
ONE PIECE : King of Heroes

After reading of the One Piece comic, a man with rich imaginations about the adventurous world of Luffy and his pirate crew, begins his imaginary journey with these characters. However, fate plays a game of its own when his life suddenly takes a drastic turn. The man, who had previously been sleeping in his room, was not aware of a dangerous gas leak. The electric spark that accidentally touched the gas resulted in a huge explosion that destroyed the room. When he finally woke up, he found himself in a completely different state. Unknowingly, the man has been reborn as Coby, a character in the world of One Piece, and is trapped in a prison cell on a pirate ship. The explosion's destruction has brought Coby to his imaginary world that once only existed in the pages of comics. Isolated in a cold and dark cell, Coby must struggle to understand what has happened to him. I'm just a beginner writer and this is my first work, so I hope you don't criticize me too harshly, and English is not my first language,I found a picture from pinterest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I would be very grateful if you could support me by donating at this link : https://sociabuzz.com/eggsy

eggsy · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 6 - Battle at Sea

As I handed out the porridge to the other children, a faint smile appeared on their dry lips. Despite the meager food we received, they expressed genuine gratitude. Looking at their condition, my heart filled with deep empathy. I was determined to protect them as much as possible and provide hope in this cruel world.

Days passed in the dark and damp cell. I continued to sharpen my Kenbunshoku Haki, monitoring the movements of the pirates on the pirate ship. Through intense observation, I began to recognize their patterns and characteristics. Some pirates appeared bold and rough, while others seemed hesitant and cautious. I witnessed how they coordinated their attacks and carried out their respective tasks.

Soon, an event shook the pirate ship. The sound of a loud collision and shouts filled the air. I could sense the tension and panic spreading throughout the ship. Using my Kenbunshoku Haki, I looked around, trying to figure out what was happening. It turned out that they were being attacked by the Marine ship, which had managed to track and follow the pirates' trail.

In the midst of the chaos, I remained calm and used my Kenbunshoku Haki to carefully observe the situation. I could feel the fear gripping the pirates, but I also saw courage and determination emanating from them. The captain of the ship, whose identity was revealed at that moment, stood before his crew with a sharp gaze. He led the counterattack with impressive combat skills.

Watching the pirates fight fiercely, a young child next to me reached for my hand, filled with hope. He looked at me with eyes full of expectation, as if hearing that voice ignited a flame of hope in him. Not only that child, but the other prisoners also showed hope for what was happening.

From the sounds and my observations, the battle raged on with shots and explosions everywhere. For the first time in my life, I experienced a war between fellow human beings. Through my Kenbunshoku Haki, I could sense that many pirates were disappearing, or in other words, they were dying as a result of this battle. I felt a heavy heart witnessing human lives being lost so quickly, the death toll increasing due to this conflict.

As the battle between the pirate ship I was held captive on and the Marines reached its climax, suddenly a man in a striking Marine uniform appeared. He was Captain Smoker, a Marine with a Devil Fruit power that allowed him to control smoke.

With a firm step and a serious expression, Captain Smoker entered the battlefield. In an instant, his presence created waves of fear among the pirates. He moved swiftly, using his power to capture and disable several pirates with undeniable skill.

Seeing the situation deteriorating, Captain Smoker wisely decided to end the battle. He spoke firmly to the remaining pirates, ordering them to surrender and submit. As a demonstration of his power, he showcased his prowess in combat by easily incapacitating several pirates.

I and the other prisoners in the cell looked on in awe and hope. We realized that a chance for rescue had appeared before us.

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