
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 220

Although he is a king, Cobra is not delicate, sitting on the wooden chair that Lan Ye Nianzong moved over, and looking at Lan Ye who is sitting cross-legged on the bed.

"You are the blue night, Weiwei has already told me, thank you very much for helping me and saving my daughter. As for the political issues of our country, this is the negligence of the king, and I will be fine. Please don't worry about it. Regarding the cost of escorting Weiwei, you said that you need something from Alabastan. I don't know what it is?"

In the end, it was the king. Although the words meant that Lan Ye didn't want to intervene in this matter, the words he said were very smooth and made people unfettered.

And in the end, he also pointed out what kind of remuneration Lan Ye needs, and gave a step.

If Lan Ye didn't intend to intervene in this matter by then, as long as he put forward the reward he wanted, after receiving the reward, he could stay away from this muddy water.

Sure enough, he is a king who'knows to be compassionate to others'.

However, did Lan Ye just leave for a reward?

Facing the'step' given by Cobra, Lan Ye just smiled, neither answering nor vetoing, as if thinking about something.

Cobra also thought that the other party was thinking about what to ask for, so he didn't ask for it, but waited patiently.

However, there is a touch of disappointment that cannot be concealed in his eyes.

After all, with the help of Qianhuizi's mobile phone, when he was on a video call with Weiwei in the palace, Weiwei praised Lan Ye very much, and even said:

"Without things that he can't solve, the Drum Country has been liberated by him. I believe he will also defeat Krokdal and liberate Alabastan in the end!"

The trust in the words is almost overflowing.

This is also the reason why he, as a king, walked out of the palace to see Lan Ye with Qianezi alone in the middle of the night.

But he didn't want to, seeing Lan Ye's first impression instantly made him feel that this person is very unreliable.

Still sleeping before the agreed time to meet,



Without the slightest edge.

Saying that Lan Ye is a pirate who seeks freedom, Cobraxin.

But what if Blue Night can save Alabastan?

Sorry, my kingdom is not ready to be broken.

Therefore, Cobra is the direct way to give the reward.



"Pk52" rewarded 100,000 starting coins, became the first leader of the book, and added 13 chapters!

160. That 1% accident [2/5]

Time passed quietly, and five minutes passed.

Just when Cobra thought the other party wanted the lion to open his mouth, suddenly, a figure appeared beside Cobra.

Cobra subconsciously bounced up, thinking that the other party was about to assassinate him.

"Don't be nervous, I'm Lan Ye, sorry I met a tricky guy, it was five minutes late."

Hearing the familiar voice, Cobra was carefully looking at the figure that suddenly appeared.

The face and dress that are exactly the same as Lan Ye on the bed, except that there is no laziness or randomness on his face, but it gives people a lean feeling, and there is still a faintly depressed breath surrounding him.

That is murderous.

Cobra was almost certain that just before this person appeared, he must have just killed someone.

When Cobra looked at Lan Ye afterwards, this Lan Ye also looked around the room, noticing Chieko's suffocating smile, and finally froze Lan Ye who was still in bed, oh no, mirror image.

He has a hunch that this guy is definitely causing trouble for himself again.

During the day and blue night came to the hotel, and released the mirror clone, and the main body entered the duel arena to win a streak.

Originally thought it was just a little thing waiting for others, no matter how much the mirror clone did, there would be no waves. Who knew that the mirror clone could still do something.

Being stared at by the body, the mirror image clone shrugged without fear, and said innocently:

"We've all been floating at sea for so long. It's not easy to get to land. Of course we need a good night's sleep? Who knows that King Cobra just happened to be here, and then...you are here."

The mirror clone said lightly, but Lan Ye didn't believe it at all, and said with a black face:

"Did you lift it yourself, or did I give you a knife?"

"Remove it, why is it so fierce."

The mirror avatar was disdainful, and then, like a shattered mirror, it turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared in the air.

At the same time, Lan Ye also received the memory of the mirror clone.

His face turned dark again involuntarily.

Damn, can mirror clones do things like this?

Don't you know the first impression is important?

Resisting the urge to summon the mirror clone and then hack to death, and then ignoring Chieko, who could not help laughing, Lan Ye stretched out his right hand to Cobra and solemnly said:

"Sorry, Your Majesty, that was my clone just now, because it is not the main character, so the character is a bit cynical, please forgive me."

The sentence briefly explained the reason without revealing too much information. With just one sentence, Cobra understood that Lan Ye is also a shrewd person.

Cobra smiled, took Lan Ye's hand, and said that he didn't care, but he didn't mention any more payment.

Having been a king for so many years, Cobra can roughly know a person's abilities from a person's spirit.

So when he saw the mirror avatar, he was so disappointed.

He is not a person who can achieve great things at all.

Hmm... the mirror clone does not have the idea to make a big thing, just want to take the place of the main body and get a good night's sleep.

But seeing the real Blue Night, Cobra finally knew why his daughter admired this person so much.

This is a reliable person.

When the misunderstanding is resolved, it is natural to start discussing business matters. After all, if Cobra, as the king, disappears for too long, the palace will be in chaos.