
Chapter 67 The Confrontation Between The Straw Hat Pirates And The Revolutionary Army.

When everyone was listening intently to the conversation between the two leaders.

The sound of cutlery falling.

Crisp sound.

For a while.

Let the people at the table pay attention.

Move over to Princess Morty.

Princess Morty quickly picked up the tableware.

He smiled awkwardly.

Hiding the panic in his heart.

But my hands kept shaking.

Princess Morty's mood is always revealed.

Bello Betty, the commander of the Army, suddenly advanced the matter of Glass Bead Island.

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates had different reactions.

Everyone's first reaction.

Are there traitors?

Someone in Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates secretly contacted the Revolutionary Army!

And the first suspect.

That's Princess Morty.

Did Princess Morty ask the Revolutionary Army for help?

They began to doubt each other again.

Kaya smiled and wiped the sauce from the corner of Luffy's mouth, then handed the piece of meat to Luffy, and then stepped on Usopp like a wolf.

Usopp winked at Kaya first.

Then he kicked Zoro's feet under the dining table.

Zoro raised his eyebrows.

He glanced at Morty out of the corner of his eye.

At the same time, he winked at Kuina.

Kuina shook her head.

Zoro nodded again upon seeing this.

Sanji put away his smiling eyes and looked at Zhepu.

Zhepu glanced around the dining table with his eyes.

Except for Luffy and Sanji

The performance of others falls into his eyes.

He frowned and said nothing.

The scene was a little tense for a while.

Making Princess Morty even more restless.

"Oh? Your army's intelligence is quite powerful."

"Make the Straw Hat Master laugh."

"I actually know something that I don't even know."

Luffy blocked the piece of meat that Kaya handed over, indicating that he would not eat it for the time being.

Stare at Bello Beti Corps Commander "Seven Zero Zero" with serious eyes

When Commander Bello Betty heard this, he also stopped drinking, pulled up his sunglasses, exposed his eyes and said:

"The Straw Hat Master means that there is no such thing?"

Luffy did not answer the question of Captain Bello Betty.

Instead, I used the smile I learned from Makino-sama.

A smile like the sun can drive away the gloomy smile.

Launched against all members of the Straw Hat Pirates and the Revolutionary Army.

He smiled and said: "I'm an idiot, but don't try to lie to me and make you doubt your teammates. It's useless."

"Because I'm stupid! So I won't doubt my teammates."

A word from Luffy.

Luffy's smile.

The tense atmosphere just now was suddenly relieved.

Take the disharmony out of the team.

Eliminate them all.

The Straw Hat Pirates were established in a relatively short period of time.

Each teammate has his or her own small circle of trust.

Kuina, Zoro is a small circle.

Usopp, Nami, Kaya are a circle.

Zhepu and Sanji are in the same circle.

But Zoro and Kuina's circle also surrounds Usopp, Nami, and Kaya's circle, because they have experienced adventures and understand each other.

Zhepu and Sanji's inner circle.

It is intertwined.

Between the two small circles in front.

There is also a basis for trust in each other.

Only Princess Morty is alone.

Before there was Carmen to rely on each other.

Although, she has used various methods to integrate into the Straw Hat collective.

Because I was too deliberate, I always felt out of place.

Normally it's fine, there's no conflict of interest and we can get along harmoniously.

But when the veteran Bello Betty, the commander of the army, tried to sow discord.

Trust between people.

The distance between people.

It showed up immediately.

Smart as Princess Morty.

The moment Bello Betty mentions the Island of Glass Beads.

She knew it.

She will be the object of suspicion to everyone.

I was so flustered that I couldn't hold the tableware firmly.

And he can't argue.

In the end, you are still alone.

Princess Morty laughed at herself.

When Luffy said with a sunny smile.

I'm stupid, I don't doubt my teammates.

Princess Morty's eyes turned red instantly.

Trying hard to suppress the urge to cry.

Looking up at Luffy's bright smile.

She admitted.

At this moment her heart moved.

Princess Morty, she has a crush on Luffy.

Zhepu once again caught everyone's expressions and movements in his eyes.

But at this moment he smiled.

Bello Betty, the commander of the army, put the red wine glass back on the table, took out the lighter from his pocket, and lit the cigarette.

Thinking while hesitating.

Bello Betty admitted that she had looked down upon the boy wearing the straw hat.

I didn't expect this kid.

It was resolved easily.

Bello Beti's almost unsolvable psychological offensive.

Bello Betty is a person with the ability to inspire fruits.

Stirring up emotions is Bello Betty's specialty.

Never missed.


Bello Betty wants to be Princess Morty.

Isolated by the Straw Hat Pirates.

That's all Princess Morty can do.

Give up working with the Straw Hat Pirates.

Choose to cooperate with the Revolutionary Army.

Bello Betty will do.

Pull the Kingdom of Rurikra into the camp of the revolutionary army.

Alas, miscalculation.

It seems that there is no other way.

Bello Betty put out her cigarette and stood up from the dining chair.



Bello Betty, the commander of the army, walked up to Luffy.

Support the table with both hands.

Lean forward while lying on your stomach.

Lower your height.

This seems more polite to Straw Hat Luffy.

Show your sincerity.

Eyes looking directly at Luffy.

Say in an equal voice:

"Straw Hat Boss, how about we cooperate.

the other side.

Facing the commander of the Belo Betty Army,

Sudden sincerity.

Luffy is confused.

At this moment, Luffy felt his energy rising.

His appreciation of literature grew.

If you want to use any vocabulary.

To describe Luffy's current situation.

Four words.

Let's get straight to the point!!!

Luffy is enlightened!

Really realize the meaning of this sentence.

The ancients really didn't bully me!

Luffy thought of the great man's teachings to him again.

Learn to face the difficulties in front of you.

I felt a little dazed for a while, maybe it would be good to be the 'bandit king'.

"The Straw Hat Master? The Straw Hat Master?"

Captain Bello Beati calls out to Luffy repeatedly.

Luffy finally came to his senses.

Cheeks feel a little hot.

Luffy said:

"Sorry, I was a little distracted just now. What did you just say?"

Bello Betty gave Luffy a rolling look.

"I mean, the Revolutionary Army cooperates with the Straw Hat Pirates."

Luffy asked: "I don't know, how does Commander Beige and Betty want to cooperate?"

"The Straw Hat Master, why do you ask questions knowingly?"

"What I mean is that we, the Revolutionary Eastern Army, and your Straw Hat Pirates will work together to liberate the Kingdom of Rurikra."

"Wouldn't it be easier for you if our army joins you?"

"Why not?"

Luffy struggled to control his eyes.

Don't be fooled by the huge difficulties in front of you.

I no longer care about the bandit king.

Instead, think about One Piece.

After Luffy thought carefully.

Still feel it.

Not very suitable for public use.

Cooperate with the revolutionary army.

It is easy to ignore the priority and misunderstanding.

just in case.

By World government.

Think of the Straw Hat Pirates as part of the revolutionary army.

That's not great.

Became a subordinate of the Eastern Army for no reason?

The commander of Bello Betty's army had a good plan.

Whatever was just trying to isolate Morty and Company.

Or now he is trying to bring the Straw Hat Pirates under his banner.

One set after another.

If you are any less careful, you will be betrayed by the woman in front of you.

"This matter is a bit big, I need to discuss it with my companions."

Luffy said to Commander Bello Betty: "Please also Commander Bello Betty to avoid suspicion."

Commander Bello Betty nodded, pulled Deputy Commander Ying Lili away from the dining table and walked to another corner.

Deputy Commander Ying Lili thinks.

Luffy is prevaricating the commander of the Bello Betty Corps.

Obviously for other pirate groups, the captain makes the decision.

Luffy discussed with Zhepu, Yuanlong and others for a long time.

Views were exchanged.

Finally, Luffy patted Zhepu on the shoulder and smiled: "No wonder people often say that having an elder in the family is like having a treasure."

Zhepu also smiled and said: "Captain Luffy is just laughing. I just gave my opinions as a companion."


Sanji also laughed. At this moment, Zhepu and Sanji officially joined the circle of Straw Hat Crew people.

Princess Morty is envious.

Luffy took Zhepu to see the commander of Bello Betty's army.

He said directly: "I think it is inappropriate for our two families to cooperate directly on the issue of the Kingdom of Liulikara."

"What does Straw Hat Master mean?"

"I am clear, you are dark.

"The Straw Hat Pirates are still operating as before."

"The East Blue Revolutionary Army disguised themselves as mercenaries and cooperated with the Straw Hat Pirates.

"We think this kind of cooperation is more suitable."

"It is also more convenient for your army to start work."

"I guess Commander Bello Betty doesn't want the strength of the East Blue Revolutionary Army to be directly exposed to the world government."

The eyes of Commander Bello Betty repeatedly moved between Luffy and Zhepu.

I thought to myself:

Damn, I underestimated the Straw Hat Pirates again.

It is true that the East Blue Revolutionary Army has a bigger plan for its power arrangement.

Don't want to be exposed to the world government.

That's why Commander Bello Betty thought.

Take advantage of this military activity of the Kingdom of Rurikra.

Let the Straw Hat Pirates, who have been particularly active recently, serve as a front and centerpiece...

Create an illusion that the Straw Hat Pirates are members of the Revolutionary Army.

disrupt the world government's attention.

Moreover, once the World Government really thinks that the Straw Hat Pirates are a revolutionary army.

So even if the Straw Hat Pirates are not a revolutionary army.

In the future, we will never be able to take off the name of the revolutionary army.

It's a pity that the plan was discovered.

It was probably that old pirate who saw through it.

Captain Bello Betty could only agree with Luffy's proposal with a smile.

Vice leader Ying Lili was also surprised.

She rarely saw Bello Betty's army commander deflated.

In the past, opponents took it one step at a time.

Fall into the rhythm of the revolutionary army.

Not aware of it.

Being manipulated by Commander Bello Betty.

(Actually, now

Aside from Garp and the dragon, not much is known about Luffy being the dragon's son. )

During the time when Captain Bello Betty and Luffy were formally discussing cooperation matters.

the other side.

Nami, the financial controller of the Straw Hat Pirates.

East Blue Revolutionary Army, General Material Procurement Manager-Deputy Commander Ahilu.

Also caught in a fierce confrontation.

No one knows the specific content of the confrontation.

I only know the two beauties back then.

The argument was red-faced.

It's not that they care about each other, they are all quick to use their hands and feet.

I only know when I go to negotiate.

Deputy Commander Ahilu is full of confidence and high-spirited.

Plan to take advantage of your sharp tongue and wealth of experience.

Fool the entire Straw Hat Pirates.

Let them take the initiative to defeat Vinsmoke Kaneji and his clone army.

To the revolutionary army.

We also need to let the Straw Hat Pirates.

Pay a fortune.

And thank the revolution for its helping hand.

Help deal with the troublesome guy Vinsmoke Kanji.

After all, the person opposite is just a little girl.

Deputy Commander Ahilu didn't take it seriously.


The confident deputy commander Ahiru.


The lost deputy commander Ahiru.

Wearing a dark green shirt, the deputy commander Ahiru has always been calm and composed.

In a newly formed pirate group.

Encountered a big setback in life.

There was only one voice in Ahilu's heart.

This woman is a devil!

Nami happily returned to Luffy.

He held Luffy's arms and whispered something in Luffy's ear.

The two of them kept smiling.

What happened.

Neither Nami nor Ahiru said anything.

All I know is the result.

Nami used Vinsmoke·Jianzhi to trade (fraud) 400 million beli from the revolutionary army.

It is said that it is because the revolutionary army really did not bring so much cash.

Army Commander Bello Betty, Deputy Army Commander Ahiru, and Deputy Army Commander Eiri are gone.

Rejected the Straw Hat Pirates.

The idea of ​​sending them back with Going Merry.

They left in the same boat they came in.

Wait until the revolutionary army leaves.

The tension disappeared again.

The cheerful rhythm started again.

The Straw Hat Pirates held a party.

Eat and drink 2.9 again.

Zhepu is happy to officially join the team.

Start showing off your superb cooking skills.

Although three beauties left.

But don't forget.

Nami, Kaya, and Morty also wore swimsuits.

Sanji was overjoyed.

Although these three people only revolve around Luffy.

When Nami thought about her newly earned 400 million Baileys, she smiled from ear to ear. In order to maintain her beauty image, she could only hide behind Luffy.

Usopp has been hiding behind Zoro and Kuina.

Try your best to reduce your sense of existence.

After the revolutionary army left, they started shouting again.

Kaya can feed Luffy again.

Luffy is drinking milk.

At the same time, I savored the milky aroma that was right in front of me.

Princess Morty is really obsessed with Luffy.

Commander Bello Betty smoked a cigarette with an expressionless expression.

Deputy Commander Ahilu kept muttering about the devil.

This is the first meeting between the East Blue Revolutionary Army and the Straw Hat Pirates.

It's a happy ending.

When the revolutionary army comes.

Two goals set.

All achieved.

It should be something to be happy about.

But I always felt that something was not quite right.

"Commander Bello Betty, have we forgotten.

"This is our third goal."

"Find the one."

"That man is more like a revolutionary army than our revolutionary army."

"Keeper of the Sun, bravest warrior of the sea, Usopp."

"Didn't we discuss before that we should recruit him into the ranks of our East Blue Revolutionary Army?"

Yinglili said suddenly.

What I fear most is the sudden silence in the air.

There was only the sound of sea water flowing around.

and each other's breathing.

The three legion commanders fell into deep contemplation.

And a small boat.


Disappeared in the pink mist. .