
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 121

"Hey, stop Sauron for me!" Sanji yelled angrily.

"Huh?" Sauron looked back, his face full of impatience.

"I can't assume that I didn't hear you, you said you can catch a better prey than me?" Sanji was unconvinced.

"Of course." Naturally.

The two people who refused to give in to each other were stunned again this minute.

Nami on the side helped her forehead helplessly.

"I said, you two should just compete to see who hunts bigger prey and better meat, just to replenish the food reserve."

"Hi~Miss Nami~" Sanji Miao changed his face to smile.

"Just to my liking, this sex cook will definitely not be better than me! Even if it is hunting, I will definitely win." Sauron agreed to the competition without hesitation.

"The soul is light! Who do you say is the cook?"

"Who does the green algae tell you, you shameless cook!"

"Who is green, who knows in his heart, you forgiving fellow!" Sanji was angrily.

"Damn it! Don't think I don't know what forgiveness is! I have asked what the word Lan Ye means! Believe it or not, I'll cut you off now!" Sauron was furious.

"Come on! Do you think I am afraid of you!" Sanji was not afraid.

"Okay, come on!" Sauron drew his sword and jumped onto the boat.

Nami saw the two of them talking and started to lift her forehead again, raising her'iron fist of love' with a black face, and said every word:

"All! Here! Me! Go! Find! Food! Ingredients! Go!"



Sauron and Sanji swallowed their saliva. They hurriedly rushed into the island. The two of them were still stunned and refused to yield to each other until after the fork in the road. They parted ways with each other's words. .

"Hahaha, this is vitality." Appreciation from someone who has swallowed food, "Then, I should take the risk too, but I can't fall behind to the two of Sauron."

Saying that Luffy was about to jump off the boat.

"Wait...wait a minute." Weiwei stopped Luffy, "Can you take me for a walk? Otherwise, staying on the boat would be a crazy idea."

"No problem, let's go together." Luffy never refuses such trivial matters.

Therefore, Lu Fei and Wei Wei also set foot on the island for their adventurous journey.

Running fast naturally follows.

For a time, only Nami and Usopp were left on the boat.

Because I didn't meet Robin this time, Nami was not afraid, on the contrary, she looked at the plants of the island with great interest, always feeling like deja vu.

Seems to be seen from some books.

After thinking about it, she walked towards the second floor of the cabin.

That is her boudoir.

There are a large number of books in it, all of which were originally donated in the collection of Kurocas at Gemini Cape.

Ever since, only Usopp was left on the deck...

The cold wind blew, and Usopp suddenly felt trembling.

"Hey...hey...why suddenly I'm the only one left!" Tucao from Usopp, the'Great Sea Warrior'.

Seeing the silence around him, like the silence on the eve of a storm, Usopp actually felt the creeps.

Without even thinking about it, he just slipped into Nami's boudoir.

This room is normal, but boys are not allowed to come in...well, except for Lan Ye.

After all, they are reliable.

"Huh? Usopp why did you come in?" Nami asked, who was searching for books.

"Then... that... Nami, my old illness has relapsed. It is a disease called'cannot be alone'. I must stay with you, you see..."



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93. Nami: Come on, Lan Ye!

"Nami, my old illness has relapsed. It is a disease called'cannot be alone'. You must stay with you. Can you let me stay in your room?"

Nami: "..."

Which book has this disease do you tell me?

My mother reads a lot of books, don't try to lie to me.

Facing Usopp's timid pretext, Nami raised her eyebrows, and then said, "Stand at the door and don't mess around with things", she continued to search for information on the bookcase.

With Nami's permission, Usopp let out a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, humans are social animals, and after seeing Nami, I feel less nervous.

Nami didn't care about Usopp, but searched the library earnestly. From time to time, she took out a book and opened it skillfully. After finding that it was not what she was looking for, she stuffed it back in place.

After repeating this several times, Nami finally found the book.

"Found it!" Nami said joyfully.

This is a character's adventure diary. The cover of the book looks very old and full of age.

Nami opened the book carefully, looking at each word carefully, letting Usopp take a peek from her shoulder.

She also saved it and explained it again later.
