
One Piece: Kuzan's Path to Domination.

In a twist of fate, a devoted One Piece fan awakens as Kuzan, the formidable Admiral of the Marines, gifted with a malevolent system that grants ultimate power through conquest. As Kuzan navigates the perilous seas of the Grand Line, their ambition knows no bounds. Driven by a hunger for unyielding power, Kuzan's journey is marked by ruthless strategies, shattered alliances, and a trail of devastation. "Absolute Dominion" delves into Kuzan's transformation into a force of darkness, as they forsake morality for the sake of dominance. Will Kuzan's lust for power lead to unchallenged rule, or will their quest for absolute control ultimately consume them? Join Kuzan on a path to unrivaled supremacy, where every victory comes at a steep price.

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4 Chs

Ecosystem Destroyed


[Host kills Enel...]

As Enel hastily chose the Thunder Fruit, sparks of thunder crackled around Kuzan, the power coursing through his body. "What a destructive power," Kuzan remarked, marveling at the newfound ability to control both ice and thunder.

His eyes swept over the golden city before him, envisioning the joy it would bring to his beloved. With a gesture and a command, "Store all," the entire golden city vanished, absorbed into the ring on his finger. This ring, a marvel crafted by Vegapunk, was infused with the Store-Store Fruit's magic, granting it a vast storage space capable of containing non-living things, even entire cities. The legendary golden bell, a symbol of Angel Island's wealth, found its place within the ring's magical confines, adding to its mystique.

However, a disturbance drew his attention to the Upper Yard, where a colossal snake threatened the peace. Aokiji transformed into lightning, ascending to the towering sky with speed and precision. There, he conjured a massive spinning disc of ice infused with thunder, a lethal combination of his elemental prowess. With a flick of his wrist, the icy thunder disc soared towards the snake, slicing it cleanly in half. The creature's stomach revealed a trove of gold, all of which Aokiji deftly stored within his ring, expanding its wealth.

As the system chimed in:


[Host kills Nola, the giant snake]

A plethora of abilities appeared on the screen. Aokiji dismissed most of them, knowing what he sought. "Thermal vision," he decided, recognizing its potential utility. With thermal vision, Aokiji's sensory capabilities expanded, allowing him to detect heat signatures and infrared radiation, enhancing his strategic edge.

Despite his desire to explore Angel Island to meet cute Conis but if her lingering scent got on him and it is founded by Baccarat . Knowing Baccarat's temperament, he wisely chose to avoid any potential strife. Creating an ice platform, he descended back to the sea, his mind focused on the tasks ahead and the powers he now wielded.

Kuzan's sudden realization about the abundant sea life prompted Aokiji to extend his hand into the sea, unleashing a staggering 1 billion-volt shock. In an instant, numerous sea creatures' lifeless bodies surfaced, including majestic sea kings. A mix of awe and regret filled Kuzan as he beheld the unintended consequences of his action. "Maybe I shouldn't have done it," he mused, recognizing the ecological impact on this sea area. This unintended feast would undoubtedly attract sea creatures from distant areas, turning it into a grand underwater spectacle.

Amidst the aftermath, the incessant ding sounds from the system grated on Kuzan's ears. Annoyed, he demanded, "Don't make that sound again! I'll select them myself." Taking charge, Kuzan sifted through the vast array of abilities presented to him.

He meticulously chose a diverse set of abilities:

- Venom from Giant Squid, for offensive capabilities.

- Underwater vision from sea kings, enhancing sight in the depths.

- Underwater breathing from fishes, facilitating effortless respiration underwater.

- Night Vision from barreleye fish, can see in very little light.

- Bite force from megalodon, granting immense strength.

- Echolocation from dolphins and whales, for precise navigation.

- Electroreception from sharks and rays, to detect electrical fields and sense danger.

- Bioluminescence from deep-sea creatures, for communication and hunting in darkness.

- Hydrodynamic sensitivity from fish, for precise navigation through water movements.

- Camouflage from Cuttlefish, blending into surroundings.

- Regenerative abilities from axolotls, rapid healing.

- Toxin resistance from ancient fishes, immunity to venomous attacks.

- Gill adaptations from ammonites, efficient underwater breathing.

- Swift swimming from mosasaurus, agility for hunting and evasion.

- Flexible body from Octopus, maneuverability in underwater environments.

- Deep diving from ichthyosaur, exploring great depths.

- Predatory instincts from megalodon, honing hunting capabilities.

After making these selections, a mix of astonishment and realization dawned on Aokiji. "Looks like I inadvertently killed millions," he muttered, acknowledging the vast diversity of life within the uncharted seas of One Piece. The plethora of species, including ancient dinosaurs adapted to underwater life, reinforced the notion that these beings were more than mere monsters—they were part of a complex and thriving ecosystem, often referred to as sea beasts by the surface world.

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As the energy surged through his body, Kuzan underwent a profound transformation. His height surged to accommodate new organs, and his skin took on a pale white hue, a stark contrast to his former appearance. However, his hair remained jet black, creating a striking contrast that added to his intimidating presence.

His skin, now white and hardened into tough scales, exuded an otherworldly aura. His teeth became razor-sharp, and his eyes, larger and as blue as the sea, reflected his newfound power. This change, a side effect of his Life Return technique, also enhanced his overall appearance and stature.

His hair quality improved dramatically, despite remaining black, eliminating all wrinkles and previous injuries. His muscles bulged with newfound power, and as he admired his reflection in an ice mirror, he couldn't help but feel worthy of his position as an admiral.

With a confident stride, Aokiji set foot on the ship, which was now several miles away from him.

As soon as Kuzan landed on the ship, the sailors quickly pointed their guns at him and demanded to know his identity. Without missing a beat, Kuzan conjured an ice lotus in his hand and calmly stated, "It's me." The sailors, immediately recognizing the admiral, lowered their weapons and apologized profusely. "Forgive me, Admiral," one of them said, clearly relieved.

Kuzan waved off their concerns with a smile, saying, "No problem." He was genuinely pleased with his new abilities and felt a surge of confidence knowing he still had 25 of them left to explore and master.

Meanwhile, Baccarat, who had been observing from a distance, couldn't contain her excitement. "Hubby, is that you?" she exclaimed, leaping from her vantage point. In a joyous leap, she landed in Kuzan's arms, and he effortlessly caught her, spinning her around in a romantic embrace. The moment was filled with warmth and affection, a stark contrast to the earlier tension with the sailors.