossed left and right but was not being dealt any damage. During the last three years his body had undergone drastic changes internally. Now he barely took any damage , his body was too tough to be beaten easily even especially when not using haki.

He knew whatever Kizaru threw at him won't affect him in the slightest. He was just engaging Kizaru out of pure boredom. He knew once he went back to Gold horizon he would have more work ahead of him. He was ecstatic when Kizaru blocked his path as it meant he could play around for longer. But now that he was being thrown around his pride was hurt . Tesoro decided to end things right there and then .

"That's enough", Tesoro said in a low tone as the metallic sphere instantly shrunk into a much smaller sphere as there was barely any room.

Borsallino realized it too late as he had no time to stop his trajectory and continued to head towards Tesoro . Moving at a great speed meant it was sometimes hard for his thoughts to keep up and he couldn't make split second decisions once he had already made a move.

'Shit….', Borsallino cursed in his head as time slowed down for him. All he saw was Tesoro's fist grabbing his face. The seastone ring on Tesoro's right hand slithered around Borsallino's body and formed a collar around his neck. Borsallino instantly lost his devil fruit ability and become lethargic.

Tesoro didn't waste any time and slammed his head through the sphere wall. A loud cracking sound was heard, the walls of the sphere crumbled and cracked open to show a bloodied Kizaru tightly grasped by Tesoro. Borsallino had lost consciousness his eyes rolled to the back of his skull as his arms and legs remained limp. Blood trickled down his face as Borsallino's marine cape fell into the raging sea below.

Tesoro threw one of his rings down and crafted a metallic boat under them. Dropping Borsallino in it he took a deep breath as he brushed his hair back.

Sighing deeply he looked down at Borsallino, "It seems I lost myself in the moment. Now, it'll be more difficult to continue my plans with Vegapunk." .


Tesoro's thoughts were interrupted as heard a familiar sound of dendenmushi . It was coming from underneath Borsallino's marine coat. Tesoro used a metal string to pull the dedenmushi close to himself.


"Hello, Borsallino have you completed the mission. What's your status?", a rough voice could be heard . Tesoro instantly recognized that the voice belonged to the fleet admiral of the Marines.

Tesoro grinned before coughing and answering, "It's a pleasure to hear your voice , fleet admiral.".

"You!..... How did you get this dedenmushi?...What did you do to Kizaru? ….Don't you dare do anything that you'll regret in the future! The Marines will never stop searching for you!", Sengoku screamed through the dendenmushi , his anger and desperation evident in the tone.

'I don't really plan on killing Kizaru as Vegapunk might not co-operate with me in the future. I need 'that thing' in egghead so I can't do anything drastic', Tesoro thought deeply at his dilemma before smirking 'But that doesn't mean I can't have fun with Sengoku'.

"Oh! Is that a threat?", Tesoro snickered "I'm sorry but I accidentally killed Borsallino in our fight. He was too weak as even when I tried to hold back my strength was too much for him".

"YOU BASTARD!!! YOU'LL PAY FO-", Before Sengoku could continue to scream and damage his hearing Tesoro cut the connection off and threw the dendenmushi back at Borsallino's unconscious body.

"Maybe his hair will become white even sooner now that I'm here.", Tesoro chuckled as he flew down "But I guess he'll just dye it black again."

Tesoro landed on the metal boat and made some adjustments. He used one of his seastone rings to form a bar under the boat to keep the seakings away. The seastone collar around Borsallino's neck flew back towards Tesoro and became a ring.

"Can't waste these things now can I", the ring went back to it's rightful finger. It was impossible to increase the matter of seastone and all he could do was manipulate its shape and size unlike other metals at his disposal. Tesoro reasoned that it was due to it's unique properties. So Tesoro decided to just have some seastone already prepared and ready to use at all times.

Tesoro took one last look at the bloodied Borsallino, "Maybe once you are an admiral I'll play with you again" he muttered before turning on Borsallino's dendenmushi near his face so that the marines could hear Borsallino's breathing and trace his location. Turning around and flying away, Tesoro's thrusters now flew in a steady speed.

Heading back towards Gold Horizon Tesoro thought of all the management duty and sighed. He couldn't leave everything to Baccarat even if she was his secretary. But Tesoro began to smile again when he remembered that he had several precious people waiting for him.

He wasn't keen on staying away from them for long but was most looking forward to seeing the smile of a particular precious young boy again. That was all that mattered to him at the end of the day.


[Gold Horizon]

In a huge luxurious room a blond woman and a green haired boy could be seen fast asleep under warm fuzzy blankets. The dimly lit room would provoke a warm and pleasant feeling in anyone who witnessed it. Several toys and drawing pages were strewn about throughout the room.

A small blond boy. was nestled in deep embrace of her mother, peace and calm etched on their faces they slept with no worries.

Just then a low rumbling filled the room. The rumbling was so subtle that one would have to pay really close attention to notice it. The little boy's eyes flickered open as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her mother's arms were still around her so she moved away to escape her clutches.

Yawning deeply he stretched his arms, eyes still closed he smiled widely , "Dad's back!", he excitedly exclaimed as his eyes opened to show dark blue coloured iris .


Finally done with my extrance exams for college. Since my first semester begins around August I'll be free for the next two months. I'll try to upload daily again if I get motivated.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Konrad_iguesscreators' thoughts