
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7 : Doflamingo vs Moria??

Moria's immense form loomed within the castle, and the mere sight of him sent shivers down one's spine.

His towering stature, formidable physique, and inhuman visage left all who beheld him in a state of dread.

"This... This is one of the Seven Warlords."

"Gecko Moria!"

The residents of Foosha Village stood paralyzed, fear etched across their faces, and cold sweat trickling down their foreheads.

Though they had heard terrifying tales of Moria, seeing him in person was an entirely different ordeal.

It was more terrifying than they could have ever imagined, an overwhelming presence that bore down on them.

Not only Dadan but all the villagers of Windmill Village stood pale, and even the faint-hearted began to tremble.

"Moria, is this my opponent?" Luffy gazed at the colossal figure depicted in the image. There was no fear in his eyes, only excitement and a hint of determination.

In the midst of his exhilaration, a spark of battle spirit ignited.

"Moria! Luffy stood alone, boldly confronting him.

"I've finally found you!"

Moria, on the other hand, barely acknowledged Luffy's presence, offering only a sidelong sneer.

Luffy remained steadfast, firmly declaring, "I'm going to send you flying!"

"Gomu Gomu no... Pistol!" Luffy propelled his arm forward with all his might, launching a powerful punch.

But instead of striking Moria's body, it encountered no resistance. Before him, a black shadow contorted and writhed.

A massive arm extended, intercepting Luffy's blow.

The shadow then shifted once more, giving rise to a figure resembling Moria.

"My doppelganger, Shadow," Moria remarked, maintaining his disdainful expression. "He's more than enough to deal with the likes of you."

The Shadow launched a relentless assault, its colossal palms sending shockwaves that shattered everything in their path.

In the face of this terrifying onslaught, Luffy could do little more than evade.

"Gomu Gomu no Machine Gun!"

Dodging with agility, Luffy leaped into the air, launching a flurry of punches that rained down like a tempest.

The Shadow was torn asunder, its countless shadows scattered. This turn of events surprised even Moria.

"Dealing with a novice like you is such a nuisance."

"Moria, it seems your status doesn't match your strength," Doflamingo interjected nonchalantly.

"I suggest you step down from the position of Seven Warlords to avoid diminishing our reputation."

Doflamingo's audacity angered Moria.

"Doflamingo, you're asking for trouble!"

A dark shadow slithered across the ground, revealing Moria's Shadow.

But Doflamingo stood his ground, well aware of the implications of crossing paths with someone bearing the title of "justice."

"You can try," he retorted, his hands adorned with glimmering lines.

The tension in the room grew palpable, and the two Seven Warlords seemed poised for conflict.


"The Navy Headquarters demands your respect here!" Sengoku's thunderous voice reverberated, quelling any further hostilities.

Aokiji exhaled a frosty breath.

"If you persist in this manner, I can offer you two choices."

"Leave this place or... face consequences."

The prospect of a confrontation with Aokiji left Doflamingo and Moria fuming but ultimately refrained from any reckless actions.

They weren't foolish enough to challenge an admiral.

Meanwhile, the overhead display continued to relay the ongoing battle.

Moria displayed a hint of surprise before transitioning back to a mocking demeanor.

The shattered remnants ofMoria's Shadow transformed into countless shadow bats that swarmed towards him.

"Ouch!" Luffy struggled, but the bats multiplied, biting him relentlessly. Despite his attempts to break free, they persisted.

What made matters worse was that these bats could transform into Shadow, launching attacks before returning to their bat form.

Luffy's attacks proved futile, and frustration began to take hold.

"Gomu Gomu no... Seal!"

Luffy soared into the air, seeking a strategic angle, and unleashed a powerful attack aimed at Moria's location.

The tremendous force couldn't be halted, even by the Shadow, resulting in Moria suffering his first hit in a battle that had dragged on for so long.

Though he sustained no injuries, it was a blow to his pride. How could a renowned Warlord be struck by a mere pest?

Shame and anger surged within Moria.

Moria began to unleash his full power, launching a relentless assault on Luffy...