
After 4 years

It's been 4 years since Viktor and Raven got jobs at the library and they've undergone profound changes since then. At first, other kids bullied them, but now they fear them. Known by other kids as the monster twins, none dared to defy them. Even adults have fallen at their hands.

In terms of this world's power levels, Viktor has a doriki value of 30, while Raven has a doriki value of 15. To put this into context, a common naval soldier has a doriki value of 10. Of course, compared to the real monsters of this world, this is nothing.

During these 4 years, Viktor has managed to digest all his previous life's memories. This included all of the knowledge he knew from the manga One Piece, which is based upon the world he currently lived in.

Compared to the power to wipe entire islands off the map, Viktor was still a mere ant. This terrifying fact drove Viktor to train even harder.

After Raven managed to beat some adults that attacked her and Viktor for beating up their kids, she started to unknowingly grow complacent. She didn't push her body to the brink like she used to.

This concerned Viktor, so he tried to convince her that their strength was far from enough. He told her that their were people that could singlehandedly destroy O'Hara. However, Raven reacted like any normal person would.

Raven didn't believe him and laughed it off," Hahaha hahaha! That was a good joke Viktor. With that serious look on your face, its seems you actually believe the nonsense your spouting. Cmon dude, be real, there's no way a human could have that kind of power."

Seeing that his first attempt to scare Raven failed, Viktor switched tactics and put things in a way she would understand.

" Hey Raven, consider this. You may have been able to beat adults in single combat, but in real battle, people wont fight you 1-on-1. Instead, they'll use any means for victory, including jumping you. Not to mention underhanded tactics such as poisoned blades and gas."

Viktor didn't let his foot of the gas as he saw Raven get worried.

" Cmon Raven, you know better than anyone the lengths slave traders will go to capture people. Do you really think you have the strength to fend them off?"

Raven started crying when she heard this, " Sob, why would you remind me of that day? I've tried so hard to forget the look of despair on my parents face when they died. Whyyyyy?!!!"

Seeing Raven's face full of tears made Viktor felt guilty for opening up Raven's old wounds. As he apologized to her, Raven stopped crying and she laughed, " Hahahah, oh my god, I totally got you. You totally thought you broke me, didn't you?"

Viktor was flabbergasted at how quickly Raven changed her face and couldn't even respond. When she noticed how shocked he was, Raven apologized, " Sorry about that, you did actually strike a nerve so I tried to trick you as a defense mechanism. "

Raven sighed, " Traumatic memories aside, I have to thank you for what you did. I must always remember my mission, to punish bad guys as painfully as possible. And bad guys don't play by the rules, so I have to get stronger."

Since realizing their powerlessness, Viktor and Raven worked even harder, to a perverse degree, in their quest to become stronger. If Viktor's devil fruit ability didn't let him monitor his and Raven's body conditions so accurately, they might've crippled their bodies.

Speaking of devil fruit abilities, Viktor's ability has grown immensely. Since his ability turned him into a human computer, it's appropriate to use computer memory terms when describing his ability. At first, he only had a SSD memory of 128 GB and RAM of 6 GB. Now he has a SSD memory of 1 TB and RAM of 60 GB.

Now, to put this into context. The initial memory values are the same as a Samsung Galaxy S10e smartphone. The current values are approximately 10 times greater.

SSD stands for Solid State Drive and is where long term storage is held. This means that the operating system, applications, files and any other data you have are stored here. In Viktor's case, he stored all the books he copied there,in addition to the applications of his ability.

RAM stands for Random Access Memory and is where temporary data is stored. This is used when using apps. In other words, the more RAM you have, the faster your computer runs.

Over these years, Viktor has developed several different applications, or devil fruit abilities in addition to the default apps that appeared instinctively. The first default app was the information gathering app.

Initially, he used this app to copy book information into his database. Now, he's able to gather data such as air flow, material composition, and other such data. Basically, he's able to scan items similar to the ai chip in Warlock of the Magus World. Of course, the more complicated the Data, the more RAM, or stamina will be used.

Also, by using this app in combination with his obersavation haki, Viktor's able to detect lifeforms within a 200 meter radius with enough accuracy to tell what animals are actually around him. Viktor called this ability animal detection.

The second default app is the Data processing app. Using this app, Viktor is able to enter an accelerated thinking state.He primarily uses this app to gain understanding of the books he scanned via the previous app at an accelerated pace. At first, he was only able to understand the information from a 1/4 of a book in 5 minutes before fainting. Now, he's able to understand the content in an average book in 5 minutes with minimal stamina drain.

The third default app is the memory fusing app. It allows Viktor to fuse with his memories, allowing himself to experience them at a way faster rate than the original person who experienced those memories firsthand. This was primarily used on Viktor's previous life's memories, but it can theoretically be applied to anyone's memories. In fact, one of his latest projects is to be able to extract memories from others, but it's still a work in progress.

The first app that Viktor developed himself is an aiming app. By using the information gathering app to get info such as wind speed and direction, the app calulates the best angle to shoot and guides Viktor into making the best shot.

The second app Viktor developed is the bullet time app. Since Viktor's mind can enter an accelerated thought state, then it can also perceive time in a slower state as well.This allows Viktor to have a much faster reaction time in this state.

Bullet time refers to a slowed time perception state that allows the user to see a bullet travel mid-flight. This was most famously used in the matrix franchise. While Viktor isn't at that level yet, he could be in the future.

The third app was the data simulation app. This app allows Viktor to simulate anything he has data on. This could be anything from designs for many inventions to battle simulations.

In fact, to make up for his lack of battle experience, he used the data simulation app to experience mock battles. While it can't replace the insight gleamed from real battles, it still helped Viktor immensely.

The last app Viktor developed is the body simulator app. This app works by first seeing someone perform an action, or if that's not available, a description of the action, though that will lessen its effectiveness considerably. It will then simulate how Viktor would perform this action through his own body. Lastly it'll guide Viktor through how to complete this action.

Viktor was able to use this app to learn swordsmanship. Since the sea is so dangerous, archeologists and other researchers need some modicum of strength in order to protect themselves. Because of this, sometimes there will be people training in swordmanship on O'Hara.

Watching these people let Viktor get a practical example of swordsmanship. Combined with swordsmanship manuals he found in the library, he was able to train as a swordsman. While he's still far from the breath of all things, he's now able to use the sword to reap lives on the battlefield.

Just a couple of days ago, Viktor finally put his skills to the ultimate test in a fight for survival with a ferocious beast.