
One Piece: Kenpachi Zaraki

(Cover image is not mine, alongside Bleach and One Piece, and all rights belong to their original owners) Strong, what does it mean to be strong, is it overwhelming power, or mastery over the abilities one possesses? Is a combination of both or none at all, perhaps it's something else a deep primal instinct within one's soul. Bah who cares, a fight a fight is something meant to be enjoyed as a clash of the strong to see who is stronger. That's all there is to it, not a battle of wits or fists but something between two individuals thirsting for more power, to use their power. So even in another world, I'll fight again, for that is my nature, the nature of the person people call an animal, a beast. So bring it on world, show me everything you've got, and let me feel the thrill of a good fight. (Hope I captured the spirit of Kenpachi, sorry if it's not fully accurate to the character I'll try my best while still flushing out my own story)

Dr_Insane001 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

New World

Dying, honestly wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, I knew it was going to happen someday after all they say death is equal. Whether you're strong or weak, it comes for you eventually regardless of what you try and do to prevent such a it. I was glad though, I died fighting as any member of Squad 11 would be proud to do. We live to fight, and we die fighting as well that's the one thing we have in common. We live and breathe battle, it was in our nature after all regardless of what other people thought of us. 

At least in the end, I was able to die fighting, unrestrained at full power having the time of my life.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA not bad, not bad at all!"

I could feel my body giving out, as my blood poured out forming a puddle underneath me, and my eyesight was getting all blurry. Even if I wasn't a medic or something like that, I could that I was dying. I could feel the beating of my heart, slowing down but before my body gave out, I moved my neck trying to get a good look at my opponent. 

They were on the ground too, dead or dying like me maybe and my smile grew wider seeing that. 

"Well looks like I was stronger after all."

While most people didn't choose how they died, they wished they could, they dream of something like "Dying heroically" or something stupid like that. I never imagined myself having a peaceful death though, it was odd, to say the least, I always imagined the final strike being swift, and bam I would be gone, dead like that. Not slowly dying across from my opponent having taken each other out. 

I could still hear however, and honestly, the distant sounds of battle got me excited a bit, if my body was at least in decent condition I'd imagine my heart would race with excitement. I knew though that was all behind me because there was no way I was moving in this state even if I wasn't dying. 

"Well, at least I had fun."

and my eyes closed for the final time and I was greeted with the pitch-black abyss as the last sounds of my heartbeat passed signaling the end. Honestly, I had no idea what would happen once I died, would I still be me, or would my mind and memories be erased making way for someone new? Never really thought of it before, didn't care all that much to be honest, if I lost my memories and my personality it would simply mean I was too weak. 

That however didn't explain the gentle breeze I felt nor the soft stuff under my back, which was nice and comfy. Then I opened my eyes, which shouldn't have been possible if I was dead, and yet I did. Then I saw the sky, it was light blue like that of the soul society but it was dark and cloudy when I was fighting then I got up. No sudden rush of pain or anything, my body felt normal. Looking around I could tell I was on the edge of a cliff with light green grass surrounding me and a forest behind me. 

That explained the gentle breeze I felt, but it didn't explain how my boy was unscathed. Even if I wasn't dead, I shouldn't have been able to move or even get off the ground. My squad 11 uniform was still slashed up, but my physical body was fine and as unscathed as it was before the battle and my sword. It was no longer the giant axe I had before no it shrunk back down to its normal form or normal for me anyway. 

Getting up I looked around and saw nothing familiar and when I tried to sense any form of spiritual energy, I couldn't. I still felt as strong as before t my last battle, but I couldn't feel any Reishi, no I felt something within me but it was different. Taking a closer look at my Zanpakuto, I couldn't sense Nozarashi in it anymore no that wasn't right they were still there but I could tell they couldn't manifest anymore. Didn't know how I knew, I just had a gut feeling. 

Turning around I began to walk to the forest, trying to figure out where I was or where the nearest town was. Looking around, I saw a whole bunch of weird animals alongside a few I recognized but one looked from me and they ran off deeper into the forest. It wasn't weird, even the few animals I found in Soul Society ran off once they felt or saw me coming. That's life for ya, and some things just never change no matter what you do. 

Try all you like you could never change your fundamental nature, that was the one true thing I knew. Going deeper in, I could hear shouting in the distance meaning that there was a town nearby or maybe someone camping honestly either one would work. Smiling I started running toward the noise, trying to figure out where ti came from. Eventually, I reached another cliff edge, although it wasn't much of one as it was far closer to teh ground than where I was originally but still high enough to give me a good view. 

Looking around I saw a small town in the distance with a port next to it, alongside a couple of ships or what I think were ships couldn't tell honestly. So I jumped down and started running towards it hoping to get some information on where I was. Maybe I could find someone to fight as well, could be fun to see how strong the people of this place are. As I ran through the forest, I cut a few trees on my towards the town creating a path straight towards it. 

Eventually, I reached the edge of the forest, and in front of me was a weird-looking town, nothing like the buildings in Soul Society. All of the buildings were made from wood although the dirt roads were the same as the kind back home. The people were wearing weird clothes or at least the few I saw as I entered the town. They looked at me as well with teh same confused expression as to what I was wearing as well. Going deeper in, I was a bit confused as to why there were so few people until I reached the port, where a large crowd of people was gathered

Smiling I rested my sword on my shoulder and walked toward the crowd of people ad while I was taller than most of them I still couldn't see what they were looking at. 

"Well, this could be fun."

As usual please leave a review and some powerstones to show your support, and I don't own One Piece or Bleach and all rights belong to their original owners

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