
One Piece: Limitlessness

He will be tested to death. Luck Is not on his side. Misfortune is his second name, but the fire of survival shines deeply in his eyes. Will he survive? Will he find peace instead of unending suffering for the sake of survival? And will he persevere to become... Limitless? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me.

VQuintessence · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Enemies Sharing A Toast II

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Chapter 149: Enemies Sharing A Toast II


"What... You, hwai..." The old man stumbled his steps as he picked up the paper again and threw it into the fire, watching it burn with twitching eyes.

The Strangers now have two ways to exchange memories. The Viola way, in which she uses her Giro Giro no Mi to look through a person's memories before transferring them to Yovan the same way.

Then there is the Pudding way, in which Pudding uses her own Devil Fruit Memo Memo no Mi, allowing her to manipulate memories by reaching into a person's head and extracting memories in the form of film strips, even editing them.

Pudding's powers were quite the nice addition because they'll allow Yovan to do something very interesting with the Pantheon's influence.

Either way, they soon left the house and went back to Seizon No Hono. The battle in the sky was quite the distraction, allowing her to go unnoticed.

The battle soon came to an end, yet Yovan still didn't come back, and neither did the rest of the Strangers.

Only Capone Bege was left on the ship with Viola and Pudding as he can not yet show himself. He's supposed to be dead after all.

What were the rest of the Strangers doing? Well, "Yahahaha, why so grumpy? Here, have a toast!" Yovan cheerfully declared.

"Humph!" Kaido only grunted in response, but he still returned the toast with a sulky expression.

"Fufufuffu," Giggling was someone even taller than the beast, by a lot, almost reaching 27 feet in height. She was a giant despite not being an actual giant.

Her name was Black Maria, a high-ranking member of the beast pirates. She's also a capable musician as she played them some Shamisen, beautifully so.

"Agghh," Someone else grunted, one of the All-Stars of the beast pirates, Jack.

"Hm? No toast?" Kaku who had offered him a toast innocently asked.

"I want to kill them," Jack murmured under his breath.

"Ohh I want to kill him so badly," Another of the All-Stars heard him, Queen as he murmured while eyeing Laffitte and Reiju with venom in his eyes, literally, Reiju poisoned him.

"I can suck it off you if you wish," Laffitte offered while licking his lips.

"AJJHHH, come here you fucking disfigured monster!!" The two then played about like little kids, only destroying a few hills.

"Hehehehe," Even Kalifa couldn't help but let out a giggle. The Strangers' invasion of Onigashima went nicely, each having their own fight as to improve.

That was in the end Yovan's goal, to improve so much that he can be free of misfortune, free of everything, able to survive through all misfortune.

Unfortunately for the beast pirates, they didn't quite see the battle as such. In fact, the way the Strangers fight annoyed the shit out of them.

That went especially for Kaido for he hated Yovan more than anyone, the fucking monster fought him with such intensity that even he had to take a little break.

And if that wasn't enough, here is Yovan treating their break like a party, like, in what world would enemies such as themselves share a toast?

Well, who knows, but Yamato was certainly having a blast, laughing her ass off at the state of her father, "Dahahaha Dahahahahaha!!"

"Done!! let's continue!" Kaido quickly stood up after gulping an entire jar of saki.

"Ay ay," Yovan nodded before jumping to his feet, letting out a grin as all the Strangers at the same time jumped to the sky in a strangely coordinated move, as if his voice was a signal.

If the beast pirates were to do anything to stop them, they wouldn't be able to, not as a tsunami of feathers fell upon them.

"See you soon," Only Yovan's fleeting voice was left behind, that and the roars of the All-Stars.

"You son of a bitch!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!!!!"



That and the unending giggles of Yamato as she very much enjoyed the misery of her father.

Just like last time, Yovan escaped, and there was nothing the Dragon could do about it, not with the annoying trick of Yovan that's the Veil Of Darkness.

"That was fun, we should do it again soon," Laffitte said with a grin as they landed on Seizon No Hono.

"Um, but I don't want to fight that Jack guy, he can't even move. He was just standing there, allowing me to cut him down? I'm confused." Kaku noted.

"It's probably because you're a few hundred times faster than him," Kalifa shook her head, knowing the ridiculousness of Kaku's speed.

"Nope, it's probably because they're masochists, that Queen due almost had a mental breakdown for no reason," Laffitte disagreed.

"It's probably because you created a song on the spot making fun of his singing, weight, shape, ugliness, beast pirates, Kai..." Kalifa eloquently explained only to be interrupted.

"Alright alright, why don't we just agree that he's too sensitive? Hah? Good, we agree," Laffitte voluntarily agreed on her behalf.

"Viola?" Yovan said as he stood before her, and she nodded with a happy smile, causing him to also smile and rest his head against hers while holding Enyo.

No matter how much he trusts anyone, he simply would never take the chance or the risk of her seeing the memories he doesn't want her to see, especially of what's to come.

He never not once asked Nico Robin for her knowledge of the ancient script, perhaps knowing that she would definitely not teach him.

He also didn't forcefully take her knowledge from her. There were two easy ways to do so, either with Viola's powers or Pudding's, and Robin is powerless to resist.

However, he doesn't need to. In fact, he'd rather not because she may be of great help in the future... A future where he doesn't exist.

"Thank you," Yovan caressed Pudding and Viola's hair as he added, "Let's increase the intensity of our training, shall we?"


"Can we not?"

"Shall we not?"


"Please no?"

Yovan of course listened to their pleas and only increased the intensity a little bit, only beating them up three times a day, six times if they aren't working hard, even lumping Pudding into the equation.

If there was something that he can never allow, it's laziness, even from the cute pun that's Pudding.

He, on the other hand, paid almost daily visits to either Kaido or Katakuri, sometimes spending quite some time in their company.

Kaido, he fights one to one, due to honor and things. The same couldn't be said for Katakuri, not with how much the Big Mom hates him.

He'd dare to say she hates him more than anyone, so she proved to be quite the hassle as he really only wanted to fight Katakuri.

Fighting these groups of monsters was torturous. Well, it was torture for all parties involved especially with the insanity that's Yovan way of battle.

Never once had he complained nor did he feel the desire to complain.

The pain was irrelevant, it was named hard work instead, and it's what allowed him to achieve his purpose.

It took a long while, so much madness that Kaido literally started trying to avoid ever coming in contact with Yovan, trying to escape his clutches.

The strongest creature in the world had had enough, but Yovan didn't let him go, not until he learned it, until he comprehended a very interesting concept that would further his plans.

If he hadn't comprehended or awakened that concept, he wouldn't be here, he wouldn't have found himself standing before all of the Marine Admirals.

The promised meeting, Yovan showed up. It's supposed to be in preparation for a raid against the Pantheon, but both knew better.

"Is this our first time meeting, Fleet Admiral Sengoku?" Yovan said with a smile. The meeting place was a wasteland of an Island in New World, called Punk Hazard.

The Island experienced a deadly event in the shape of poisonous gas that killed everything in it, leaving behind not a sign of life. Now, it's about to experience something worse.

"It is," Sengoku nodded, standing ahead of three other Admirals. Indeed, before Yovan stood Sengoku, Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji.

"I do wonder though, why do I sense..." Yovan was interrupted.

"Killing intent?" Akainu stated, not hiding his killing intent at all, "Because this shall be your grave."

"Oh, care to explain?" Yovan raised a brow.

"The Stranger, Yovan Night, you are henceforth relieved of your Warlord duties for the crime of killing a World Noble." Sengoku declared, "On top of your relation to the Pantheon."

"Hm, interesting," Yovan murmured, Sengoku's words telling him that they don't actually know him to be Apollo, so who the fuck is this other World Noble that he killed? And how?

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