
One Piece: Jar Merchant: Nami hits the eighth level at the start

Traveling through the world of Pirates, Li Wei obtained the Ten Thousand Realms can opening system, so he embarked on a journey of selling cans. Starting from the East China Sea, the legend of pot merchants circulated throughout the sea. Faced with Aaron, Nami slowly shouted out the enemy all but slashing, slashing unceasingly, the golden skyline! Facing Hawkeye, Sauron directly took the breath of the sun. Facing White Beard, Karp directly turned into a Hulk and chased White Beard to fight. Facing Kaido, the filial daughter Yamato wore Teigu's demon. When Luffy went to sea to look for ONEPIECE, he found that the big secret treasure had become a thing of the past. Now the whole sea is looking for the jar left by Li Wei.

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Jar Merchant: Opening Nami Breaks the Eighth Level Chapter 5

Nami grinned at Li Wei: "Suddenly praise me so much, I will feel embarrassed!"

  "Nami, don't be too arrogant, a mere human, you can never be our opponent of the Murloc race!"

  Aaron shouted to Nami.

  "Aaron, your pirate road ends here, I will end you here!"

  The nunchaku in Nami's hand pointed at Aaron.

  After being transformed by the super serum, Nami can see Aaron's strength clearly, and now Aaron is no longer a threat in her eyes.

  "Kill her!"

  Along Han said.

  What Aaron hates most is that others install 13 on his territory, especially the man who installed 13 is the old chess piece Nami.

  Following Aaron's order, three tall murlocs rushed towards Nami with a grinning grin. In their eyes, these humans were all hacked to death.

  [October Sky·One Form·Break Foot]

  When these murlocs rushed up, Nami let out a low drink.

  The strongest fighting skills in the eighth level, for the first time in the Pirate World to show their own edge!

  (Friends, if you have flowers and evaluation votes, please support the author Jun Yibo. The code word is not easy, and it is a new book issue. These things are very important to the author.).

Chapter 8

  [October Sky·One Form·Break Foot]

  With Nami's low drink, her figure appeared behind the last murloc in an instant like a teleport.

  Behind Nami, the three murlocs began to fall slowly, and they were knocked down by Nami without even seeing Nami's movements.

  "Able to knock down three murlocs in an instant, Na is beautiful and strong!"

  Seeing this scene, the villagers who were originally desperate began to become excited.

  They originally thought that they would be oppressed by Aaron again this time, but they didn't expect that Nami would become so strong, and that such a powerful murloc would be knocked down by Nami in an instant.

  When the other murlocs saw this, they all rushed towards Nami.

  It turned out that there was no accident. They were solved by Nami before they even touched the corner of Nami's clothes.

  Li Wei knows the principle of Nami's move. This is a pure speed move. Through the explosive force trained on a planet dozens of times the gravity of an eight-level star, this is the foot force trained under a strong storm. , This is an almost terrifying speed, which can disappear almost instantly.

  "I can't see clearly, I can't see at all, how did this guy become so fast?"

  A cold sweat also appeared on Along's forehead, and Nami now was really terrifying.

  "Come on, Nami, hit Aaron!"

  "The village depends on you, Nami!"

  The villagers have never felt as excited as they are today.


  Along frowned when he heard the villagers' support for Nami, and the villagers shut up as he looked at them.

  The entire Aaron Paradise is recovering quietly,

  "Nami, are these the villagers you want to protect even if you fight against me? What qualifications do these cowards deserve to be protected?"

  Aaron laughed loudly.

  Every villager felt blushing when he received this insult, but they dare not say anything in the face of these pirates.

  "This village has something worth protecting!"

  Nami didn't say much, she slowly walked towards Aaron.

  The top priority now is to defeat Aaron, who killed her adoptive mother, and she wants to avenge her adoptive mother.


  As Nami continued to move forward, the kissing murloc in front of Aaron began to spit out water bombs.

  These water drops came toward Nami like a machine gun. At this moment, Nami's body was covered by these water bombs.

  "Are you still alive now?"

  Along's face showed a triumphant smile. Under this move, he could only rely on the excellent physique of the murlocs to resist. He didn't believe that Nami could escape this blow.

  The victory is divided!

  The moment the water bomb closed, Nami's body disappeared.

  "Be careful, she's on it!"

  Xiao Ba shouted loudly.

  Nami uses the [eight-level sky-one formula] to move through the air. The principle of this trick is to step on the air with your feet quickly, and the air will appear sticky for a short period of time. With this time, it is like running continuously in the air.

  This trick is the same as the Navy's six-style moon step principle, but it is much faster than the moon step.

  The murloc looked up, and he also saw Nami, who had already waved her fist towards his head when he was about to spit water.


  The murloc's head hit the ground, and the slate of Aaron Park cracked in an instant, and with his head as the center, a huge depth appeared in front of them.

  The cadre of the Aaron Pirate Group was solved by Nami in an instant.

  "Thousand Watts Zhengquan"

  Just when Nami's fist hit the kissing murloc, Krobio's fist also arrived.

  His fists can crush a thousand tiles in the water, and his fists are more powerful on land.

  [Eighth Level·Two Form]The sheath is broken

  As Nami groaned, her figure turned into a golden flash and appeared behind the murloc. At this time, on the murloc's chest, a huge oblique cut scar almost penetrated his chest.

  Nami knocked down the cadres of the Aaron Pirate Group with just her little finger!

  Now the entire Aaron Pirate Group is only left with Aaron and Murloc Xiaoba, and the other fishmen have all fallen.

  "Can't see clearly, still can't see clearly!"

  When Nami was fighting just now, Aaron had been trying to catch Nami's trail, but he could only see the afterimage of Nami, and his eyes could not keep up with Nami's speed.

  Nami is wearing a beige tights today, coupled with her beige short skirt, she moves like a golden glitter.


  Xiao Baman looked at Nami in a complicated manner. Among these murlocs, he was the only one who often helped Nami, and in order to increase Nami's self-protection power, he also taught Nami murloc karate.

  But now, these companions of his have been knocked down by Nami, and he must avenge his companions.

  "Nami, although your speed is very fast, my six-sword style is a swordsmanship with no dead ends. You can't attack me!"

  Xiao Ba held a long knife in each hand, and now the six long knives were pointed at Nami.

  "Little Eight, don't keep your hands, or you will die!"

  Nami said to Xiaohachi.


  Xiao Ba was stunned, but when he saw Nami's figure disappear, his heart jumped heavily, and the long sword in his hand was swung even faster.

  Xiao Ba at this time seemed to be wrapped in a set of knife wheels.

  "[Eighth-level Sky·Second Form] The sword flashes!"

  Nami's arms were opened, so that the ring finger and little finger of both hands were outside, like the two blades of a sword, matched with the violent foot, through the rapid vibration to produce a terrifying cutting force.

  At this moment, she shot at Xiaoba's knife wheel like a golden sword.

  "A mere human body can't compete with swords. It seems that I don't need to act!"

  Looking at Nami Hard Steel Xiaoba, Along's mouth also showed a smile.

  The golden sword that Nami transformed into penetrated Xiao Ba in an instant. With the sound of the falling sword fragments, Xiao Ba's two knives had been cut into pieces by Nami.

  "Little Eight, you are such a fool!"

  Nami turned her head, her gaze at Xiaohachi was full of complexity.

  In the fight just now, Xiao Ba only used two knives to defend, and none of the other four were swung down.

  "Nami, it was originally that we were wrong, we shouldn't invade your village, I can't attack you!"

  Xiao Ba gasped and said to Nami, on his body, the wound that Nami had caused was bleeding continuously.

  At this point, except for the captain Aaron, the Aaron Pirate Group has all been wiped out!

  (My friends, the seventh update, the author is interesting enough, so much more, is it not too much to ask for a wave of flowers, evaluation votes, and various data? Dear readers, if you think the writing is OK, please vote for it. Okay, thank you!

  The author is working hard on the code word, please wait! ).

Chapter 9

  "Aron, it's up to you now!"

  Nami looked at Aaron, now Aaron's forehead was full of cold sweat, and he defeated so many murlocs at once. Although he could do it, he was definitely not as relaxed as Nami.

  Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that Nami's strength now surpassed him.

  After realizing this, he became angry with Nami's family: "Nami, don't be too proud, today I will let you see what the power of murlocs is!"

  Aaron yelled at Nami, then he picked up a huge boulder and threw it behind Nami.

  At Nami's speed, she could easily escape, but Along this guy actually threw the stone towards the villagers, it was really insidious.

  "It's really mean!"

  Nami's impression of Aaron is even worse.

  [Eighth Level·Two Forms] Swords and Thunder!

  Nami leaped towards the rock. She waved a pair of big long legs, causing rapid rotation. Her legs were like rotating sharp roulettes toward the boulder.

  When Nami kicked the stone with her legs, the boulder was broken into small stones and flew around in an instant.

  "It's a monster to be able to kick a rock like this!"

  Along looked at Nami in shock. He didn't know what medicine Nami had just injected could improve her power to this level, and Nami's martial arts...

  I don't know why, Aaron feels that this is a physical technique far beyond this sea.

  Whether it is Murloc Karate, the Eight Punch Boxing of the Flower Country or the Navy's Navy Six Types, their power is much worse than Nami's current physical skills.

  Aaron could feel that Nami is a little better than him when it comes to physique, but when it comes to physique, the current Nami throws him a few blocks away.

  Along threw a few stones at the villagers again, but they were all stopped by Nami.

  "Go to hell, Aaron!"

  After smashing a few stones, Nami rushed to Aaron's front.

  In terms of attack, the current kicking skills are the most powerful, but I don't know why, Nami always wants to smash Aaron's boring face.

  Nami's fist came towards Along, and Along saw that Nami looked down on him so much, he was also angry.

  "Nami, let me show you the power of the murlocs!"

  Along's right fist was clenched, his right arm was thickened out of thin air, and then the big and small fists slammed together.


  As the two fists collided, Along's face suddenly changed. He felt that the person in front of him was not a little girl, but a sea king.

  When the two fists collided, the bones of Along's right fist shattered, and at the same time, a white stubble came out of his elbow.

  "Aaron is going to lose!"

  Seeing that Aaron is falling into the wind, these villagers don't know where their good days are coming.