
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

RAR_BLANK · Book&Literature
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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 306

217,If there is no comparison, there will be no...

"Arthur D. Lan Ye, as a cadre of the revolutionary army, I solemnly invite you. I hope you can lead your men to join the revolutionary army. Please agree!"

Kerla's righteous invitation, Lan Ye's answer is:

"Actually, I got on the Luffy ship to get close to Dorag and join the revolutionary army...Monkey D. Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, is the son of your leader Dorag. Don't you know? Is confidential work so good."

"So, is your answer yes?" Kerla had a black line.

Luffy is the son of the leader of Dorag. She does not know the news, and she also doubts its true degree. The most important thing now is to be able to Rarobin to join the revolutionary army.

Everything else is secondary.

There will be time verification in the future.

According to what Lan Ye just said, Lan Ye has a high chance of agreeing to join the Revolutionary Army.

Silently, Kerla has already planned in his heart how to make use of the opportunity near the water to make a good relationship with Robin first-this is the core member of the iron fight in the future. Making a good relationship will make many things a lot easier.

Ran goose.

Facing Kerla's reconfirmation, Lan Ye shook his head and said proudly:

"No! I refuse!"

"Oh, since you agreed, then Sister Robin...what! You refused again?!" Kerla was mad.

This guy, why doesn't he play his cards in such a way? !

"Yeah, I refuse." Lan Ye definitely nodded, and then glanced at Robin secretly.

The latter had a gentle smile on his face, still holding Lan Ye's hand, and there was no emotional fluctuation because of his refusal.

She looked like a well-behaved wife.

"But...why did you refuse? Can you give me a reason? You obviously wanted to join the revolutionary army before, but you found the leader of Dorag, why don't you think about it now?"

"Hmph, it's very simple. After joining the Revolutionary Army, Sister Robin will be deployed by you. What if you break up?" Lan Ye looked at Robin, rather shy.

There are no confession in disguise!

Robin also looked at Lan Ye with a smile and didn't make any comments.

Lan Ye was the Robin by default, and couldn't help but be in full bloom.

He is happy, but some people are upset.

Such as Kerla.

After listening to Lan Ye's reason, her face was constipated, and her heart was already "galloping horses".

If it weren't for Robin's joining, she was afraid there would be countless'greetings' blurted out.

At the end, Kerla suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, and said without a smile:

"With your IQ and layout, you can be fully qualified for the duties of a revolutionary army cadre. I can replace Sabo and promise that Sister Robin will definitely work with you in the future and try not to let you perform tasks separately. How about?"

"No, I think it's necessary to talk more." Lan Ye refused without hesitation.

Kerla was about to crush her silver teeth.

If she didn't know that she couldn't beat Lan Ye, she would rush over now, pulling Lan Ye's face fiercely, asking the other party if she knew it was wrong.


She can't beat Blue Night.

Therefore, Kerla had to press down on the anger in his heart, smirked, and squeezed a word from his teeth:


"Simple, contact Dorag and let him personally promise that I must accompany Sister Robin to any tasks that Sister Robin will perform in the future. You can't give Sister Robin a task when I am performing more dangerous tasks." Lan Ye He blurted out without thinking.

"Impossible!" Kerla screamed: "The contact information of Chief Dorag is impossible to give you in any case. Even if Sister Robin joins, it is impossible to get it right away."

Kerla's tone was very decisive, Lan Ye understood that this was the bottom line she could not accept, so she could only lower the conditions:

"As the leader of the revolutionary army, it is true that you can't directly contact me like this... But Sabo is okay? I don't believe you are so stupid that you will only prepare a phone bug for them. There must be one for emergency use. A one-time phone worm of the situation, right?"

Kerlar hesitated, glanced at Robin, and gritted his teeth:

"It's okay to give you Saab's temporary phone worm number, but...how do you know there will be an emergency phone worm?"

"I didn't know, now you told me." Shrugged innocent face.

"You-huh! There is no phone bug here, what's the use if I give it to you?!" He gritted his teeth in anger.

"Hmph, don't you understand this? This young master has boundless mana, some of which are abilities." Lan Ye squinted at Kerla, her expression struggling, her expression changed several times, and finally she let go Robin's small hand stretched out towards Kerr.

"What...what!" Kerla hurriedly drew his hands behind his back, and said vigilantly: "I am not a random woman. I was holding you just now because of the special circumstances, you..."

"What are you?" Lan Ye interrupted Kerla impatiently, "Who wants to hold your hand? You are also holding Robin's hand and give me a drop of your blood."

Hearing this, Kerla breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked suspiciously at Lan Ye, not knowing what medicine he sold in the gourd.

Lan Ye curled his mouth and did not explain. With his left hand, he took out a'Apachu Pill' from the dimensional space, and the dragon scale popped up on the index finger of the right hand. Before Kerla reacted, he activated the'instant body' to come to the side of the latter, and the dragon scale was on the latter. With a stroke on the back of his hand, at the same time, his left hand squeezed the'Pazhu Pill' into Kerla's open questioning mouth, and launched the'Shimmering' again to return to the original position.

During the whole process, less than a second, the afterimages that Lan Ye left on the spot did not disappear.

However, on the dragon scale of Lan Ye's index finger, a drop of blood belonging to Kerla was lying there quietly.

Kerla raised his hand subconsciously and looked at the trace of blood on the back of his hand. A touch of it, but there were no scars.

She stroked her throat.

Did you swallow something just now?

The Paphae pill melts in the mouth, so Kerla is not sure.

Lan Ye didn't care about Kerla's thoughts, the green light poured into that drop of blood from his finger, but within a second, the blood drop began to swell and elongate, and finally formed a Nokia fruit machine.

After finishing, Lan Ye pressed a few times on the phone, and then threw it to Kerla, who subconsciously picked up the phone with a dazed expression on her face.

Can anyone explain what happened just now?

Why does she have the feeling of being'forced' to do something.

Just before Kerla asked, the phone in her hand suddenly rang, and she was so scared that she almost didn't throw it out. Fortunately, before throwing it out, she glanced at the phone screen, and a man's head was flashing.