
One Piece: Library of Myriad Realms

This is the story of an otaku who wakes up in a "one piece" world Ps: This is my first work and this is a harem novel, there are many world, many girls!

Naubrz · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Volume 4 : NZT-48


He suddenly felt like his brain was hit by something hard and he panicked, because he thought there had been something wrong with the medicine capsule he was taking.

He found a lot of memories popping up. About his previous life and his present self. He recalled all the events that had been experienced from childhood until now without forgetting a single detail.

He felt stronger, and his eyesight and mind seemed clearer.

"Really, refreshing my mind feels easier" Dax was amazed by what he had felt, but before he fell into thinking about something, he was reminded of the side effects of the medicinal capsules.

Although, at first he was excited about everything he was feeling, that didn't dispel his fear of the side effects of the medicinal capsules.

However, he was soon attracted by the glint of light that suddenly appeared before him.

"What is that? Why is there suddenly light here?"

He slowly approached her curiously, when he tried to reach out to the light, a choice appeared in his mind.

"Improved / Optimizing".

"It turned out to be, ha ha ha". Dax said in his mind excitedly:

"Finally figured out how this repair room works." Dax thought as his brain started to work on assessing and summarizing everything that had happened and felt.

He immediately chose refinement, as soon as he found new information about the successful refinement that removed the side effects of the medicinal capsules.

Once again Dax chose to optimize, as soon as he got information about strengthening and adjusting medicine capsules.

The light began to shine brighter, then a change occurred in Dax as well as the light began to form the appearance of a capsule floating in the space.

Dax finds himself more perfect, both in improving intelligence, reflexes, memory, dexterity and charisma.

Compared to the original, Dax's figure is more perfect with a height of about 1.78 meters, a body shape that is not prominent but perfect, a more perfect facial contour full of attractiveness, as well as black hair and golden eyes that sparkle like the original.

Taking out a mirror from the storage room, Dax looked at himself carefully, he saw every change that was made of him with great satisfaction.

After satisfying his gaze for a while, Dax walked towards the capsule-shaped light that floated not far from him.

According to the information he received, it was clear in detail the changes that occurred in this drug capsule, namely:

- Eliminate the side effects of NZT-48 drug capsules.

- Increase the duration of use to no duration, so it is permanent.

- Increases charisma, agility, reflexes and more.

"Heh! what a pleasant experience. Well, time to rest."

Thinking of this he immediately chose again, he also appeared in his room.

He started resting by lying down while contemplating the next ability target's follow-up.



*The "Repair Room" function can only be used in the form, every thing that flows in the body, be it in the type of gene, talent, ability and so on. While things outside the body can not be repaired.

*The "Storage Space" function is simply used through the mind without limitation.