
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 351

Seeing that he was a difficult-to-reach lone ranger, the others had no intention of contacting him, so they looked away and quietly waited for the ship to return.

When I came up, I had told everyone that unless it was full, the boat would not return until about 5 in the afternoon.

The time now is 12 o'clock at noon, which is too early for the return time.

I thought I would have to wait boringly for five hours, but I didn't want to have another wave of people coming in after Lan Ye came in.

Most of them came together in twos and threes. At this time, each small group, after a little wait and see, someone would come up and invite each other whether to join their own group.

Most pirates will choose one to join after a little consideration, and only a few pirates will directly refuse.

The strange thing is that some people who come up from the same dial will refuse to join, and there is not much communication with the people who come up with each other, just like they know each other.

There are also a small number of people who have joined small groups, and they will launch small groups, and get together with people who come in later, whispering about'Fu Da Ming Da' or a round of swearing.

It is the word'sea king' that frequently appears in the topic.

Seeing this, Lan Ye understood what was going on.

At the same time, I was very surprised.

Undoubtedly, the ships of these later people were all attacked by the sea king that Lan Ye released. After the ship broke, they drifted to this small island.

Then, they were faced with the same choice as Lan Ye deliberately created before, whether to join or fend for themselves.

Those who can come in are naturally those who choose to join.

As for the consequences of rejection...

Ha ha.

Do you still have to guess?

This recruitment site is the external facade of the Anbala Pirates. It must be stationed with a strong combat force. Otherwise, what should I do if someone comes to kick the restaurant?

"However, it can be considered a surprise. With so many people taking cover together, my identity is more reliable and I can gather information with peace of mind."

Thinking secretly about the next move in his mind, the hull suddenly shook slightly, and a weak force pulled gently behind Lan Ye.

The boat is sailing!

At the same time, small windows were opened in the cabins next to everyone, allowing people to see what was going on outside the windows.

"Interesting, I don't know who came up with this idea." Lan Ye looked at these small windows and instantly understood their purpose.

The few people present also showed a sense of awakening after a period of time.


More people will say their own words for the purpose of this window for ventilation and wind-watching.

There was no wave on Lan Ye's face, and he even wanted to laugh in his heart.


The wisdom of mortals is really difficult to communicate.

The dispute cannot last long.

Because soon, they knew what these windows were for.

About twenty minutes after the ship set sail, it sailed into the thunderclouds surrounding Allendale.


The sky didn't darken, but it was even brighter—the kind that was dazzlingly bright.

When thunder and lightning occur, people will see the lightning first, and then they will hear the thunder.

According to scientific explanation, thunder and lightning are the natural effect of the friction between positive and negative electrons in the cloud, which emits a lot of light and energy.

Many people have seen ordinary lightning.


Have you ever seen lightning that can illuminate the entire sky all the time?

Please note that it is always!

Winding and twisting lightning flashes continuously from the huge thundercloud above everyone's heads, intertwined with a sky and earth net.

An endless stream of lightning keeps this sky always in a bright state, and all the darkness is invisible.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a sea of ​​thunder and lightning.


The boats underneath are driving in this sea of ​​thunder and lightning, but all the thunder and lightning have avoided the boats interestingly.

This made the few people who could not help but secretly said, would these thunder and lightning not hack people?

In the next moment, they overturned this conclusion of their own.

A large basin of fresh marine fish descended from the sky, and it should have been'released' into the sea by people outside the ship, but they would not be able to touch the sea until they died.

The death net intertwined by thunder and lightning directly chopped all of them into fly ash, and in the end even the fly ash turned into nothingness.

The special design of the windows happens to allow everyone to take this horrible scene into their eyes, and draw them deeply in their hearts, which is indelible.

I believe that for a long time in the future, they will not want to find a way to walk out of Arundale by themselves.

This is what these windows are designed for.

A disarming power that the weak will never forget!

As for the blue night?

He is doing a little experiment at this time.



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