
One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial

In the treacherous waters of the North Blue, where pirates rule with an iron fist and mercy is a rare commodity, a young man named Blake finds himself thrust into a perilous situation. Through some unfathomable twist of fate, his consciousness is transmigrated into the frail and sickly body of a cabin boy aboard a ruthless pirate ship. The crew, far from the romanticized image of swashbuckling adventurers, embodies the darkest aspects of piracy, showing no remorse in their cruelty, and Blake is an easy target. However, just as hope begins to fade, an unexpected glimmer of salvation appears before Blake in the form of a mysterious text box: [Synchronization complete. The Tutorial System shall commence operations] Here's all you need to know before you start reading: The story begins with a more serious tone, highlighting the harsh realities of piracy and the struggles faced by Blake in his weakened state. But as the events progress, the narrative takes on the whimsical, lighthearted tone that One Piece is most known for. Similarly, the MC will start off as stern and serious due to his circumstances, but he'll grow more lighthearted and carefree as he begins to overcome the challenges presented to him one after the other. The chapters will be a blend of Blake's first-person POV and third-person POV, making it easier to tell the story from different perspectives. As for the most frequently asked question of whether this is a harem story or not, the answer is, I don't know. I go with the flow in my writing and develop the story in the way that makes the most sense to me, so if it made sense for the MC to have a harem, then he'll have a harem. If not, then he won't have a harem. The same goes for romance.

Wicked132 · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Malachi #44

Auhtor's note: sorry about the vanishing act, but I've been busy house hunting and trying to find a better home, and then the Eid came along, and there's a ton of people coming to visit, so I barely had any time to do anything. 


I turned toward the source of the voice, my eyes falling on a blonde man with slicked-back hair, clad in a sharp suit. Behind him, a swarm of armed men flooded into the throne room, their weapons aimed at us.

"So, you were stalling us after all, you crafty son of a gun," I remarked, fixing my gaze on Double Six, who appeared just as bewildered by the sudden turn of events as I was.

"It seems you have us surrounded, but remember, we've got your boss right here! Try anything funny, and he'll be kissing his own head goodbye before you can even think about pulling those triggers!" I warned, leveling my own pistol at Double Six.

The man in the fancy suit, presumably Malachi, emitted a contemptuous chuckle. "Go ahead and off the bastard. You'd be doing me a favor," he stated with a twisted grin. "I went through the trouble of pitting you all against each other just to rid myself of my so-called boss," he added, his tone dripping with malice.

"What?!" Double Six blurted out in disbelief as his own subordinate turned against him. "If this is about that time I didn't share my sandwich, then we can—" he started to say, only to be cut off by Malachi.

"Nobody gives a damn about your sandwich, you hoarding fool!" Malachi snapped irritably. "This is about claiming what's rightfully mine! For years, I've labored to elevate the gang's influence while you've sat idle in this dump, twiddling your thumbs! No more!" he declared, his voice seething with resentment.

"What are you even talking about, Malachi?" Double Six protested, genuine distress evident in his voice. "I'm the one who brought all the other gang bosses to heel. I granted you autonomy and put you in charge of the gang!" he exclaimed. "Your words as as good as mine!"

Malachi snorted with disdain. "What good is that when it's your name that commands fear and respect?" he retorted. "I've tolerated your idiocy for far too long, playing the kingmaker in the shadows. But now, it's my turn to step into the limelight, to be feared and revered! If I have to trample over your corpse to claim what's rightfully mine, then so be it!" he declared, his resolve unwavering.

Before their argument could escalate further, I interjected. "It sounds like you've been plotting this for quite some time, but..." I trailed off, a smirk playing on my lips. "I guess now would be a good time to tell you that I can just end you and everyone you brought with you, right?" I added, scratching my head. 

"That seems like a rather significant flaw in your grand scheme, if you ask me," I added, fixing Malachi with a pointed stare.

Malachi scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "You sure talk big, but even if you had the guts..." he trailed off, motioning toward his henchmen. They parted, revealing one holding a frightened boy with a gun pressed to his temple. "I doubt you'd go through with it," Malachi added, a smirk playing on his lips.

I frowned, immediately recognizing the boy as Asher, who had attempted to pickpocket me earlier. 

Catching my gaze, Asher's eyes pleaded for help. "Tall and ugly here caught me trying to pick his pocket," he explained nervously pointing at the thug holding him hostage. "They wanted to have me killed so I told them I was with you to save my skin," he added, his voice quivering as the thug tightened his grip on the pistol and pushed it further into the side of his head. 

Glancing at Law, I silently asked if he could intervene with his Room ability, but he shook his head grimly. With a heavy sigh, I turned back to Malachi. "I've never seen that kid before," I stated bluntly. "Do whatever you want with him. It's not my concern," I said, causing Asher's jaw to drop in disbelief.

Malachi's expression darkened. "Is that so...? Then I have no use for this filthy urchin," he said coldly, his voice cutting through the tense air. "Kill him!" he commanded, his hand gesturing toward the thug holding Asher captive.

The thug hesitated, clearly taken aback by Malachi's order. "But boss, he's clearly bluffing about knowing this kid--" His words were abruptly cut short as I seized the opportunity. As soon as he turned away, I darted forward using Soru, appearing right in front of him.

 With a swift punch to his throat, I loosened his grip on Asher and swiftly pulled the boy away, tossing him in Bepo's direction.

"Get the kid and Law out of here!" I directed, forcefully stomping on the ground. The dust from Law's previous actions billowed up, creating a thick smoke screen that shielded their escape. 

Amidst the chaos, Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin swiftly escorted Law and Asher away to safety.

Meanwhile, the thugs panicked, firing wildly in all directions, their shots even hitting their own allies in the confusion. The barrage only ceased when Malachi's furious voice echoed through the room. "Stop firing, you imbeciles! Are you trying to kill me?! Cease fire, I command you!"

As Malachi commanded, the gunfire ceased, and soon enough, the dust settled, revealing me as the sole figure left standing amidst the wreckage. Even Double Six miraculously survived, using what little stamina he had left to activate his devil fruit power, covering himself in a makeshift shield of the junk strewn across the throne room. 

However, his reckless actions only landed him in another crisis as the weight of the objects threatened to crush and suffocate him.

"Help! My head is stuck in Old Jenkins' bloody keepsake piss pot! I'll be damned if I die with that thing on my head!" he cried out for assistance from beneath the mound of trash. 

I couldn't help but roll my eyes before calmly delivering a swift kick to the pile, sending most of it flying away. "There you go... you won't die choking on some piss pot at least..." I said, not bothering to hide my exasperation. 

"Ah, much obliged! I don't fancy meeting god with a chamber pot for a hat! Hahaha!" Double Six's laugh trailed off, a mix of grievance and relief evident in his tone.

"You're welcome, but might still yet meet god..." I remarked with a grin, surveying the thugs surrounding us. "Though I suppose showing up with a bullet-riddled body is a bit more dignified than the alternative..." I added with a chuckle.

Malachi observed our exchange with keen interest, his eyes calculating as he watched our every move. With practiced ease, he retrieved a cigar from his pocket, and one of his lackeys promptly lit it for him. Inhaling deeply, he exhaled a cloud of smoke before turning his attention to me.

"Why are you still here?" he inquired, his tone eerily calm. "You had a perfect chance to escape. Do you plan to meet your end alongside this imbecile?" he added, gesturing towards Double Six.

"I'm not going down today," I retorted firmly, shaking my head. "And as for why I'm still here... well, let's just say I don't take kindly to being used, especially by the likes of you. I owe you, and I intend to settle that debt. Otherwise, people might start thinking I'm some kind of pushover," I explained with a casual shrug.

Malachi erupted into laughter at my words, his amusement evident in the curve of his lips. "And how, pray tell, do you plan to make me pay?" he inquired, his grin oozing with arrogance. 

"You may be quick on your feet, but you're surrounded. How many bullets will you be able to dodge before you drop dead?" he taunted, discarding his cigar and retrieving a pistol, which he aimed squarely at me.

I smiled at his words. "Dodging bullets? Why would I need to do that?" I asked, giving Malachi a look that suggested that he was mentally challenged. "Those flimsy pistols of yours won't even--" 

My sentence was cut short as a loud gunshot thundered in the air, and I felt something hit me in the forehead, pushing my head back.