
One Piece: Luffy The Harem King

Monkey D. Luffy and his crew beat the shit out of Arlong and finally freed the Cocoyashi village… As a thanks from Nami and her sister Nojiko, they invited Luffy to their house. Luffy thought he might get more meat or anything related to food, but little did he know… .. … …. (...) After Nami and Nojiko showed him the wonders of making love. Luffy D. Monkey is ready to conquer every woman on his path to becoming the King of Pirates and the Harem King. Luffy The Harem Master, story begins by Taming two beautiful big-breasted girls. Note: The story is taking two different timelines: 1. Flashback 1: Luffy The Pirate and Harem King. 2. FlashBack 2: The Beginning of Becoming the Harem King. Note: The author is not interested in battles and all that shit, but rather Taming and cultivating the finest p*ssies the One Piece world has to offer. ******** WARNING: This is pure HENTAI Fanfic, all One Piece Waifus are R18. Huge Harem, Erotism, BDSM, Masochistic girls, Virgin girls, MILFs, NO NTR, Pure Smut, girls Loyal to the MC, One Piece Lemon. Patreon Disclaimer: 10 advanced chapters ahead Webnovel available now at: https://www.patreon.com/SMU_NANI

AB_NANI · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Nico Robin

"You don't need to steal all this food, Luffy-kun. You can take some of mine you know," Nami giggled as she fed him some of her meal.

The crew plus their new member, Nico Robin, was sitting around the kitchen table since lunch was ready.

As usual, Nami couldn't help but be lovey-dovey with her captain, to Sanji's displeasure.

She was sitting on his lap with her back pressed against his chest while he ate as he was used to, sometimes stealing from others' plates or accepting the food Nami was giving him. The navigator wasn't afraid to show how close they were. Most of the crew accepted it without much difficulty. However…

"D-Damn that bastard… I can't believe my Nami-swan would choose him of all people!" Sanji cried as he slammed his head against the table. It was a daily occurrence. Honestly, Usopp couldn't really blame him since Nami was a really beautiful woman; and Luffy was a lucky guy. However, he had Kaya who he would confess to one day, so he wasn't that bothered by it, unlike their cook.

"Would you shut up, Ero-Cook? We're trying to eat," Zoro snapped, turning Sanji's attention to him.

"What did you say, damn Marimo?! Don't speak to me if you don't understand my pain!" Sanji screamed at him before they both headbutted each other.

"It's not my problem if you're all over a witch like her!" Zoro replied as he glared at the cook.

"Sanji! Zoro! Stop it!" Chopper tried to stop them only for Usopp to put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head while sighing.

"You can never catch a break with these two…" Nami grumbled in annoyance before quickly looking at Luffy dreamily again.

She couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek a few times. However, sometimes she really asked herself if Luffy even knew the meaning of loving someone romantically since he behaved like a lover when he was fucking her, but like a friend the rest of the time.

Meanwhile, Nico Robin looked at all the ruckus with a little smile.

It was clear Luffy and Nami were dating, or at least fucking, which was weird since it didn't look like Luffy was that type of guy.

He looked pretty innocent when she met him. Strangely enough; she always seemed to smell some kind of strange scent when around him, and it was weirdly arousing. She would have to observe those two a bit more what they do in their free time.

A few hours later, they were on the ship's deck.

"So how are you adjusting to the crew, Robin?" Nami inquired with a sincere smile.

"So far so good. I hope it lasts," She answered before getting interrupted by a boy who launched himself at them and fell on the floor.

"Nami! You have to do something! T-That idiot Usopp damaged my hat!" Luffy screamed desperately as he showed his hat, which had a hole at its edge.

"Calm down; I'll fix it in no time," Nami answered, a little annoyed at getting interrupted while she was discussing with their new crewmate.

"Yosh! Thank you! You're the best!" He shouted as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground.

"Alright, I get it! You can let go now!" Nami chuckled as he put her back where she was. She got her face closer to his and whispered in his ear. "You should go to the storage room later, so we can have some fun," She said as she winked at him. He understood quickly enough what she meant.

And he wasn't the only one. Robin had heard it and couldn't help but smile in anticipation.

Robin later saw them making love without being seen thanks to her devil fruit. Something inside her woke up instantly, her lust. She was always feeling a bit hot and aroused for Luffy for reasons she couldn't explain. And hearing him ram his manhood into Nami's tight hole made her even hornier.

She used to use her body as a seduction to get the trust of the organizations she was in, but now, it felt like she would do it for a whole new reason.

Besides, she also wanted to show the navigator the dominant one here; Nico Robin was a mature woman a MILF after all, while Nami was still a young novice girl compared to her.

When the sun set and everyone fell asleep, she was still awake and lying beside Nami in the king-size bed they were sharing.

Nico Robin was only wearing black panties with a white shirt and black bra under it. She already had a way to attract the captain here without having to go there and wake him up and risking to do the same with the others.

At their bedside table was a plate with cooked meat, which was foiled. She asked Sanji to cook some earlier. She crossed her arms, and another pair of them bloomed out of the wall to open the door while she unfoiled the plate and patiently waited for the captain to smell it. She already knew he loved meat, so it wouldn't take long.

She wasn't sure how long she was going to stay with the straw hats, but if she could seduce their captain and steal him from the navigator, then she could easily become his second in command here. That was how she usually did it, and since he, like any other man, was lustful, she could probably control him that way. If he didn't have an interest in her skills, then her body would do just fine.

"It smells like meat… It's coming from here… Looks like Sanji didn't hide all of it!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly as he entered the room while sniffing the air, he was already drooling everywhere.

Robin's arms, still on the wall, closed the door behind him before disappearing. "Oh! Looks like I'm in the girls' room! You're awake Robin?" He inquired as he snapped from his trance.

"Yes; I was thinking I could offer you some food since you love it a lot. And when you're finished, you could have something even more… appetizing," Robin replied only to be interrupted by Luffy when he gulped down the entire plate of meat.

The big breasted woman couldn't help but widen her eyes at the strange display.

"Thanks, Robin! Shi shi shi, now I'm really glad you joined the crew! Say, are you going to sneak more food for me? That would be sweet!" Luffy looked at her with some stars in his eyes.

Robin simply stared at him in surprise.

Firstly, Luffy wasn't even embarrassed for being in the women's quarters late at night, especially dressed like he was… Topless and only wearing underwear.

However, he didn't seem fazed at all at her figure, not only that, but she was also showing a lot of skin, and she didn't see a ghost of an erection through his underwear. Or maybe was it so small she couldn't notice it? That must have been it; no man would feel no attraction to her body after all! Nami must have liked them smaller, and that was why she moaned that much.

"So didn't you say there was something else? What is it?" Luffy asked in excitement as Robin smirked and approached him.

He tilted his head as she took off her shirt, leaving her only in her underwear before she put a hand on his chest.

"I couldn't help but find you very attractive, captain-san. You must have been popular with women before going out to the sea," Robin stated as she pressed her cheek against his breast and caressed his sides.

"I'm sure your balls are too full, so I thought I could help," She added as she crouched down and was about to pull his underwear down.

She noticed he didn't resist at all, so that could only mean she managed to seduce him. And easily at that! Now she was going to fuck him while his girlfriend was sleeping right next to them.

"Oh! I get it! You want fun, right?!" Luffy chuckled as he made his manhood erect right when the raven-haired woman pulled his underwear down.

She widened her eyes yet again during this night as she saw the sudden monster cock rise in front of her eyes while its smell bewitched her. "Why aren't you doing anything?" He asked.


(P.S): Comment, Review, Power Stones = Bonus Chapter Tomorrow.

Nico Robin Next ^...^

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