
One Piece: Man of Steel(Paused)

A kryptonian accidentally arrives in the One Piece world. What changes will he bring to the world?

ConDOriano · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Broken Dreams and Promises{Bonus Chapter}

Nova had always been a sheltered child, protected from the harsh realities of the world by his mother Rogue. Growing up, he had never seen bloodshed or violence and had always been kept away from danger. But now, everything had changed. Nova had decided to take his training seriously, and with the help of Jor-El and Roger, his strength and abilities had increased with each passing day.

Jor-El, the intelligent assistant in the ship had taught Nova how to control his Kryptonian body, advanced science, strategy and martial arts during the night, while Roger had trained him in swordsmanship, haki, and combat during the day. Nova was a quick learner, and he soaked up everything they taught him like a sponge. He was determined to become stronger and better, and he trained tirelessly every day.

As Nova continued his training, he noticed something strange happening between his mother and Roger. They had always been close, but now there was something more between them. Nova was happy for his mother, who had been living alone all these years, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease he had about Roger. He had heard rumours that Roger was a wanted pirate, and he didn't know what to make of it.

One day, as they sat together after training, Roger and Rogue disclosed their growing relationship to Nova. They both looked happy, but Nova couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. He didn't know much about the world outside the island, but he had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen in the future.

After that day, Nova became even more determined to become stronger. He realized his potential, and he swore to himself that he would not let anything happen to his mother even if he was to watch the world burn. He trained harder than ever before, pushing his body to the limit every day. Training also showed results, not only did he learn very fast, but furthermore his control over his own powers also increased. Now he doesn't accidentally break the doorknob in the mornings.

As days went by Nova also began to grow older. He started to understand the complexity of the world outside their small island, and he realized that not everything was as black and white as he had once believed. He began to see the shades of grey in people's motivations and actions, and he learned to be more self-reliant. He can't wait for anyone to save his a**, he can only trust his family and his own strength.

Meanwhile in the Navy HQ:

"Order came from above, we must capture and execute Roger as soon as possible. The Gorosei are pissed off and ordered us to even capture everyone related to him within a month." Kong declared to everyone present in the room.

"Garp and Sengoku, both of you will lead the operation and I don't want to see any mishaps this time. The Marine's competency will be questioned if we fail this time."

"Yes Admiral" Sengoku gave a salute.

"Tskk!! So bothersome!!" Garp said while picking his nose.

Tic marks appeared on Kong's face due to anger, this brat Garp never fails to make him angry. He should get paid more for managing this wild marine. It's unfortunate that all the marines, the celestial dragon and even the common populace hail him as the Marine Hero. In his opinion, Sengoku was a better fit for that title.

The hunt for Roger started in earnest, spies(CP), marines and bounty hunters worked tirelessly to locate Roger and anyone related to him. A massive purge ensued and many people were hunted down by the marines either in secret or in broad daylight.


Roger and Rogue had been together for a while now, and their love had only grown stronger over time. They were overjoyed when they found out that they were expecting a baby, and they couldn't wait to start their new family together.

However, their happiness was short-lived. Roger received a piece of news that he was subconsciously expecting, his past has caught up to him and the marines were always actively hunting for him. He knew that if he was caught, he would be imprisoned or worse, and he couldn't bear the thought of putting Rogue and their unborn child in danger. The World Government will not let him breathe after what his crew discovered on Laughtale. He kept on thinking about how he could manage the situation, he slowly devised a plan to make trouble for the Marines. The only way he could delay the marine dogs for a few years was if he surrenders himself. To protect his child's and Nova's life he planned to cash in a favour from a certain someone. He knew that it would be the safest option for Nova, Rogue and their unborn child, but it was a decision that would change their lives forever.

Scene Break:

Nova sat across from Roger, trying to hide the anger in his eyes. Roger had made the difficult decision to surrender himself to the Marines, to protect the child he and Rogue were expecting. He has explained to Rogue why he was taking this step and after the three stages of grief, she accepted this fate. But Nova was not Rogue, he couldn't watch his mother suffer.

"I know you're doing this to protect my little brother or sister," Nova said quietly, "but it doesn't make it any easier to accept."

"I'm sorry, son," Roger said, his voice heavy with regret. "I wish there was another way, but I know that turning myself in is the only way to keep you, your mother and our child safe."

Nova nodded slowly, feeling a lump forming in his throat. He had grown to respect and care for Roger deeply over the months, and the thought of losing him was almost too much to bear. What hurt him more was his mother Rogue would have to suffer after Roger surrendered.

"I won't forget everything you've taught me," Nova said, his voice shaking slightly. "I'll keep training, and when the time comes, I'll make sure my mother is safe."

"I have no doubt that you will, Nova," Roger said, a small smile appearing on his face. "You're strong, smart, and soon you will more than capable of protecting our family. I have a friend in the Marines and I plan to ask him to take you and your sibling under his care."

The two of them sat in silence for a few moments, both lost in their own thoughts. Nova knew that he would have to say goodbye to Roger soon, and the thought made his heart ache.

"I don't need your charity! Just leave already like you planned, I won't thank you for anything, it was my fault for not realizing that you were not meant to be with my mother. Tell your friend Garp or whatever to come and take you child wherever you deem safe, I can take care of my mother." Nova said angrily.

Rogue and Roger felt her heart breaking when they heard little Nova's words, Rogue wanted to defend Roger but Roger held her hand. He reached across the table and hugged little Nova, " Okey, I understand. And I'm sorry for the pain I've caused our family. But I have faith in you, Son. You're strong enough to protect your loved ones, and I believe that you'll make the right decisions. Just remember my love for you and Rogue was not a lie, I hope you will realise this one day and forgive me."

Roger placed a chest and a sword on the table, "I was not able to do my duty as a father and a husband, I just hope you will use this to protect your mother and sibling one day when the time comes."

Nova realized Roger was telling the truth because had activated his super hearing from the start and monitored Roger's heartbeat to check if he was being genuine. But anger was an emotion that was not so easily quelled and he felt betrayed as Roger left him and Rogue to fend for themselves. Rogue was also heartbroken and started crying as Roger left the island on a small ship. Her sweet dreams and hopes about finally having a loving family with Nova, Roger and her child were shattered.


A/N: Today I was in my zone so I wrote another chapter. Many of you might question why I am not saving Roger, Its easy if you think about it. Roger death will mark the great pirate era and inspire key figures to go to the grand line. Also I previously wrote that the Scout Ship was heavily damaged so don't ask me why I didn't use Kryptonian technology to cure Roger.

Roger's death was a symbolic world changing moment so Roger has to die for greater good. Will MC will let go of his anger one day as he grows older and becomes more mature? Will he regret this behavior? You will know if you read.

Comment your thoughts on this chapter and give reviews if you like my writing.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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