
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

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Chapter 40 : Garp

Everyone noticed the bruises on Garp's forehead. 

Even though Garp remained silent, his intense aura of determination was palpable to everyone present.

Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, and even Doflamingo, and Crocodile, the members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, couldn't help but feel a sense of shock deep within their hearts.

Though they had never faced Garp in combat, they were well aware of his legendary reputation within the Marines.

Despite holding the rank of Vice Admiral, he was a living legend among the Navy ranks. 

A Marine Hero, respected by all who served under the World Government's flag.

Even without a Devil Fruit power, Garp possessed incredible Haki and the most formidable weapon in the world – his fearsome iron fists.

He defeated the notorious Rocks Pirates, pushed the Pirate King Gol D. Roger to his limits on multiple occasions, and captured the Golden Lion Shiki.

Each of these accomplishments reverberated throughout the world, earning him admiration from both pirates and marines alike.

Had Garp not been so adamant about rejecting promotions, it was likely that he would have held the position of Fleet Admiral today, instead of Sengoku.

Hence, whether it was the admirals like Aokiji or the Seven Warlords like Mihawk, there was no doubt in their minds.

If Garp were to leave this room and set sail for the Sky Island, the self-proclaimed "god" Enel who resided there, no matter how powerful, would meet an inevitable fate – death.

As for the arduous journey to the Sky Island...

If Garp willed it, it would pose no challenge at all.

Even the likes of Akainu and Mihawk believed this to be true, and Sengoku, Garp's long-time partner, understood it better than anyone.

Enel's death would be a minor issue; the real concern was Garp's temper. If he were truly unleashed upon the Sky Island...

It would undoubtedly become a cataclysmic event!

If not approached with care, the entire island might be obliterated.

Such an incident would surely send shockwaves throughout the world, affecting the World Government itself!

This couldn't be allowed!

"You need to calm down, Garp!"

"Let's not rush into judgment concerning what might happen in the future."

"The events we've seen in those images are yet to occur, and there's no need to be hasty."

Garp's anger flared, "Just because they haven't happened yet doesn't mean I should wait for Luffy to face such a grave danger!"

"I won't allow anyone to threaten my grandson's life!"

These words, spoken with unwavering determination, sent shockwaves through the room.

Even Moria was momentarily stunned and terrified.

Is this old man truly that fearsome?

During their previous battle against Luffy, he appeared unconcerned, even laughing.

Could it be that he had been contemplating whether to kill him or not?

If someone in the images threatened Luffy's life, would Garp react the same way?

Moria felt a shiver down his spine.

Enel was on the distant Sky Island, while Garp was right here in Marine Headquarters.

If Garp wanted to end him, he could do so without moving, and Moria wouldn't withstand a single punch.

The thought sent shivers down Moria's spine.

At that moment, he was grateful that Luffy had defeated him before.

Had the situation been reversed, he might be in grave danger now.

He would rather suffer defeat at Luffy's hands than face Garp's wrath.

Listening to Garp's words, cold sweat formed on Sengoku's brow.

"Do you lack confidence in your grandson to this extent?"

"What if the outcome is different from what you anticipate, and Luffy emerges victorious?"

"Furthermore, these are future events; we haven't witnessed the entire battle yet."

"Even if we watch the entire battle, it's never too late to make a decision."

Perhaps fearing that his words wouldn't persuade Garp, Sengoku's mind raced, and he continued:

"Let's do this. If, after watching the entire battle, it becomes clear that Enel poses a genuine threat to Luffy's life..."

"Even if the Navy can't officially dispatch forces against Enel, even if I have to step down from my position as Fleet Admiral, I will accompany you to the Sky Island and arrest Enel."

"What do you think?"

Though he didn't believe Luffy could win, Sengoku needed to placate Garp for now.

Sengoku's words left Akainu, Mihawk, and the others momentarily stunned.

This was escalating rapidly.

Sengoku was willing to relinquish the title of Fleet Admiral and even arrest someone?

It was clear that their brotherly bond and friendship was stronger than ever.

Garp's might was already terrifying, and Sengoku was no pushover either.

If they joined forces, Enel was doomed.

Upon hearing this, Garp's anger gradually subsided.

He had been rash.

The battle hadn't even started, so how could he predict Luffy's defeat?

Regardless of the overwhelming odds stacked against Luffy in this fight, he was Garp's grandson.

What if, by some miracle, Luffy emerged victorious?

Considering this, Garp nodded, finally letting go of his immediate urge to set sail for the Sky Island.

Sengoku and the others breathed sighs of relief.

Meanwhile, the sky projection continued to play:

"After learning of the danger they faced, Nami urgently led Luffy, Zoro, and the others toward their pirate ship, with the intention of instructing Robin and her group to flee the Sky Island."

"However, unbeknownst to them, Robin, Chopper, Usopp, and others were already surrounded by the forces of the Sky Island."

"A group of white-bereted Sky Island soldiers had completely encircled them, including their pirate ship..."


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