
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Force Yourself To Not Look Back III


Chapter 170: Force Yourself To Not Look Back III


"You... You poisoned me?" Ymir frowned, disbelief written all over his face, "That's impossible!" When? He hadn't consumed anything for decades now! So how?

Ymir has been in slumber for a long time, his body frozen in a process similar to Cryopreservation except that it doesn't damage his body or his brain.

Therefore, he never needed to eat anything. Rarely does he come out for consumption, and the last time was about sixty years ago, when he chose to have a son.

"It doesn't matter how I did it... You only have ten minutes," Loki responded with a gentle smile, a smile that told a lot, a smile of victory.

Ymir furrowed his brows, not feeling any foreign substance in his body, but he believed his son... He knows how scary Loki is, but he had some doubts, "Loki... You colluded with the World Government?"

"Do not worry, father," Loki shook his head, "I did indeed collude with the World Government, but it wasn't for you... It was for him. I would never put Elbaf in danger. It's mine after all."

The him he speaks of was none other than Yovan was watching from afar, undisturbed by their words.

"Is he under your illusion?" Ymir asked, not seeming to be in a hurry despite the quickly fleeting time.

"Yes," Loki nodded, "And no need to worry, what he sees and hear is only what I allow him to see and hear... His methods are useless."

Ymir took a deep breath as he lifted his hand high, "Never underestimate an opponent."

"I never do," Loki responded with narrow eyes, unsure of what Ymir wanted to do.

"What I mean is... Always overestimate your opponents. That shall be my first and last lesson to you." Ymir opened his frosty eyes as he felt the group beneath him shake.

No, Loki clearly felt the entire area shake, dozens of miles around, making him frown, "Stop him now!!" He gave an order, and the guards instantly acted, leaping at Ymir.

However, Ymir also leaped high in the sky, leaving behind a river of frost as his hand grasped onto something, something that flew from the deepest part of the land.

The thing broke through the ground, bringing along with it a snowstorm, rotating around the sky before its handle rested in Ymir's hand while he was in the sky.

In his hand was a hammer with a handle fitting his gigantic hand and an enormous head, fitting of giants, especially someone as gigantic as Ymir.

It was as if frost was his wings, pushing him down upon the ground, bringing down his frosty hammer upon the palace.

He hit no one. Only his frost spread out, sealing all the guards around, "There is no need to implicate them, so show me what you got... I know you're stronger than this."

And without awaiting a response, Ymir vanished, swinging his hammer amidst his movement, swinging it up at Loki, sending the latter flying far away before jumping after him.

The two landed far away from the capital, near the Treasure Tree Adam, Loki looking all disheveled and messy, nothing like the elegant prince he was before.

"You... You were acting anxious before to get me to confess," Loki realized, frowning.

"Still trying to waste time?" Ymir frowned as he took a step forward, "Grant your father a fight, will you not?"

Loki's frown turned into a smile as he picked up his spear that was resting on the ground not far from him, "Very well."

Ymir was right. Loki is special, and his uniqueness doesn't end with his Devil Fruit but also with his Haki, all three types of Haki.

He's one of the few people in the world that can use conqueror's Haki, and so was his father. Strangely, despite the latter's age, Loki's conqueror Haki was actually stronger.

Not to say that Ymir's conqueror Haki was weak, but that Loki was just that monstrous, especially with his future vision, something they both have, but Loki still excelled.

Ymir finally realized just how talented his child is, and became even more regretful, regretting not spending some time with him, but people like him don't dwell on such emotions for long.

They focused on the thundering battle, a battle no giant could interfere with as the surroundings of the Treasure Tree Adam turned into an Iceland with giant icicles everywhere, and structures of ice all about.

Loki mostly deflected Ymir's hammer attacks, barely succeeding and redirecting his attacks elsewhere, showing the true extent of his speak play.

Much to his dismay, however, he found himself powerless, feeling like his arms were about to break with every deflection.

He was so physically outpaced that it wasn't even funny, not even his future vision could save him, and his illusion was mostly useless against Ymir.

Prince Loki's expression was slowly changing, getting anxious as he realized that Ymir was merely playing with him and that he could kill him at any moment.

'Only one minute left,' Loki was still confident though. Had he not been so certain that Ymir wouldn't kill him, he wouldn't have gone through with this.

As Ymir said before, Loki would never underestimate anyone. He even overestimated him significantly just for situations like this, but Ymir still surpassed his expectations.

"I know what you're thinking," Ymir suddenly stopped, saying calmly, "I would never kill you."

He said no more as he lightly tapped the ground, almost instantly cracking the area miles around him, and suddenly, he was standing before Loki, holding the latter's spears just as the latter wanted to attack.

Loki saw the future, but he couldn't respond to it fast enough, or any response to it would cause the future to change, and Ymir to react faster than he ever could.

Loki wanted to backstep, feeling overwhelming killing intent upon him, so overwhelming even his monstrous will was having a hard time resisting it.

He couldn't backstep, not as Ymir held the spear, transferring through it overwhelming amounts of chill to freeze Loki's hand to it.

The ice was only broken when Ymir lightly lifted his foot, kicking Loki in the chest, the latter feeling his chest sunken, hardly able to breathe.

Loki was thrown toward the world tree, rumbling through the numerous Icicles about, and he got no breathing time as Ymir swiftly flipped the spear, planting his foot on the ground before launching the spear.

It was launched with such force that it reached Loki before the latter reached the world tree, nailing him in the shoulder against the World Tree, and causing him to groan in pain.

No amount of preparations could cause Loki to stay calm at the moment, not as Ymir appeared before him yet again, swinging his hammer right at Loki's head, leaving the latter dizzy.

Loki was confused, his brain barely able to work as he felt the spear pulled out of his shoulders, allowing him to fall to the ground only to again feel the painful sensation of the spear again.

Ymir planted the spear upon the ground, through Loki's shoulders again, causing the latter to wake up from his stupor, clarity returning to his eyes.

Loki could see it, Ymir standing above him with cold frosty eyes, his eyepatch fallen right by his side. He could see Ymir grasping his hammer tightly, high in the sky.

There was nothing but coldness in Ymir's eyes, and so much more coldness around his enormous hammer, a chill so concentrated that it might just be able to freeze the entirety of Elbaf.

Prince Loki for the first time in his life felt fear of death, logic having long left his usually composed mind... All that's left is the idea of death.

He embarked on this path knowing that there is no turning back, but he could not help but hesitate sometimes.

Going through with his plans was a way to make sure he never looks back, just like what Yovan is allowing to happen right now.