
One Piece: Kenpachi Zaraki

(Cover image is not mine, alongside Bleach and One Piece, and all rights belong to their original owners) Strong, what does it mean to be strong, is it overwhelming power, or mastery over the abilities one possesses? Is a combination of both or none at all, perhaps it's something else a deep primal instinct within one's soul. Bah who cares, a fight a fight is something meant to be enjoyed as a clash of the strong to see who is stronger. That's all there is to it, not a battle of wits or fists but something between two individuals thirsting for more power, to use their power. So even in another world, I'll fight again, for that is my nature, the nature of the person people call an animal, a beast. So bring it on world, show me everything you've got, and let me feel the thrill of a good fight. (Hope I captured the spirit of Kenpachi, sorry if it's not fully accurate to the character I'll try my best while still flushing out my own story)

Dr_Insane001 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Setting Sail

Whipping my sword back and forth, flicked the blood off and looked at the people around me, each one with terrified looks on their faces. Nothing new, same as back in Soul Society besides the captains that was. 

"So anyone want to have a go, or are you all cowards?"

Their shaking faces were all I needed, so I sighed and turned around to look at their boats. One of their ships matched the white uniform of the rhino guy, and the other had red stripes all over it including its sails, with a flag-waving with a skull on it wearing a red bandana. Honestly, it could be fun to go traveling, more so now that I'm no longer restrained by the Soul Society. Turning my head around I looked over at the two groups.

"So whose boat should I take?"

Shakily one of the white uniform guys looked at me and started talking, obviously trying his best not to run off scared. 

"W-W-Well the R-R-Red Bandana Pirates s-s-ship should be faster t-t-then ours."

The Red Bandana Pires looked over at them, clearly annoyed and angry at the white unformed people, probably because they didn't want to be anywhere near me. I walked over to one of the nearby pirates who tried to run away, but wasn't fast enough before I picked him up by the scruff of his collar. 

"Well hold on, I need a way to travel, and since I don't know how to operate a ship well, might as well take the crew. 

"Looks like we'll be spending more time together huh?"

Each of the pirates looked at him, terror etched in their eyes as I walked towards the ship.

"Listen up, I only need the bare minimum of people to operate this ship, so everyone else can scram except for the navigator and anyone else essentially to the ship!"

Then the grunts ran away with only a few people staying behind, clearly the most important people on the ship. Honestly, these people were dumber than I was, although that's not saying much. I mean why didn't they try to run off at least most normal people would do that.

"Well that was pretty stupid of ya, why didn't you run with the rest of your crew."

"I mean, I would've caught ya but still it was worth a try."

Their jaws nearly hit the floor, while one of them slumped to the ground and cried out screaming into the air. They eventually got up and started walking with me towards the ship, probably depressed at the fact they lost their one and probably only chance to run. 

Boarding the ship, they each went to their stations, while I found the wolfdog lady's chair and sat down in it, letting the guy I kidnapped go. One of the men I kidnapped worked up the courage and approached me, holding a map and a strange spherical compass in hand. 

"S-S-Sir is there a-a-any particular place y-y-you want to go?"

Grabbing the map out of his hand, I saw several little squiggly lines on it, probably the local written language which I couldn't understand a lick of. Handing the map over to the navigator or at least I was guessing that was the guy's job.

"Anywhere with a bunch of strong people, I can battle."

He nodded his head up and down, opened up his map, and looked at where the compass was going. He then proceeded to shout out a bunch of gibberish I couldn't understand to everyone else and they went to work instantly. Soon enough the ship left the port, with the white uniform people running around trying to figure out what to do probably now that their captain was dead. 

Looking out at the wide open sea, I closed my eyes and took in a big breath of fresh air and then I laughed. At the absurdity of the situation, at this new chance at life, at being able to still fight even after I was supposed to die. Who knows I just might meet some of the other captains here as well. Wouldn't that be interesting, enemies both old and new coming at me how fun!

The possibilities of this new world are endless so many possibilities, so many new opponents to fight. Just thinking about it all was getting my blood and heart pumping. Turning over, I looked at the navigator who was looking at his map and compass thing. 

"Hey, navigator where are we going anyway?"

Shaking he looked up at me, while still holding onto the compass and map making sure they didn't get away from him. 

"Well, t-t-the log pose i-i-is pointing in the direction o-o-of Mirila Island, a small chain of islands c-c-close to a-a-alabasta kingdom."

Taking in that information, I sat back in my chair looking up at the sky trying to figure out what my next move was. Sure I wanted to fight everyone strong person I could find, but how I would do so was the real question. If this was a new world then that means their definitions of strong might mean they have weird powers like those two captains I fought earlier. 

Who knows maybe someone has fire powers just as hot as the old man, now that would be a real treat. After all, I never really got another chance to fight him in my last life not before he died anyway. Huh now that I was thinking about it could he be here too, I mean I came here just as soon as I died, or at least I think I died. So it wasn't outside the realm of possibilities.

I smiled just thinking about it, and from the corners of my eyes, I could see that seeing me smile sent shivers down their spines. Who cares anyway, I just needed them to bring me to the next island and who knows maybe if their lucky they get to leave without me. I just need a good boat for right now, and unfortunately for them, it was either this or the other ship and they said this one was probably faster. 

Well, either way, I hope the next fight a bit more interesting. 

please leave a review and some powerstones to show support, and like usual One Piece or Bleach don't belong to me.

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