
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 53

These two enemies had completely forgotten that their purpose of coming to the warship was to open a route for the Golden Meri. In order to compete, they started to "slaughter" the advancing naval soldiers.

Of course, there is no killer.

But even so, if these two monsters are attacked by the side, I am afraid that they will have to lie in bed for ten and a half days.

As for Luffy...

Naturally, he was excited to participate in this "Hunting Naval Soldier Contest", but his poor brain capacity was obviously not enough, and in the end he didn't count it, let go and began to make a lot of noise.

This was obviously something that Nami hadn't thought of.

There is no such a so-called game in the original book, so Sauron's goal is very clear is to cut the chain, but now... well, the game is still proposed by Lan Ye.

Nami on the Golden Meri saw such a big movement, but there was no way to open it. The anxious one was called a round-to-round turn. Seeing that she was about to approach the large group of warships, she and Usopp were the only ones on board. , There is simply no way to stop the fast-moving Golden Meri, let alone driving the Golden Meri to avoid the bombardment of artillery shells.

According to this trend, the Golden Meri is likely to directly hit the thick chain, and then... even if it is not as exaggerated as the body and bones, it is a turtle in the urn.

What she and Usopp could do was to shout loudly and try to remind the three of Luffy, but the roar of the sky couldn't convey any information.

Usopp had no expression on his face, and he kept muttering dejected words like "My great sea warrior is going to die here", full of negative energy.

Nami also turned pale, and she was thinking that Zuo Man Ruo would make a sharp turn and stay away from the warship group.

At this moment, the turning point appeared!

41. Blue·I didn't see the almanac·Tragedy·Night

Just when Nami was about to leave the scene with Zuo Man Ruo, the turning point appeared!

All the shells stopped roaring.

Navy, ceasefire.

This made Nami stunned.

The next moment, right in front of the Golden Meri, the chain between the warships was unfastened by the navy soldiers themselves, and even the warships carefully avoided some distance, so that Nami could be better. Drive through.

This abnormal performance made Nami feel suspicious. While hesitating, Usopp, who was resurrected with blood, suddenly yelled:

"It's Lan Ye! Look at the bow of that warship, it's Lan Ye! It's the one stepping on a super fat man."

Nami looked at the direction Usopp was pointing, and she happened to see Lan Ye, who was standing on a tuft of meat, waving to herself, and the high thumbs immediately relieved Nami.

"Fortunately, there is a reliable one, no, we must bring Lan Ye into our pirate group, otherwise the days in the future will really be frightening."

Lan Ye didn't know that she had been targeted by Nami because of her "reliable" attribute.

He didn't pay attention to the "stage out of control" of Lu Fei's people. He had been busy with Huang Long before grabbing the big tuft under his feet.

To say that this unknown admiral was also afraid of death. The entire ship was full of navy soldiers and artillery. At the beginning of the blue night, he was bombarded by a large number of artillery shells.

If it were to be held in such a stalemate, it would really be so exhausted.

But how could Lan Ye be a passive person?

Elevate your figure to avoid most shell attacks, and then bombard a few cannons capable of attacking this height, set up your own "turrets" and fire them one by one. Like this kind of fixed target, air bombs can always be fired. It fell into its barrel perfectly and blasted directly on the spot.

I fired all the cannons, and the remaining large cannons are no threat to Lan Ye.

Landing directly on top of the admiral's head, without speaking, came up with a severe beating.

After stopping, the cartilaginous flesh group immediately raised the white flag. Lan Ye didn't say anything. He was already aware of the current affairs and picked up the phone bug to stop all the navy soldiers, and ordered the warship in charge of the blockade to disconnect the chains and release the golden Meili. No.

It saves Lan Ye's tongue.

Sure enough, it's a cheap bone, and it will be honest after a fight.

Of course, Lan Ye wouldn't be so stupid that he just let go of the admiral, flew to the departure channel of the Golden Meri with effort, and waved to Nami for safety.

Until this time, Lan Ye noticed Sanji and Sauron not far away, still arguing over who defeated the more naval soldiers.

Well, Luffy, who was also trying to insert the conversation, was perfectly ignored.

Blue night: "..."

Can anyone tell me what this is like?

"That...that." The admiral at his feet tentatively said, "You must also want to live forever? As long as you help me get a thousand-year-old keel, I can make one for you too. By the way, I can also give it to you. Your many treasures, I have the right to mobilize the military expenditure of the navy..."


Gai Kong's right hand fist lightly, and a repulsive force hit the admiral's face fiercely. Although the strength was not great, he was spoiled and just rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Mother, the blood and sweat of the people feeds you a worm, but there is a lot of fat."

With disdain, he smashed Admiral Grind's fat chest with his feet again. After confirming that the other party was indeed unconscious and unresponsive, he glanced at the corner of his mouth boringly.

I planned to "enter" him well, but he just belched like this.

Just at this time, the Golden Meili drove by itself, and Lan Ye jumped onto the observation platform of the Golden Meili, stretched out, and lay down to squint.

Easy difficulty copy.

"Hey, Lan Ye~" Usopp yelled at the observation deck, "Luffy and the others? Are they not with you?"

Before, he patronized and noticed that the chain formation was unlocked, and did not pay attention to the three Luffy who were arguing.

Blue night: "..."

To be reasonable, he opened the channel here, took the enemy's head straight, and let the Golden Meri leave safely. Didn't you notice that it was time to return to the ship?

Standing up and taking a look at the fleet of warships that were drifting away, Lan Ye said that he didn't want to fly over to be a microphone.

Let them fend for themselves, anyway, the so-called admiral must be the one who is unlucky in the end.

Seeing that there was no movement from Lan Ye, Usopp was obviously a little uneasy, and when he wanted to say something, Lan Ye's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

I can only shut up.

Lan Ye couldn't play this game too much and wanted to have fun in the duel arena.

Hmm...Unfortunately, what he met was a fox fruit capable person, the least loved one with agility expertise. After reluctantly resisting for a minute, he was cut out by a paw.

Yes, I didn't find the fun, but became angry.

This is unbearable!

It was when he appeared on the observation deck, Lan Ye immediately clicked on the matching figure and disappeared in place. At the moment he disappeared, he seemed to hear Usopp's shout.