
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 322

Why didn't it work hard at the beginning and just leveled it? The owner can only repair them and live in a dilapidated house.

Be sure to pay attention next time and make your shots vigorously.

Finding a reasonably'reasonable' reason for herself in her heart, Lan Ye strolled on the street leisurely.

This kind of leisurely mood is the first time he has surfaced since he came to Pirate World.

Women have them, they don't have to worry about money, their fame has just started, they have more than enough power to protect themselves, they have loyal subordinates, and they have their own friends.

There is also a goal that is enough for him to fight for a lifetime-to bring down the Tianlongren.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

It's not like entering the pirates, except for being handsome, there is no magic horse, and my heart is very flustered.

It's a pity that he couldn't keep this happy mood for long.

A loud noise made Lan Ye frown.

After hesitating for a while, he was going to have a look.

Move closer to the sound source.

After getting close.

The cry of a child, a woman's begging for mercy, a man's humming, and mixed noises all poured into Lan Ye's ears.


Lan Ye has been baptized by his brain for a long time, and his brain is automatically divided into categories according to the timbre, and finally sorted into a complete sentence, which is played clearly in his mind.

The ins and outs are also clear.

It's simple, but a bully is bullying orphans and widows.

The difference is that this pair of orphans and widows, who were once small cadres in the rebel army, unfortunately passed away forever in the uprising half a month ago.

The'Bullies' are the families of the fallen martyrs in the King's Army.

Now, the families of these martyrs vent all their grievances on the poor widow and orphan.

Lan Ye stayed aside and watched quietly.

He didn't step forward to stop it immediately.

Treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Alabastan, which has been liberated, is not all as calm as the surface.

In the three-year civil strife, the rebel army and the king's army continued to clashed, and Krocdal was instigated among them, and many people were injured on both sides.

This has nothing to do with right or wrong, just a different position.

Regarding the culprit of the civil unrest, although it has long been announced to the public, there is almost nothing that can accept it and laugh at it.

Under the leadership of Kosha, the rebels were formally disbanded three days ago, and a full 800,000 rebels spread across the country, contributing to the reconstruction of Alabastan.


The rebel army is disbanded, but the king's army still exists.

Now, the families of the fallen guards of the King's Army have come to the door in gangs. They cannot find the enemy who killed their son, husband, and father, so they will find trouble with the enemy's family.

The king's army is a regular army, and the guards who died in battle have pensions. The family members are also given special care by the king's army. Who dares to bully their brother's wife, children and parents, the 300,000 king's army will never agree!

This is the heritage of a country.

The rebel army led by Kosha has no such background.

When the rebels disbanded, Koza couldn't even get a Bailey, but Cobra took out the treasury's inventory, distributed food, arranged vehicles, and calmed his emotions.

As for more care, it is impossible.

Koza, after all, is just the temporary leader of the rebel army, without foundation, he is really powerless.

Not being convicted is already a mirror of Cobra's heart, knowing that Koza is not at fault, and the source of all crimes is Klockdal.


The rebel forces are scattered all over the country in Alabastan. How can one know that in a ruin in Albana, some of their cadres, wives and children who dedicated themselves to the freedom of the country, are being retaliated by the families of the martyrs of the King's Army?

They won't know.

Even if they knew it, it was only a very small part, so small that they did not dare to stand up-because they would also be the target of revenge.

It's nothing to do, there will always be people hanging up high.


Cobra is anxious about the reconstruction of Alabastan, and has no time to take care of these trivial matters-there are 800,000 rebels, and he can't manage it.

Although Cobra is a great prince, his prestige is not enough to make these family members who have lost their beloved give up the hatred in their hearts.

Because they know that the law does not blame the public.

With Cobra's kindness, even if he knew it, he would at most condemn them, but he would never blame them for it.

It was not Cobra's favoritism, but the position he was sitting in, which meant that he could not be held accountable.

If not, it would chill the heart of the 300,000 king army.

As Alabastan is being rebuilt, it will never experience another civil strife.

Therefore, even if Cobra knew this, he would only open one eye and close one eye.

For the sake of the overall situation, this is the monarch.


What Cobra can't do, Lan Ye can do.

He is not the king of Alabastan, he is the savior of Alabastan, and a hostile to the world government with a reward of 100 million.

He is qualified to let both parties let go of the hatred in their hearts-in the name of the savior.


It is impossible for Lan Ye to stay in Alabastan to deal with this matter.