
One piece: Marine of justice

This is the story of a boy named Amos who journeys through the Grand line with his own sense of justice and freedom ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: only my OC's are my creation one piece itself is not mine.

Gaming_zone · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


MC pov

To make sure that I heard it right I asked again.

"What did you say?"

"You will be staying inside for 2 months" Aunt replied with a stoic face and a hidden gleam in her eyes.

Did I see the excitement in her eyes this doesn't look good for me.

cause she will only be excited if I am the one suffering.

Now I am having an urge to just run from here.

but can I do that No.

sigh let's see what's in there if it is too much then I will just run.

As I was walking inside the cave suddenly

growl! growl!

" What the heck is in there" I suddenly exclaimed.

then came the voice of my aunt from behind me.

"That's a wild beast for you starving for days waiting for its prey." She said with a smile.

After I saw that smile I knew I f*** up

"Damnyou! Do you want me to die"I started shouting at her for bringing me to my death.

"Damn it I am not dying here." saying that I started running towards the entrance.

but in my panic, I forgot that Aunt was standing behind me when she should be in front.

"No, you don't," she said while kicking me inside and then she closed the entrance with a rock.

Before closing she said.

"survive or break this rock and come out." then she threw a roasted boar of my size in and then the entrance was closed with no light.

'Man, what the f*** does she want me to do, break? This rock that's more than 10 meters wide and 6 meters high there's no way I can break it cracking it would be the best and that too after thousands of times punching it.

sigh, let's try it first.

As I was about to try to break the rock I heard.

growl growl

that same growl but this time it was much closer.

"Shit I forgot this thing is still here but what the heck in this dark how am I gonna see him" Just as I was thinking about this I felt like air wash over me and without any warning I was hit by a big object and thrown to the wall

bam! crack

"Ugh, bh dam it" I was thrown like a rag doll to the wall.

After wiping the blood coming from my mouth I got up with difficulty in standing up straight with my left leg twisted and my right arm broken.

"Damn, it felt like I was rammed by a speeding truck

Now I can't even stand properly how am I gonna survive this shit " I thought out loud.

But I got no chance this time again as I felt a wind whistle towards me.

'I am not gonna fall for the same trick twice' I thought.

however, when I tried to jump from its path it still grazed me on my side thankfully I jumped away or I might have been down for the count and become that thing's meal.

"I can not be in a passive state anymore I have to fight back," I thought.

But the issue is I am incapable of seeing in this dark cave here.

so I have to focus on my other senses to identify his position and then it's attacking path.

As I focused on my other senses I sensed that everything had quieted down other than my increased heartbeat and my breathing there was no other sound.

tap tap

that's when I heard almost none existent footsteps moving toward me steady and cautious lurking in the dark of the cave.

damn it this is the best hiding place for a predator like it.

this shit is looking at me as its prey.

But it's still not certain who is going down.

And so the fight for survival begins.


'This shit is quite a patient one ain't he but I am not giving it a chance to attack me again' I thought.

while keeping my senses alert I was trying to find it to be used as a weapon but got nothing in the end.

So then my fists should do it.

"If there's nothing here then I will punch it and tear him with my hands then." I was ready for him to attack this time.

And then that shit lunged at me again but this time I was ready.

I tried to punch it when I felt that it was close by but even though my hit connected the shit was able to take a chunk out of my shoulder.

while holding the wound on my right shoulder I retreated a bit.

'Damn it all, like how the situation is going I am gonna die here' Is there nothing I could do.'

As I was thinking this, that shit was going towards the boar.

'is he going to eat the boar now what about me isn't he going to attack me.'

And as I thought the shit was eating the boar.

Damn it I will you pay for ignoring me as I was thinking of attacking it.

"ugh damn it, it hurts I can not move for now sigh there's no way I can attack it in this condition I am in now firstly I have to stop the bleeding"I said disgruntled and helpless.

As I was wrapping my shirt around the wound to stop the bleeding I sensed that the shit has gone silent.

And then.

snoring snoring

" What the" I almost exclaimed in anger.

does that shit think I am not even worth paying attention to, in this dark cave where I could attack it at any time with him being in a handicap.

might even kill it.

damn this arrogant shit.

I was gnashing my teeth at this time I wanted nothing

but to tear it to pieces after what state it has left me in.

but alas I couldn't do to him anything now.

grrr grr

'Man I am starving' As I heard my stomach I remembered I hadn't eaten anything since waking up.

I should have eaten something before coming to this damned place.

As I was thinking about food I remember that shit was eating that boar.

" it must have left something right, let's see if something is left for me," I said in a hushed tone.

As I got close to the boar while making sure I was at a distance from that shit getting close to the boar.

After some inspection, it appears that shit has eaten all of it with mostly bones left on it.

" sigh beggers can't be the chooser" while bracing myself for having to eat a leftover of an animal.

What would the humans of the 21st century think when they see what their fellow human is doing? eating leftovers and that to of an animal shame on you.

Go hell with your shame how am I gonna survive empty stomach anyway if I am not dying of this shit then I will die of hunger.
