
One Piece : Infinity Crew

Satoru D. Gojo... the one who became the fifth emperor of the new world. With his own territory, he maintains a fragile balance between the different powers at play. His monstrous crew is as formidable as those of the other emperors. He doesn't care about One Piece! For him, the real pleasure lies in the discovery of this increasingly vast and complex world. And no one will steal it from him! He is sure of himself and his place in the New World. But what will his relationship be with the other emperors? And with those of the navy? Only time will tell... But one thing is certain: the name of Satoru D. Gojo will remain engraved in history! patreon.com/HeavenWing

Heaven_Wing · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

- Unexpected Encounter

[ Time Jump ]

Six years have passed since the titanic duel between Gojo and Sukuna and their decisions to shake up the world. The crew's fame had spread like wildfire. Their daring exploits, their spectacular battles and their thirst for freedom fascinated the whole world. Gojo, with his piercing blue eyes and infinite power, has become a living legend, inspiring awe and admiration.

The crew has grown over the years, attracting talented and unique individuals. New pirates with extraordinary powers have joined the cause, greatly strengthening the power of the alliance. Their power was such that they inspired fear across all oceans. At the head of this armada was Satoru D. Gojo, nicknamed Gojo with the Eternal Eyes, a charismatic and unpredictable man whose motivations no one knew.

Alongside Gojo stand three ruthless figures, known as the Three Curses:

Yuta Okkotsu, the Cursed King

Toji Fushiguro, the Pirate Killer

Sukuna, the Two-Faced Demon

Followed by the Nine Shamans, considered the strongest after the three curses. Unlike the latter who went it alone, each of the shamans has their own divisions:

Utahime Iori, the Enchantress

Mei Mei, White Crow

Shoko Ieiri, Goddess of Death

Yuki Tsukumo, the Executioner

Choso, The Blood Monk

Nanami Kento, The Merciless Judge

Hanami, The Poisoned Flower

Naobito Zenin, Sea Demon

Masamichi Yaga, Magister Yaga

With its members each possessing the power of a devil fruit and unwavering loyalty, the Infinity Pirates become an unavoidable force in the New World. They have many territories and make many countries their allies without forgetting many enemies.


The Stella, the crew's flagship, was plowing through the waves of the New World, its destination now known: the island of death, an island renowned for its dangerousness, it was even said that it harbored numerous treasures.

Death Island was a place with a sinister reputation covered in a reddish mist. Its climate was said to be hostile, its wildlife and its animals ferocious. The island was also known for its many ancient ruins, rumors circulated among the great of this world that this island dates from the age of the forgotten century. As the Stella approached the island, the atmosphere suddenly became heavier. The sky darkened and the waves began to roar.

Nanami stepped forward and said in a deep voice so that everyone could hear "The island is in sight, captain" then he continued "It well deserves its reputation as the island of death."

Gojo smiled and replied in a calm voice, "Interesting... It seems we're not the only ones who have ventured to this island."

"I wonder who they are...but based on their haki, they're really strong" Toji said as he stretched

"No matter who they are, as soon as they get in our way I will kill them," Sukuna added arrogantly as he began to advance.

"No matter who else is there, the treasure belongs to us. I won't let anyone take it from us." Mei Mei spoke

Gojo nodded and said, "Very well. Mei Mei, you take care of the treasure search with the other shamans. Yuta, Toji and Sukuna, stay with me."

After completing the composition of each team. Yaga declined, wanting to stay on the Stella accompanied by Hanami. Arriving near the coast, Yaga docked the boat allowing the others to disembark.

The island was sinister, shrouded in thick fog. The trees that grow are dead, withered trees, with twisted trunks and thorny branches. The ground is covered with fine black sand, which gives the impression of having been burned by an intense fire. A smell of sulfur and rot hangs in the air, adding to the gloomy atmosphere of the place. From time to time, strange and inhuman screams are heard in the distance.

The crew split into two groups. Mei Mei and the other shamans went in search of the treasure, while Gojo, Yuta, Toji and Sukuna headed towards the origin of the powerful haki felt.


Mei Mei, pawing impatiently. The lure of gain intoxicated her. Death Island did not frighten him. On the contrary, the adrenaline of the treasure hunt galvanized her.

They plunged into the arid lands of the island. The scorching sun cracked the red earth, and the dry air was heavy with the acrid odor of death and rotting vegetation. Vultures circled in the gray sky waiting for their next meal, and the ground was littered with sun-bleached bones.

As their group moved forward, eliminating the monsters around them. Mei Mei looked around. She spotted a hidden entrance in a cliffside, almost entirely buried in sand. "It's over there," she announced, her eyes bright with excitement.

Carefully, they cleared the entrance and found themselves in front of a huge carved wooden door. Strange inscriptions were carved into the surface of the wood, and the air reeked of humidity and the dust of time.

"A work from a vanished civilization," Shoko murmured, examining the inscriptions with an expert eye. "This door must be booby-trapped."

Yuki approached the door and knocked it with the palm of his hand. A dull sound rang out, and a mechanism was triggered. Poisoned arrows burst from the cave walls, whistling through the air...


At the same time, Gojo's group was sneaking through the ruins of an ancient city whose forest had already been heard, heading towards the source of the powerful haki. The air was electric, vibrating with menacing energy. Indistinct murmurs and low rumbles emanated from the depths of the city, amplifying the oppressive atmosphere.

Gojo broke the silence with a calm and composed voice, "Ahahahaha... Looks like we're going to have fun, don't we?"

Yuta, with a cold and impassive look. His gaze, once innocent and joyful, has darkened, marked by a certain seriousness and deep wisdom. Asked "Who is it, Captain?"

Gojo, without looking away, replied in a clear voice, "The Hundred Beasts... It's Kaido and these men."

These simple words triggered an unexpected reaction. A wide smile split Sukuna's face, revealing his sharp fangs. His gaze, usually filled with mischief, glowed with fierce anticipation. An icy silence took possession of him, foreshadowing the storm that was brewing within him.

Toji, for his part, remained stoic. His impassive face betrayed no emotion. His body, sculpted by years of intensive training, tensed, ready to launch into battle at the slightest opportunity.

While they were talking they did not stop but continued on their way. Gojo, who was emitting murderous aura to scare the monsters on his path, removed this and began to emit kings' haki. Every step he took his haki increased a notch until they reached the place where the hundred beasts were. So half of the pirates there fainted, leaving those who were much more resistant even if they were no longer able to move.

When Gojo arrives, the remaining pirates are on guard, unaware of who it is. Suddenly, a huge man, of imposing stature, made his way through the pirates followed by three others. It was Kaido, the king of beasts, known for his devastating power and boundless cruelty.

"You're intruding on my territory and you dare to piss off my guys, kid," he said with a bored look as he stepped forward. "I've heard about you. Are you the brat who never stops talking about him?"

Gojo stared at him, unblinking, as a smile began to appear on his face.

"What is one of the four emperors doing on an island outside of his territory" he must as he emitted a lot more kings' haki

"Worororo...I salute you, boy. You and your companions have courage, I grant you. But that will not be enough for you to compete with me and my crew." Said kaido speaking to Gojo

He glanced at his lieutenants, the three Calamities.

"Yoo...guys," he said, "Get ready. We've got another one of those pirate gangs thinking they'll stand up to us

In an instant, the tension rose a notch. Gojo and Kaido had already engaged in a Haki duel of kings proving their supremacy. The curses each moved away in a different direction followed by the calamities not wanting to interrupt their captains

While the curses and calamities had passed away, the two captains still engaged in a struggle. The shock of the supreme kings affected everything around as crackling torrents of black and red energy rose to the sky and sealed the air.

The confrontation generated a massive shock wave which shook up and devastated everything in its path. .But Kaido was the first to act by swinging his kanabo to which Gojo responded, making an infinity bubble appear around his fist and then throwing it towards Kaido. Just because of the collision of will, a huge crack was formed in the sky as if the sky was splitting apart

" Wororororo... You're really interesting for a newbie. I take back what I said, let's have fun Satoru D. Gojo. " Kaido declared as he roared


At the moment, To the north

Sukuna vs King

"He really plans to fight Kaido?" King asked, looking in Kaido's direction.

"It's not a question, it's a certainty. Our captain is incapable of resisting a good fight, especially when it comes to an emperor" Sukuna replied as a smirk appeared on his face. face

"You are crazy. Kaido is the most powerful Yonko. Even if he also has the Haki of Kings, your captain has no chance."

Don't you underestimate our captain a little too much? " Asked Sukuna somewhat offended

"I see... You're like those pirates who think they're good enough just because you've accomplished a few things" said King, drawing his saber.

Suddenly the sky splits in two, shaken by the collision of the Haki of the Kings of Gojo and Kaido. A shock wave sweeps across the world, causing earthquakes and tsunamis.

"They've already started" Sukuna muttered then looked at King "What if we started too?"


At the same time, in the east

Toji vs. Jack

"You are very arrogant... To think you can defeat the hundred beasts just because you have accomplished a few feats" said Jack with disdain

Toji didn't respond but instead prepared himself by connecting the Heavenly Spear to the Thousand League Chain then spun it until a small circle appeared putting him in the middle and a crazy smile appeared on his face

Suddenly the sky splits in two, shaken by the collision of the Haki of the Kings of Gojo and Kaido. A shock wave sweeps across the world, causing earthquakes and tsunamis.


At the same time, in the west

Yuta vs Queen

" He wants to fight Kaido? What madness! He's going to get killed! " Said Queen in a cheerful tone

"You better not underestimate him" Yuta replied in a calm voice.

"You're too optimistic. Kaido is a monster. He doesn't stand a chance against him." Queen sneered

As Yuta approached Queen he drew his katana and did not continue to speak, not finding the need

Suddenly the sky splits in two, shaken by the collision of the Haki of the Kings of Gojo and Kaido. A shock wave sweeps across the world, causing earthquakes and tsunamis.


Meanwhile towards the coast Mei Mei and the others had just returned to the boat then suddenly the sky split in two, shaken by the collision of the Haki of the Kings of Gojo and Kaido. A shock wave sweeps across the world, causing earthquakes and tsunamis.

"Ohhh...it looks like it's just started" exclaimed Utahime

"Looks like they're pulling no punches," Naobito added.

"Well...Let them go wild, I've already taken most of the treasures" replied Mei Mei

As they discussed the confrontation that had just begun there was a roar of thunder and an azure blue dragon appeared in the sky and spewed blazing fire.

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