
One Piece: Legacy's Child

Nani! What even is this guy's name, it says here that his name is Portgas D Deuce, but why did he just call himself that weird name, Bastar D Euce? "Oi kid, who are you, you are the son of Roger, you know this means we must kill you!" The kid looks up and stares the man in his eyes, something crimson bursting from his eyes, making the man fall to the ground and lie on his face, "Who is Roger? I am no son of his? Where is Ace and Luffy? You will pay! All of you will pay!"

SMMCLIPS · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5- Big Pirate? Yeah she's pretty big...

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"Oi Vigaro, what is your fighting style eh?"

Vigaro seemed lost in thought before saying, "Eh, Euce, my fighting style? Hmm... I like my fists, I recently learned this thing where my hands go black for a while, I think it's cool!" 

"Vigaro, what you learned was Armament Haki, let's not waste a second in training!" 

"Aye Aye, Captain!"

The yacht-like boat had a large building-like place at the back, with two stories, where the cabins were, the front was the cabin from which we steered the boat, and in the middle was a large open space of deck, once we went under the deck, there is a giant room in the length of the whole ship, I am planning to convert that into an extensive training room, and probably use some Adam wood, if I can find some, to bolster the room up so it won't break on impact. 

Vigaro stood opposite me on the deck and had his fists up in a fighting stance, I contemplated how to teach someone to use armament at will for longer than they can currently use it. The way Garp taught me was a bit unconventional and I guess if I want Vigaro to be stronger I have to do it this way too.

"Vigaro, you are my first mate, you need to have all haki if possible so I'm going to beat the shit out of you until you can dodge at will with observation, hold your armament, as for conquerors..." I smiled sinisterly, "There is a way to teach you that too!" 

<7 days later> 

It's been a week since I'd started beating up Vigaro, he can hold his armament long enough to get in a good blow to any opponent in the blues and paradise, his observation, however, went much better than I thought it would, he can sense intent pretty well and has the basic ability to dodge and weave, but today was the day I will give him his first taste of conquerors. 

"Oi, Vigaro, I can drop you without moving from where I am now!"

"Haha, even for you Captain, that is a bit much!"

I felt the crimson in my eyes leaking out in red tendrils of lightning, the sky darkened, the clouds turned grey, and the blue sky and ocean turned colorless as I unleashed a short burst of conquerors, and it was enough to make Vigaro fall to the ground clutching his head. 

I relented on the haki, walked up to him, and helped my blue-haired first mate up to a standing position, he was a tall guy, much like me, he was one year older but we were the same height standing at around eight feet tall. 

"Vigaro, that power comes as an extension of my will, and my will is an extension of my dream, what is yours?"

"Captain, my dream is to annihilate the entire Marine force, creating my own force for true justice!"

"Good, now come here, let me tie you up!"

Vogaro looked at me weirdly for a second before walking over to me and standing in front of me waiting to be bound. I tied his hands behind his back and his legs together before I dove into the sea found a boulder almost the same height as him and strapped him to it, I found scuba gear in the ship and put an oxygen tank on him and a mask. I told Vigaro to wait and deliberately went slow and just like I had hoped he dozed off to sleep. I took the steaks I found in the kitchen and strapped them all over Vigaro's body, even on his forehead before waking him up. 

"Captain, what is this?" 

"Training, goodbye!" I kicked my first mate off the ship and watched as he sank like a rock, which was probably because he did have a rock strapped to him. The first day, I reeled him up and he had several bites and scratches, we did this two times a day for 5 days, and on that last one... 

I watched as the seas became stormy and unruly for a second and then everything stopped and the unconscious bodies of sea kings and fishes rose to the surface, I reeled a few sea kings for rations and then pulled Vigaro himself out afterward. 

It was smooth sailing since that, just us two training and whatnot until we came across a galleon-like pirate ship, it was huge, but ugly, resembling a giant swan, with the words "Miss Love Duck," painted on the side, it was the most ugliest thing we had ever seen and Vigaro and I took turns throwing up in the toilet, until of course we heard a giant booming voice, "Oi, This Is Alvida's Territory, PREPARE TO DIE"

I looked at Vigaro and we smiled at each other...

"Viga, that sounded like a threat to me!"

"Yeah same here Euce."

"Let's neutralize the threat then!" 

We squatted and jumped high into the air and aboard Alvida's ship, before walking around completely disregarding her and her crew, we were looking for anything of value. Eventually, we realized they probably held treasure downstairs, so hand out a beating it is!

I grabbed the nearest pirate, pulled his arm out of its socket, and spun him around sending the guy spiraling into Alvida who knocked the guy off the boat with her mace. She didn't care about her crew, I would love to sympathize but it's hard to when your opponent looked like she ingested three pigs and is permanently holding air in her mouth, puffing out her stupid cheeks. 

I unsheathed Soul Reaper and nodded at Vigaro who jumped high in the air, out of the sword's reach and I slashed down at the ugly ship, splitting it in two the treasure was below deck and visible to everyone. I looked at Alvida, blinked, and appeared right in front of her making her flinch in fear, "You have potential, but lose some fat you retard!" With that I spun and covered my foot in armament before letting it smash into her many layers of fat, sending her flying into the sky and soon not even visible to the naked eye. 

I turned towards the crew and Vigaro had landed now, he had taken care of everyone and tied them up before looking at me and asking what to do. "I will know if you lie, so answer truthfully, were you under her command willingly?" I heard everyone's answer one by one, all of them lied, the only one person that didn't was a chubby little, pink-haired boy in the back, "Boy, you will come with me, as for the rest of you, Vigaro just kill them!"

"Aye Captain!" 

I took the brat to my ship and made him some hot chocolate before asking him if he knew any places while he traveled with Alvida, it turns out his name was Koby. 

"I am just a chore boy, Euce san, she scared me, I want to be a good marine, but she kidnapped me and made me her slave, the only place I know is Shells Town, the nearest Marine base, under Axe hand morgan!"

"Can you take us there boy?" 

"I know the way Euce san!" 

"Good, let's get going, just tell Vigaro the directions to get there, and he will steer, thank you, we will leave you in that town, you should enlist in the marines there!" 

We set sail for Shell town, I wondered if this Morgan guy was that strong.

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