
One Piece: Jacket King

Reborn into the world of One Piece, Vesta Rex has big dreams of being a famous pirate one day. Finding himself in the same island as future Worst Generation members Eustass Kid and Killer, Rex dreams of finding the powerful Jiki Jiki no mi and becoming a Yonko. However, through a cruel twist of fate, he accidentally consumes the Jake Jake no mi instead, becoming a jacket human. But Rex refuses to let this turn of fate get him down. Vowing to become the strongest, despite his weak fruit, Rex sets off on a journey that will rock the ocean. His goal? “Ore wa rekusu! Sono Ō uwagi ni na kiru otokoda!” (I am Rex, the man who wears the King’s Jacket!) Disclaimer: cover photo is not mine

KingJoker · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Small World

(Two Days Later)


Rex smiles, admiring his handiwork. Before him was a pile of unconscious Marines restrained in a very well designed position. The Marines were shaped to make the words 'Cloaked Devil Rex'.

As a part of his nonstop crusade to get the Marines to change his name, Rex had been hunting marine vessels in the surrounding sea area. Whenever he found one, he would rob it bare, taking even the silverware. Then he would engrave his message on it in some way, take an aerial picture with Chicky, his pet Goayu bird, then call the local marine office to report it and flee the scene.

Suffice it to say, the local Marines were less than happy, but unfortunately, Captains and below would have no effect on Rex and Commodores and above were too rare to be constantly on the lookout for him. After all, the North Blue was far more active than the South and Marines were always busy.

In fact, other than Tsuru or a rear admiral, nobody could stop Rex completely.

Tsuru, Rex recalled that she was extremely powerful, only being in the North Blue to watch over Doflamingo. Rex wondered if she would be willing to become his laundry person. He would treat her with the utmost in respect, but he feared the old lady wouldn't go for it. What a shame.

Returning to his ship, Rex takes a dagger out of his pocket and throws it at a map on his wall.

"Next destination, Lvneel!"

Kid and Killer sigh, Rex had been like this since the article. To prevent the Marines from avoiding him, Rex randomly chose islands and would go to them, provoking the local Marines then sending the same message.

"Don't you think this is a bit excessive?"

"Of course not! In fact, the next marine we come across, in fact I'm going to call Sengoku again right now!"

Rex then slams his door retrieving a picture of Sengoku that he had been using for throwing practice. He then starts humming as he throws daggers at the picture, images of plucking Sengoku's afro off hair by hair rush through his head.

(Several Hours Later)

Rex reaches Lvneel around noon, his crew happily disembarking.

A few port attendants walk towards Rex's ship to not his arrival but immediately flee as they see Rex's flag. One of them trips, catching his foot in a broken dock plank and getting stuck.

The man's heart hammers in his chest as he sees Vesta Rex walking up to him.

"Tell me, where can a man hang up his coat and get a good drink around here?"

Rex loved the atmosphere of a pub. The smell of booze and fresh cooked meals, the sound of casual chatter and occasionally the music of a homeless drifter.

Another reason Rex loved pubs was that drunkards loved to talk.

"Have you heard?" A man slurred out. "The melted skin finally came to our town!"

"Damned cursed child. I wonder how he ever managed to swindle someone into helping him."

Rex smiles, so Law had come to this island. That wasn't too surprising, after all, Corazon brought Law to every hospital in the South Blue so it would make sense that he stopped by Lvneel.

While Rex didn't care about Law, he had chosen another doctor already, he was curious about Corazon. His fruit was almost a perfect fruit for a thief, behind only Absalom's fruit.

Unfortunately, as a Marine and Sengoku's adoptive son, Corazon would probably not be willing to join his crew. If that was the case, he could always hold Corazon hostage to get Sengoku to change his bounty.

"Barkeep, get me a beer."

"Oh, so the great adventurer has come home! Tell me what did you see on your journeys!? A unicorn? A dragon? Maybe a fairy that promised to give you infinite riches?"

The man sighs. "I saw none of those things, now get me a beer."

Rex turns to see that this man is none other than Mont Blanc Cricket, from the Skypiea arc.

"Is this seat taken?" Cricket asks.

"No, you can have a…" Rex starts, but is interrupted by a burly man who is sitting one seat away.

"It's taken." The man says, placing his feet up on the chair. "Now why don't you go 'explore' yourself off a cliff!"

Cricket sighs, walking away, but as he does, he hears a loud crash as the burly man is launched across the room.

"Looks like he had to go. Why don't you have a seat?" Rex says with a smile.

Unlike the idiots in this pub, Rex knew very well that Noland was indeed a famous adventurer. He had visited numerous islands in the Grand Line and made many friends. As such, he saw great value in sucking up to the man's descendent, hoping Noland had left behind a permanent log pose or a journal he could read.

Cricket and Rex talked for quite some time about their respective adventures happily. Cricket had visited almost every island in the North Blue, and his information on them was priceless to Rex.

"This was a good chat. It's been years since someone was willing to talk to me like this."

"Trust me, all you need to do is shed this small coat of the North Blue, then you'll see that the world's jacket has a place for all men, regardless of their ancestry!"

Then, Rex and Cricket parted ways, promising to meet each other in the Grand Line.

"Can we leave now?" Kid whined, with the people of Lvneel being so poor that even he didn't want to rob them.

"No, we have to swing by the hospital first. I need to meet an interesting fellow."

"But we already have a doctor!" Bonney says, before widening her eyes and whispering the rest. "Wait, are you planning on ditching Jidanbo? But he's our friend and comrade and he knows so many delicious reci…"

Rex pinches Bonney's mouth shut. "Just. Follow. Me." He says, not wanting everyone in Lvneel to know he was looking for Corazon.

Meanwhile at the docks, a large pirate ship pulled into the ports. Its flag bore the image of a smiling face with a diagonal line across it.

"The D-d-don-q-quixote Pirates!!!" The port attendant fainted this time, terrified that the two most dangerous pirate groups in the four blues had both come to his small town.

Trebol jumps down from his ship in a slime-like manner, his two officers, Giolla and Marseille following behind him.

Marseille is a young woman with blush circles on her cheeks, a mature figure and a wide-brimmed, pink hat. In her right arm, a painting pad is held tightly.

His eyes scanning the port lazily.

"So, you're here (sniff), Vesta 'The Lascivi-(sniff)-ous' Rex. Let's have a look at the man that the (sniff) government dares to say will (sniff) one day rival Doffy!" Trebol's words are punctuated with deep sniffs to drag the dripping mucus back into his nose.

Trebol then walks to the town, ignoring the terrified port attendants around him.

"S-sir! I was the one who called you!" One man says, trembling in terror. Trebol looks at him curiously. "M-my f-father works in the b-black market on Lvneel and he said that the D-donquixote pirates were looking f-for the King pirates."

"Oh, you did (sniff) that. Good job." Trebol says simply, before ignoring the man and going forwards.

"B-but, my father said that if you help someone in the black market, they're supposed to…"

Suddenly, the man's voice stops as Trebol leaps right in front of him, mucus squishing about.

"What? Do you want the (sniff) massive Donquixote family to pay an incompetent (sniff) loser like you for making a (sniff) phone call?" Trebol says menacingly.

"No, sir." The man meekly replies.

"Good, now run along, you wouldn't want to (sniff) be stuck here forever now would you? Behehehehe!"

Trebol the keeps sliding towards the town, eagerly looking for his targets.

"I'm sorry Mr… Rosinante, was it, I just can't help you! Now, please remove that boy from the premises immediately! If even one other person in this hospital were to contract his cur-disease, it would be a catastrophe!"

Rosinante grimaces at his umpteenth rejection but decides not to make things difficult for the doctor. Leaving the hospital, he pats Law's shoulder.

"Don't worry, there are still a few more hospitals we can visit. Worst case scenario, I can try to ask one of my old cousins to pressure the Vinsmoke family to take a look at you."

Law gives a faint fake smile to Rosinante, but both of them know that there is next to no hope. Rosinante's cousins didn't care about him since his father renounced his title and he was grasping at straws at this point.

"I could have my doctor look at you." A voice adds from the side, handing Rosinante a card.

It was Rex, followed by Kid, Bonney, Killer and Gem.

"Your doctor?" Rosinante says with a puzzled expression, very few people had a personal doctor. "What do you me…"

A look of realization flashes across Rosinante's eyes as he sees Rex's face. He grabs Law, hiding him behind his body before glaring at Rex.

"We don't want any trouble Mr. Pirate, sir." Rosinante said. "Me and my son are just seeking medical treatment for his skin condition. We'll leave the island immediately."

"Your son?" Rex says with an exaggerated tone. "A fallen God siring a child who bears the initial of the god slayers. Isn't that an oxymoron?"

Rosinante's eyes narrow to points as he immediately tenses up. His hand slowly drifts towards where his pistol is kept.

"I wouldn't if I were you." Rex said, walking towards Rosinante slowly. "You see, my men over there are much less reasonable than I am. You see Kid over there can stop any bullet that should come out of your gun and when he does, my friend Gem will put another bullet in your head. I don't think we'd want that, especially in front of a child."

Rosinante clenches his teeth, knowing from the news that that was true. Kid's Jiki Jiki no Mi was extremely difficult to fight for weapon users, granted that they hadn't learned Haki. While Kid might struggle to completely stop the momentum of dozens of bullets at once, a single bullet from Rosinante was child's play.

"What do you want from us!?" Rosinante says through gritted teeth.


"Behehehehe!" A roaring laughter comes from afar causing Rosinante and Law to pale. "Hey, I thought I was just going to (sniff) finish one task but here I go finishing two!"

Rex tenses up, the nasal and disgusting voice immediately reveals its owner without Rex having to turn around.

"Trebol of the Donquixote Pirates, is there a reason you are intervening in my business?" Rex says, hoping that Trebol just wanted Rosinante and Law.

While Rex didn't like losing, he also didn't want to start a fight with Doflamingo's forces. That was a fight he had a zero percent chance of winning.

"Ehh, so you know who I (sniff) am? Excellent! I've come to send you (sniff) a message from (sniff) Doflamingo. Join the Donquixote pirates…" Trebol stops to sniff in a massive booger. "Or die!"

Rex sucks in a deep breath and sighs out.

"Die, die, die. It's always the same thing with you generic bad guys. Can't you mix it up a little, be a bit more descriptive? Maybe use the words burn, perish, be eliminated, something with a bit more spice to it!" Rex sighs. "Still, you've got to be the nastiest bad guy yet. I mean all that snot, pop a cough drop or something you diseased freak."

Trebol frowns, feeling that Rex was making fun of him, his mucus begins to thicken in rage. Still, Doffy had wanted him to do one more thing.

"Behehehehe! Your captain has (sniff) refused Doffy and he is already (sniff) dead for his crimes, but you can still live. As long as (sniff) any of you are willing to join the Donquixote Pirates, I will (sniff) spare you! But if you should refuse…"

Trebol then shoots out a stream of snot snaring a nearby tree and throwing it at Rex with full force.

Rex barely manages to leap out of the way before the tree crashes into the hospital behind him, screams echoing out.

Rex and his crew immediately prepare for battle.

"So, you've (sniff) made your choices."

"Bonney, Pink-Tiger me, then fight the two fringe pieces with Kid and Killer! Don't let the redhead's cloud hit you, take her down as quick as you can. Gem, you're with me, we got big ugly!"

Rex barks out his plan at once, Trebol doesn't stop him, turning to Rosinante instead.

"Doffy's been (sniff) worrying about you, he's heard about what you're doing with (sniff) Law. I know you're (sniff) not mute now, so there's no peaceful (sniff) way out of this. Come back with me (sniff), or I'll have to give him your (sniff) corpse instead."

Rosinante draws his weapons, knowing he can't allow himself to be caught by Doflamingo. He and Rex share a look and nod.

Then, without warning, the fight starts.

With a bright flash of pink light, Rex is in Tiger Print, Gem on his back, armed and ready. Bonney leaps to Killer, both of them readying for combat against Marseille, who withdraws a paint pad. Kid faces Giolla, his eyes on the look out for the 'clouds' Rex had mentioned.

Trebol mucus-hooks his way to Rex, getting right up to him in a single instant. Rex is slightly alarmed by the large mucus blob's speed, but he leaps back to avoid it with Gem firing a bullet at Trebol.

Trebol tenses up, feeling a strange sense of danger from that bullet and launches a glob of mucus to intercept it.


The bullet and the mucus go up in a huge explosion that causes nearby civilians to scream out.

"That's (sniff) no ordinary bullet!" Trebol shouts, feeling some fear as he looks at Gem's gun. One shot of that gun could risk him being blown sky high.

Rosinante is equally surprised at Rex's bullet, but doesn't forget to launch his own bullet's at Trebol. Trebol simply leaps back, jumping up onto a building to get the high ground.

Rex follows, with Rosinante hopping on his back for the ride. Law then moves to join the King Pirates for their own fights.

"Your captain's one naughty little boy. Calling me a redheaded minx and telling you to take me down. I might even oblige you, but Doffy's ordered me to take no prisoners!"

Giolla launches a massive art cloud at the King Pirates, causing them to scatter. Kid grabs Law jumping to the left while Bonney and Killer go to the right.

Feeling that Giolla would be a problem, Kid magnetizes an immense amount of nearby metal creating a large wall to separate the two officers. Kid then faces off against Giolla with Law while Bonney and Killer face down Marseille.

Bonney rushes at Marseille, knotting hair around her right arm to go for a big punch.

"Bullfighting Red!" Marseille calls out, sending out a red paint blob that sticks to Kid's wall.

Bonney ignores the blob, but suddenly she feels a sharp pain in her hand as she punches straight into that segment of wall.

Killer is shocked by this, eying the paint pad cautiously. He then runs at Marseille, drawing his swords.

"Yellow of happiness, blue of sadness, mix to make to green of nausea!" Marseille shouts, launching a double color attack that has Killer doubled over in stomach pain.

Bonney closes her eyes, ignoring the symbol and punches to where Marseille is.

Marseille's eyes widen slightly, but she jumps back acrobatically to avoid the attack.

"Oh, so you've figured out my weakness, then? Too bad neither of you can fight with your eyes closed." Marseille laughs uproariously before readying her paints to attack.

Killer looked at Marseille intently, a small smile spreading on his face.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, Kid faced a similar headache, only his was four feet tall and had a death wish.

"Pull back brat!" Kid shouts, yanking Law back with magnetism and launching forward a metal ball to block Giolla's cloud.

The ball is painted on to the wall, turning into a piece of art, causing Kid to curse. He had used up most of the nearby metal to build a wall, and now he didn't have much to throw at Giolla.

Shoving his hand into his pocket, Kid grabs a small bullet in his palm, knowing it was his only hope. It was one of Gem's special bullets and so long as he hit Giolla with it, he would knock her out. But…

Kid leaps to the side as another cloud flies past him. Hitting Giolla would be a problem. Especially since he had to protect Law and the special bullet from her clouds.

Or did he?

Kid grinned as he discovered the perfect way to ensure the bullet made it to its target.

Grabbing the last scraps of metal, Kid forms a belt which wraps around Law. Law widens his eyes, staring at Kid, but before he can react, he is being thrown by Kid's powers.

Unknown to both Giolla and Law, a small, explosive bullet was floating behind Law.

Killer on the other hand, rips a strip of cloth off of his shirt and covers his eyes. With Bonney being unable to fight blind, this fight fell to him.

Killer takes in a deep breath, running towards Marseille.

Marseille quickly jumps to the left, dodging Killer's first attack.

"She's on your left!"

Killer slashes following Bonney's hint, putting a light gash into Marseille's arm. Marseille then grimaces.

"Let's turn off your cheating device why don't we. Yellow of Laughter!"

Bonney bursts into laughter, being unable to voice any further thoughts.

Killer then slashes blindly at Marseille trying time and time again to strike her. Each of his strikes his air.

At first, Marseille laughs, toying with Killer, seeing that he was just groping in the dark then her eyes, widen. Slowly but surely, Killer's strikes were coming closer to hitting her.

Turning to Bonney, Marseille gets a dark flash across her eyes. "Orange of pain!"

Bonney wails in pain, as the yellow light on her chest turns fiery orange. Marseille expects Killer to stumble, but he doesn't at all swinging his sword right for her.

'Goodbye Marianne.' Marseille thinks in her last moments.

Boom! Slash!

Simultaneously, both fights end, with Marseille being bisected by Killer's blade and Giolla being knocked out by Kid's bullet.

Killer looks down at Marseille's body with a sigh. "So close, and yet so far."

Meanwhile, all the way across town, Trebol, Rosinante, Gem and Rex are all panting, a massive wake of destruction surrounding

(AN: I want to take an official poll. Do you want all the extra chapters now? If yes, I'll release like 8 chapters at once, then go back to 1-2 chapters a day. If no, I'll release like 3 chapter a day over the next five days. Respond in a paragraph comment and I'll count it up in a few hours)