
Chapter 68 Killing The Captain At The Beginning, Zoro Kills The Ship With His Sword.

On the second day, Goa Queen and Going Merry headed towards Glass Bead Island at full speed.

In the morning, Zoro was practicing as usual.

Kuina is also training herself.

Watching my wife and love will work hard to make progress.

Luffy was very ashamed.

Out of motivation for myself,

Luffy also practiced for ten minutes.

Well! I feel like my strength has greatly increased!

No wonder Zoro and Kuina exercise so hard.

Starting from today, my king Luffy will also fight.


Stick to it.


Take a look at the properties panel.

All properties are found to be exactly the same as before.

Luffy was lost in thought.

Forget it, just be a salted fish.

It's okay to think about turning around.

Just lie down and leave the struggle to Zoro and Kuina.

It feels good to lie flat for a while, and it feels good to lie flat all the time.

Kuina saw that Luffy, a big pervert, actually came out to exercise today because he was a slacker.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he walked over and teased Luffy.

"I said you big pervert, why are you out exercising today?"

When Luffy saw Kuina coming over, he immediately put his arms around Kuina's waist and said in her ear: "Occasionally, I accompany Kuina's wife to exercise together."

Kuina couldn't listen to Luffy's love words and blushed all of a sudden.

Pushed Luffy away and said: "Don't come close, Rishen Zhenzhen."

Luffy deliberately moved closer and sniffed hard: "It smells very good. Kuina's wife smells so good."

Kuina blushed even more, and in a fit of anger, she gave Luffy a hard kick.

"It hurts! It hurts! I'm hurt." Luffy hugged his feet and said exaggeratedly.

Gu 31 Ina ignored the rubber man's exaggerated performance, but seriously told Luffy the story about the Golden Island, as well as the conversation between Princess Morty and Nami.

Luffy said that there is no need to worry too much.

Kaya had told him before that Luffy didn't care at all about the Golden Island.

"I am the man who wants to be the Pirate King." Luffy said to Kuina.

While talking, Luffy deliberately stood in the sun, his whole body radiating the sun's rays, a man with his own buff.

Kuina looked at Luffy's bold words and was a little crazy for a moment.


[I can't be tempted in the face of so much gold. Sure enough, only such a man is worthy of me Kuina. ]

Luffy smiled.

If others don't know, doesn't Luffy himself know?

There is no gold at all on Golden Island.

Golden big pirate Wu Nan

He's just a mentally ill person.

He actually gave back the gold he grabbed.

Is this normal?

Zoro, who was exercising on the side, couldn't stand it anymore.

Normally just forget it.

did not expect.

I'll watch it again in the morning.

Luffy and Kuina are two people.

before his eyes.

Qingqing me me.

Tired and crooked.

Unable to bear it anymore, Zoro got angry!

He raised his demon sword Murasame and forcibly drove away these two people.

Luffy took advantage of the slope and ran up the struggling Kuina.

Run quickly back to the bedroom.

Experiments have proven that it is impossible for him to become stronger on his own.

The system is still reliable.

Luffy wants to use his unique training method to become stronger.

Of course, as a captain, you also need to become stronger.

This is a matter of life and death for the entire ship.

With Goa Queen and Going Merry sailing at full speed.

Soon we arrived at Luffy's destination.

Glass Bead Island.

"Report! Report! We are approaching Glass Bead Island."

"But there are several pirate ships ahead."

Usopp used a telescope in the watchtower to check the information and shouted loudly.

Luffy, who was sitting in the special seat, issued an order: "Everyone is in combat mode.

"Just in time, I can try out my Murasame's sharpness." Zoro smiled.

"How about a competition, Zoro." Kuina said with a smile.

"That's true!" Zoro returned.

"Green Algae Head, you actually want to compete with a beautiful woman. Let me show you the results of my training these days." Sanji lit a cigarette with one hand.

"Uncle Zep, it's up to you to stay behind. Let's go, everyone!" Luffy used a rubber slingshot to launch Zoro, Usopp, Kuina, Sanji and himself to the opposite pirate ship.


"What a group of energetic children." Zhepu watched as they flew towards the pirate group opposite.

"Boss, there seems to be artillery fire from the other side!"

"Get ready to fight!" the captain of the Tulip Pirates shouted.

Led by the Tulip Pirates, Wild Boar Pirates, White Cat Pirates, Violet Pirates, etc., a large number of pirate groups responded one after another.

The pirate group gathered on Glass Bead Island

As many as thirty.

A total of five hundred pirate ships.

Without such strength, who would dare to get involved in a big kingdom like the Liulikara Kingdom?

the other side

At the request of the Kingdom of Rurikara

A specially established Marine branch.

There are also as many as three hundred ships.

Well-trained Marine warship.

Ironically, these three hundred warships completely ignored the five hundred pirate ships.

Let them rob the wealth and enslave the people in the Kingdom of Liulikra.

They even blocked the news and prevented the Marine headquarters from knowing the specific situation of the Kingdom of Rurikra.

Until now, the Marine headquarters does not know that the royal family of the Kingdom of Rurikra, a member country of the World Government, has been killed by pirates.


A cry of terror.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Luffy and his group, under the influence of rubber slingshots, directly hit the Wild Boar Pirates' pirate ship from the air.

"Luffy! I'm going to kill you!" Sanji yelled.

"I agree!" Zoro also agreed.

Only Kuina was held by Luffy and "no injuries were sustained.

The pirates of the Wild Boar Pirates were confused by the person falling from the sky.

After a while, a heart-breaking cry woke up the members of the Wild Boar Pirates.

"Captain! Captain! The captain was smashed to death by them!" the minions of the Wild Boar Pirates shouted.

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji looked down at their feet.

Step on the person who has already burped.

Oh, he's the captain of the Wild Boar Pirates.

The three of them thought: "This guy is so unlucky!"

"Who are you? Why do you want to kill our captain!" The vice-captain of the Wild Boar Pirates drew his sword and said to Luffy and his group.

Luffy felt a little guilty and said, "I'm sorry, if I said it was an accident, would you believe it?"

"Boys! Come on! Avenge our captain!" the vice-captain of the Wild Boar Pirates shouted loudly.

The Wild Boar Pirates, a dense crowd, swarmed forward.

"I can't help myself after seeing this." Sanji shook his neck.

Zoro also put on a green headscarf and said, "We have bad intentions, don't we?"

"Rubber rubber machine gun!"

"Thigh meat SHOOT"

"Three-sword style. Eagle wave."

"Shimotsuki Liu Lengzuki.

The Wild Boar Pirates, the densely packed pirates, were all knocked into the sky, and fell to the sea like dumplings. Plop! Plop!

The sound of the Wild Boar Pirates' fighting attracted the attention of the White Cat Pirates.

The White Cat Pirates immediately raised the alarm and notified all pirates.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Five hundred pirate ships, including the Tulip Pirates, White Cat Pirates, and Violet Pirates, all moved closer and attacked Luffy and the others.

"I feel the Murasame in my hand is cheering." Zoro said with a smile.

"That's a demon sword, don't let it fool you!" Kuina, holding Wado Ichimonji in both hands, used the sword to destroy the person in front.

"These pirates are so numerous." Sanji's beautiful kicking skills cleared a wave of people and quickly ran to Kuina's side.

He sticks to chivalry and will definitely protect the lady, even if the lady is very strong.

The White Cat Pirates, with their crew, also rushed towards Zoro, Kuina, and Sanji.

"There are only three of them. We have more than 1,000 people here now, and there are reinforcements behind us. Don't be afraid of them!"

"Come on, everyone!"

The captain of the White Cat Pirates shouted loudly.

"Damn it, do you want to exhaust us to death?" Sanji said.

"They underestimate us, Miss Kaya. The medicinal fruits have prepared various potions for us, so we don't need to be afraid of them." Kuina said to Sanji.

"Oh! Beautiful Miss Kaya, you are so considerate." Sanji became infatuated again.

"Pervert Chef, Kuina, buy me some time." Zoro said with an evil smile.

"Green algae head, what do you want to do?" Sanji turned to ask Zoro.

"I seem to have learned Haki and am armed with color." Zoro said.

"When?" Kuina asked, she hadn't learned yet.

"Just now, so I wanted to try a new sword move." " Zoro said.

Sanji and 740 Kuina suppressed their envy.

Help Zoro buy time.

Zoro closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, and covered the demon sword Murasame with the newly learned Haki weapon color.

Close your eyes and feel the surface of the demon sword Murasame, and experience the effect of Haki coverage.

Sure enough, dewdrops began to form on the surface of Demon Sword Murasame.

Zoro opened his eyes again and shouted to Sanji and Kuina: "You two, get out of the way!"

Zoro raised his hands in the air.

Haki overlay turns black.

Demon sword Murasame.

Gently swing the knife forward.

The black Haki quickly dispersed from the surface of the demon sword.

Zoro: "Village Spring Rain"

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Black rain began to fall in front of Zoro.

With the force of Zoro's sword.

The rain poured forward.

There are more than 1,000 crew members in the White Cat Pirates.

fell to the ground instantly

Along with their White Cat pirate ship.

Thousands of holes in the mesh.

Zoro also fell to the ground after swinging the knife.

Sanji was so shocked that he dropped his cigarette to the ground.

Kuina also opened her eyes wide and didn't know what to say.

The other pirates at the scene were so scared that they peed.

"Monsters! They are monsters!"

Zhepu put Nami and Kaya in charge respectively.

Put Going Merry, Goa Queen.

Drive farther and pick them up later.


Zep holds Princess Morty with Usopp under his arm.

Then use Moonwalk to walk on the air to the Glass Bead Island.

According to the plan they discussed last night.

Old rules.

Luffy and his gang went to fight the pirates one on one.

Zepp protects Usopp and Princess Morty.

Let Usopp, the legendary sea warrior.

Go to Glass Bead Island. Deceive the civilians who were oppressed by the pirates and organize them.

Let Princess Morty contact the remaining resistance forces in the Kingdom of Liulikra.

Combining the inside and the outside.

A country as big as the Rurikra Kingdom.

Even if defeated.

It is impossible to clean up the remaining forces so easily.

What's more, it was only attacked by pirates, not a coup. .