
One piece : MASTER

Lucky_7501 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs


He woke up, washed his hands and face with blood, went down to the basement.

Inside, the straw hat pirates were tied up and tortured, staring blankly at the wall. But Adam applied a special recipe to Robin and Nami.

It's bad that Robin is not a virgin, if you try to protect your life safety, you can't ensure the safety of your pussy.

"Are you going to tell us your fruit talent now?" Luffy was going crazy with curiosity. He shouted Meat Meat and started to get angry.

I don't give information to my enemies, but you've reached your limit, so... My talend

Mystical Zoan Master Dragon Hahahahahahaha

The hope in the crew's eyes disappeared completely when they heard these.

Now my slaves, tell me today's date

1522 April Monday

Master Adam