
ONE PIECE : King of Heroes

After reading of the One Piece comic, a man with rich imaginations about the adventurous world of Luffy and his pirate crew, begins his imaginary journey with these characters. However, fate plays a game of its own when his life suddenly takes a drastic turn. The man, who had previously been sleeping in his room, was not aware of a dangerous gas leak. The electric spark that accidentally touched the gas resulted in a huge explosion that destroyed the room. When he finally woke up, he found himself in a completely different state. Unknowingly, the man has been reborn as Coby, a character in the world of One Piece, and is trapped in a prison cell on a pirate ship. The explosion's destruction has brought Coby to his imaginary world that once only existed in the pages of comics. Isolated in a cold and dark cell, Coby must struggle to understand what has happened to him. I'm just a beginner writer and this is my first work, so I hope you don't criticize me too harshly, and English is not my first language,I found a picture from pinterest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I would be very grateful if you could support me by donating at this link : https://sociabuzz.com/eggsy

eggsy · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 20 - Overcoming Challenges and Expanding Abilities at Isshin Dojo

After successfully rescuing Kuina from the disaster that befell her, I felt a sense of relief as the year-long worry that had been weighing on my shoulders was lifted. It felt like a heavy burden had been released, and finally, I could breathe freely.

I observed Kuina slowly recovering from the accident, and with each passing day, she regained her strength and was able to practice swordsmanship normally again. Witnessing this change made my heart relax and filled me with happiness because I knew she would return to being the resilient person she was before.

Months turned into years since Kuina's accident, and I didn't realize how quickly time had flown by. It had been two more years since I started my training at Isshin Dojo. When I looked into the mirror, I noticed that my body was no longer as lean as before. Now, the lines of muscles started to show, indicating significant progress. The intense training over the past two years had yielded remarkable results.

During the past two years at Isshin Dojo, I had worked hard and faced every obstacle that came my way. I never stopped practicing with fervor. I often sparred with Kuina in training battles, and sometimes I even faced Zoro, one of the top students in the dojo.

Defeating other students in the dojo was no easy feat, but I felt proud and honored to achieve it. Through relentless training and unwavering spirit, I had honed my swordsmanship skills to a higher level.

During these two years, Isshin Dojo had become my home. I felt fortunate to have chosen it as my first destination, a place where the spirit of martial arts continued to thrive and grow. Here, I not only found a mentor who guided me to grow stronger but also fellow comrades who supported and encouraged each other to become stronger.

The miracles I experienced at Isshin Dojo extended beyond physical development and swordsmanship skills. Here, I learned values such as honesty, discipline, and responsibility. I also learned the power of togetherness and the true meaning of friendship.

Over the past two years at Isshin Dojo, I had also made incredible progress in developing my Kenbunshoku Haki, particularly in terms of its range. Initially, I could only sense the energy and presence of people within a radius of approximately 500 meters around me.

However, through intensive training and unwavering dedication, the range of my Kenbunshoku Haki had surpassed the limits I imagined. Now, I could sense the energy and presence of people within a radius of over 1 kilometer from my position.

This ability gave me a tremendous advantage in facing my enemies. I could detect their attacks before they were fully launched, allowing me to anticipate and evade at the right moment. In battles, this expanded range provided me with the opportunity to plan better strategies and take more effective actions.

Furthermore, the increased range of my Kenbunshoku Haki also allowed me to sense the energy of nature and the surrounding phenomena more accurately. I could observe changes in air currents, energy waves, and even subtle shifts in the environment. This gave me deeper insights into the situations around me, enabling me to adapt quickly and make the right decisions in every situation.

However, despite the rapid expansion of my Kenbunshoku Haki's range, I realized that there was still much more to learn and master. I continued to practice and sharpen this ability, pushing my limits and exploring untapped potential. I was confident that with dedication and perseverance, I could expand the range of my Kenbunshoku Haki even further, reaching levels that were previously unimaginable.

Every day at this dojo brought new joy and wonders. I experienced an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, facing challenges

, and achieving goals I never thought possible before.

Now, I feel a flowing spirit and self-confidence within me. I have grown into someone stronger, both physically and mentally. Isshin Dojo has helped me discover my true self and provided a solid foundation to face the future.

In these years ahead, I promise to continue training diligently, surpassing my current limits, and further developing my abilities.