
One Piece: Like father like son!

A fellow weeb gets reincarnated in the world of One Piece as Portgas D. Jackson, the twin brother of Portgas D. Ace. His randomly generated cheat is letting him synchronize his battlepower and techniques over time with an anime character, which is also randomly chosen ;). I don’t own anything beside original characters Writing for fun but also trying to improve so pls leave a feedback

End_boss · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

I hate people, they are shit!

„Bullshit! How can so much garbage come out of one mouth? Even if some witch was crazy enough to get knocked up by that devil, the world government would have killed them both since long ago!"

„How would you know wether someone was crazy enough? How would you know what the world government would do or if they would have succeeded? Judging by the stench and filth coming from YOUR mouth you don't even know how to brush your teeth!"

„Are you both done with your stupid discussion? What's the point debating about this? Even if there were children and even if they survived and didn't get killed off, so what? They can still be killed. Even their father the Pirate King got executed at the end!"

Holy shit is this what Ace originally got to hear until he snapped? Are you fucking kidding me?! It's been barely 30 minutes since we entered and walked around this small town and we already have to hear is this?What do you mean devil?! What do you mean witch?! What do you know about our Parents?! What do you know about their love and the sacrifices they made?! How can people openly discuss about this, don't they fear that they will get reported, shouldn't this be some sort of taboo theme? Damn it I will ki…

„I will kill them!"


Right I shouldn't loose control of my emotions but still… This isn't something a 5 years old boy should be saying. Ace was standing there trembling since he clenched his fist as hard as he could. His facial muscles were tense and he was clenching his teeth just as hard as his fists. I can understand his reaction since I almost lost it as well but this is neither the time nor the place for that.

„Ace, get ahold of yourself!"

Putting my hand on his shoulder I turned him towards me so that I could look into his eyes

„Get a hold of my self? Jackson did you go deaf or have you become a retard? Didn't you hear what they said about our par… mggdfm?!"

Damn that was close, I had to cover this idiots mouth before he spilled the beans on us!

„Don't say it out loud you moron. I clearly heard everything they said and I too want to beat the ever living shit out of them but Ace… if we did that, because we are displeased with what they are saying… wouldn't we proof them right? Are we some easily provoked beasts that should have been put down?"

My words did little to dimmish my brothers anger, but the tension throughout his body eased a little so I guess my words had some effect on him even if just a little.

„Then should we just leave them? Why is it ok for others to be assholes? When provoked Dadan or Garp would beat me too so why can't we beat them up?! Why are only we the beasts if we retaliate?!"

Damn your Ace and your questions, how can I explain the current workings of the world to a 5 years old?!

„It's not ok, it's just that this situation doesn't favor us. They didn't provoke us, we just randomly appeared and only heard what they said by chance. They don't even know who we are so let's keep it like that. Since they don't like our family they naturally won't talk good about us but are you planning to go around and beat everyone who doesn't like our parents? You'd be pretty busy then."

For fucks sake we just came here to get some money and have some fun, so how did we end up with such a gloomy atmosphere. *Sight* Ace is just 5 but he is more mature than I thought. His thoughts might sound like simple why questions but he is questioning things like prejudice, discrimination and fairness.

„I hate people! They are shit!"

… Ok maybe not so much mature than I thought but ironically I agree with that, even though there are exceptions.

„Me too Ace. But so what? Let them be shit, really smelly shit! A huge pile of smelly shit!"

Hmm… he looked really gloomy just know so I tried to be funny but… my attempt to humor him and perhaps even make him laugh failed spectacularly and know I'm getting his ‚I'm looking at an idiot' look. Damn when I was 5 I died of laughter when some adults said stupid things like smelly shit. Like bro you ever saw shit that smelled good? Ah i got a little sidetracked out of embarrassment. I guess that at least it eased up the atmosphere around us a bit. Whatever! We returned to the house afterwards and ate dinner before heading to bed but we couldn't fall asleep until late into the night.

2 months later

It was evening and I just returned to the house with the young boar that chased me a few month ago. Today I hunted alone after my training since Ace refused my invitation stating that he isn't in the mood to go hunting. I was surprised but everyone can have his or her 5 minutes. When I arrived I heard Dadan suddenly shouting and then I saw her running of the house with Dogra and Magra.

I walked in and asked what happened and they told me that Ace apparently almost beat some guy to death. FUCK! Did he already start to question wether we should have been born and snapped? Couldn't he have talked with me if something was on his mind?

I waited for them to return but they only arrived when it was late into the night. I had a lot of things to ask and tell Ace but when I saw his castdown gaze I swallowed it and decided to leave him a bit of space first.

Instead of going to sleep he sat in a corner and I can't describe him currently in any other way than being depressed. I let him be for a while and when the others fell asleep I went to him. He noticed me, looked up at me and asked

„What do you want now, Jackson? Don't you know already that I snapped and almost killed someone like a savage? If you are here to tell me that…"

„I'm not here to talk."

I interrupted him since he begun to slowly increase his voice and I didn't want the other to wake up.

„Then what do you want?"

I sat down next to Ace leaning against the wall and spoke without looking at him.

„I want to listen… Ace are you ok?"

There was silence and Ace didn't say anything for a while. I thought for a moment that perhaps he doesn't want to talk and was about to stand up but he suddenly spoke before I did.

„That bastard… he… he said that…"

„I don't care what he said or what he has done or how you reacted."

I interrupt Ace again.

„It doesn't matter to me since I'll be on your side regardless of who did or said whatever."

I could feel Ace turned his head and looked at me and when I looked back at him I saw his surprised face

„Even if I am in the wrong?"

„If you are in the wrong I'll scold you and even beat you up but I'd still be on your side and guard your back no matter against whom."

Ace didn't answer so I also kept my silence until I got really sleepy. I was about to go and sleep and maybe it was just my imagination since I was really sleepy but I could have sworn I heard Ace mutter a thank you before I fell asleep.