
One Piece: Makoto

A man dies and is reborn as Luffy's brother

Dak0ta · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

#3 The Dangerous cook (Thor Arc )

#3 The Dangerous cook (Thor Arc )

1 Hour Later.

Makoto was sleeping peacefully and quietly, but then his tiny boat bumped into an island which woke him up even though it was just a small bump. When he opened his eyes he stood up to see he was by an island, he immediately took a step onto the island.

When Makoto took step onto the island he immediately smelt the best aroma he had ever smelt. His body started to follow the smell on it's on which he didn't mind. After about 5 minutes his body stopped in a big kingdom-looking thing.

There were tons of people walking around with food, even people cooking outside, but each way you turned there was either a person cooking or eating. The smell was coming from a huge restaurant, when Makoto walked in the first thing he saw was the whole place getting robbed.

"HEY WHAT DID I SAY, BRING THE BOSS SOME MORE FOOD, AND MAKE IT TASTE THE SAME." Said a man with a pistol we will call him henchman #1

"I'm sorry sir but the chef that cooked the food said he wasn't going to cook for bastards like you. But if you want we can get another chef to make him food"

"Hey boss, what do you think? Do you want the same chef's food or a different one?" Said henchman #1

There was a man sitting down in the booth with his legs on the tabe. He was bald and had a brown beard with brown eyes.

"Look me in my eyes!" He grabbed henchman #1 and made him look him in the eyes. "What do you think?" He then threw the henchman on the ground.

The henchman then got up "Get the same cook to cook the boss the food or else I'll kill you and your whole family!!"


A knife was then thrown out of nowhere and pierced right into henchman #1s head, the henchman fell onto the ground dead.

"I said I wasn't going to cook for some scummy pirates, I will not repeat it again. I hate pirates!!"

Said a man with blonde hair and blue eyes, he was around 5'10 or something like that. His name was Carter, an 18 year old cook, the best of the best. You could even say he was the world's greatest cook.

"Wait the- Wait are you guys waiting for kill him!!"

There were about 30 henchmen in total, 20 with guns and 10 with swords. The 10 with the swords ran towards Carter attacking. He dodged all of the attacks and then after he easily knocked each of them out with a single punch.

But he wasn't looking and all 20 of them shot their guns, there were at least 150 bullets in total just going towards Carter. But then Makoto walked up in front of Carter and blew blue fire out of his mouth. Burning most of the bullets before they could touch Carter, but for the other bullets they damaged the building pretty bad.

The boss then stood up "So you're a devil fruit user, Just like my boss Thor. You're the second person I've ever seen with a devil fruit. I like your devil fruit. I heard when the user dies the fruit grows back, so when I kill you two I'll ask the boss to get it for me."

"Wow, very funny but I won't be dying anytime soon, so you won't get the chance to get my devil fruit sorry not sorry."

"Wait, you know Thor! Where is he tell me now!"

"Look blondie you will never get to see Thor so don't ask again or I'll make your death super painful."

Without noticing Charter was behind the guy the henchman called boss, Carter then jumped up in the air and clicked the guy in the back of the head, which made him lose his balance as he was falling, Makoto grabbed on to his head

"I call this move Incinerator!"

Makoto's hand went up in blue flames and so did the bald man's head, he then ran out the restaurant looking for water


"Who are you and what is a devil fruit?"

"Uh a devil fruit is a fruit that gives you powers when you eat it, but you lose the ability to swim. Oh and I'm a pirate!"

"A pirate!"

Carter took out a knife and threw it at Makoto which was burned to a crisp before it could even touch him.

"Hey wait a second I'm a good pirate not like the others!"

"Yeah I would have to be stupid to believe something like that!"

"I'm serious, I actually want you to join my crew."

"I would never join a pirate! After what they did to me! I'll kill every last pirate!"

TO BE CONTINUED (Next chapter is totally not a backstory)