
Observation Haki

The day Viktor fought for his life was just like any other. He worked in the library and then went to the forest to hunt for food. It was while he was in the forest that things went awry.

Whike hunting, Viktor sensed a powerful beast approaching from about 200 meters away. Usually, he'd immediately run away until he couldn't sense it, but curiousity got the best of him.

He wanted to figure out what kind of creature the beast was. Was it a bear, tiger, or other monstrosity? He figured that it would be fine as long as he kept his distance.

By using his animal detection ability, Viktor finally determined that the beast he was tracking was a ferocious tiger. Upon seeing it, Viktor realized that this tiger was not one to mess with and tried to run away.

However, right at the moment he decided to run, the tiger turned to look right at him. Somehow the tiger sensed Viktor staring at him. Then it sprinted towards him in a fury, hell bent on killing the little urchin that dared to spy on him.

Viktor realized the tiger was chasing him and immediately starting running away.

" Shit, it's coming right at me. Time to employ the secret technique that's been passed for generations among the Joestar bloodline. Nigerundayo!! "

Unfortunately, Viktor employed the secret technique to late. Before he knew it, the tiger caught up to him and attacked him. Thankfully, Viktor dodged, but it was now clear that he'd have to fight.

Before Viktor could draw his sword, the tiger swiped its claw at him again. This time, when Viktor turned to dodge, the tiger managed to gouge out a piece of flesh from his body, causing him to cry out in pain.

Viktor then activated his bullet time ability to be able to react to the tigers blows. While this enabled him to stay alive under the tigers unrelenting offensive, he still got a few more pieces of flesh gouged out of him.

After about 5 minutes of fighting, Viktor was getting more used to dodging the tiger, sometimes even predicting when it would strike. It was at this moment that something inside Viktor snapped and he was now able to predict the tigers movement. He had finally unlocked his obersavation haki in the midst of battle.

Then, the tide of the battle turned. By using his observation haki, Viktor was able to dodge the tigers attacks with ease. He even folded his hands behind his back like some experienced master and taunted the tiger.

" Striiiiike!! Oh, to slow. Are you even trying anymore, you dumb cat. "

This enraged the tiger even more, causing it to attack faster, but sloppily. Viktor was just weaving through the tigers attack with even greater ease, taunting it yet again.

" Weave! Oh, Weave again. Damn, you really trash, ain't ya. Why don't you kill yourself, save me the trouble? "

Eventually, the tiger exhausted itself and it stopped attacking. Realizing that it couldn't win this fight, the tiger attempted to flee. However, Viktor wasn't about to let it go.

" Oh, hell nah. You think you can leave after you mauled me like this. Get a taste of my signature attack, Thousand years of death! "

Viktor then stabbed his sword through the tigers butt. The tiger wailed and fell down. It then looked at Viktor with tears in its eyes and begged him with its eyes for death.

Viktor realized that he went to far and accepted the tigers request. He killed it by slashing its throat. As it lay there dying, the tiger felt relieved as the pain would finally stop.

The adrenaline wore off and Viktor fell down as well. While on the ground, Viktor realized that his wounds were actually serious and he'd need some first aid treatment.

Thankfully, Viktor always keeps a first aid kit with him in case he got injured in the wild. After some basic patchwork, he was ready to leave. He then activated his enemy detection radar and was astonished.

" Holy shit, I see a lot of large animals about 200 meters away that are steadily approaching. Yep, time to dip. A shame I can't take any of the tiger meat."

Viktor then began to run away and much to his relief, none of the approaching animals tried to chase him. He then got back to the orphanage, but before he could get proper medical attention, he met Raven.

" Hey Viktor, how are you doing? "

She then noticed his bandages, " Holy shit, how the hell did you end up like thus? It looks like something tried to cut you up, but stopped halfway. "

" What? Stop joking, I obviously just fell from a tree. I definitely didn't just fight with a ferocious animal."

" What animal was it? "

" It was a huge tiger, er, I mean, what tiger? I definitely didn't fight a tiger. "

Raven then looked up at him with her eyebrows raised, " Yeah sure, whatever you say. Let's take you to Professor Jones, he might be able to check you out, or at the very least know someone who could check you out. "

" OK, sounds good to me."

While they were walking to Professor Clover's place, Raven asked, " By the way, why were you trying to hide the fact that you fought a tiger? That sounds pretty cool.The only thing I can think of is that you did something stupid that caused you to have to fight it. "

Viktor then said astonished, " How'd you know? I mean, uh, sigh, yeah I did something stupid. I sensed the tiger beforehand, but didn't realize it was a tiger. I wanted to figure out what animal it was, so I activating my ability, but it seems the tiger noticed me when I did that.It seems it didn't like being peeped at and attacked me. I wasn't able to run away in time and had to fight it. "

Raven then sighed, " I figured it was something like that. If you weren't injured, boy, I'd smack yo ass real good for being this stupid. Just promise me you'll be careful from now on. I can't stand the thought of losing you."

"OK, I promise I'll be careful. On the upside, I did finally unlock observation haki. It was how I was able to actually win the fight. Turns out tigers are actually really tough to deal with. Then I ran my sword through its butt hole, er, uh, I killed the tiger in the end. I couldn't take the meat with me as it was too heavy and there were a lot of animals around. "

" Woah, hold up, what was that last part ?"

" I couldn't take any meat back with me. "

" No, the part before that."

" I unlocked observation haki."

" No,no, that wasn't it. But congrats on finally unlocking observation haki. What I'm referring to is you stabbing your sword through the tigers butt hole. After we get you checked out, you are explaining that."

" Yes ma'am."

They then reached Professor Jones's house and knocked on then door.

" Hey guys, how are you doing?"

Professor Jones noticed that Viktor was covered in bandages and asked what happened.

" He fought a tiger. Now, can you check his wounds? " Raven said with impatience.

" Yeah sure, but I'd like to hear the story about this tiger after. "

" Same."

Professor Jones then checked his wounds and said, " Well you should be fine, you've stopped bleeding. Just gotta put some disinfectant on them to prevent infection and your good to go. Now, I want to hear you story."

Afterwards, Viktor started his story.

" ... And then I stabbed the tiger through its butt hole."

" What, why the hell would you do that? "

" Well, I was angry and I figured that would be pretty painful for it. I deeply regret doing it. "

" I don't think thats entirely true. I believe you subconsciously choose it because you have a furry fetish."

" What, I don't have a furry fetish. I'm 10, I don't have any fetishes. "

" Well, you could be an early bloomer, when I was your age, I was well aware of the wonders of the female body."

" OK, gross. But back to Viktor. I'm your friend and will support you and your fetishes, now matter how weird they are. After all, different strokes for different blokes. "

Raven then turned serious. " However, I don't support what you did. You didn't even get consent before sticking your thing inside. You gotta get consent."

" I'm not into that. "

Raven and Professor Jones laughed boisterous, " I love embarrassed Viktor, he's hilarious."

" I know right? All kidding aside, I'm just grateful you made it out in one piece. "

They then both hugged Viktor and tainted the atmosphere with their wholesomeness.