
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs

New Beginnings




"Ahhh!!!! " A child shouted and opened his eyes. He immediately got out of his sleeping position and looked around him.

"What just happened?" He asked while looking down at himself.

He was just dreaming about being surrounded by lots of big delicious juicy meat until his dream changed into him fighting some big guy who looks like a dragon.

He shrugged and got out of bed. He looked outside to see that the sun was just rising. The boy quickly took a bath, brushed his teeth and dressed up in casual clothes. He looked at himself in the mirror and grinned broadly.

He has black shaggy hair and round black eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with the word 'Anchor' and a orange anchor etched onto it. He was also wearing blue shorts.

His name was Monkey D. Luffy and he is 7 years old. Luffy is the son of Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and the grandson of the Marine hero Monkey D. Garp.

Luffy doesn't know about how famous his father and grandfather are. He doesn't even know that he has a father. All he knows is how to eat and eat and eat.

Luffy is currently living in one of the rooms in a bar called 'Partys Bar'. It is located in Foosha Village which is a little port village that is located on Dawn Island and is part of Goa Kingdom.

Luffy ran quickly towards the bar and jumped up to sit on the barstool. He quickly grabbed a knife and a fork. He started tapping them on the countertop repeatedly.

"I'm hungry Makino!!!" Luffy shouted. He heard a woman giggle. He looked to see that it was Makino, the bartender of Partys Bar.

Makino is a young woman with brown eyes and dark green hair that goes up to just above her shoulders.

She wore a yellow kerchief, an orange blouse with black sleeves and a long light blue skirt and orange sneakers with white soles.

Makino handed Luffy a plate full of food. Luffy cheered loudly and started gulping down the food without taking a single breath to rest. Makino giggled as she witnessed Luffy eat the food until there was nothing left on the plate.

"Are you full yet Luffy?" Makino asked him. Luffy shook his head. She nodded and grabbed the empty plate.

"Wait a while okay? I'm going to fill up the plate." Makino told him and went to the kitchen of the bar. Luffy groaned as he had to wait. He hated waiting.

[Synchronization Process Starting...]

"Huh?" Luffy immediately sat up straight as he saw a floating blue screen appearing in front of him.

[99%.... 100%]

[Welcome, Monkey D. Luffy to the Helpful System. Would you like to check out your skills?]

Luffy was amazed. "Wow!!! What's this Helpful system thing?! Does everyone have it?!" He asked loudly while reading the words.

[Please do not reveal the existence of the system.]

"Huh? I don't understand what you mean?" Luffy scratched his head in confusion. These words were so complicated he couldn't understand them.

[Please do not tell anybody about the Helpful System. Even Makino or your grandpa, Garp.]

"How do you know her name?" Luffy asked.

[You do not need to worry about that. Just don't tell anyone about it.]

"Alright, fine! Geez, you're so pushy." Luffy grumbled and pouted.

"What are you doing, Luffy? Was there someone here?" Makino asked as she came out of the kitchen with another plate full of food and holding a glass of juice in her left hand.

Luffy panicked and laughed nervously. "Umm.... Nothing Makino! Just feeling like talking with myself....Hehehe... " Luffy stuttered out his reply while scratching his head.

Makino raised an eyebrow. She could sense that lie coming from a mile away. But she won't ask him about it. A child's imagination is precious.

"Alright, Luffy. Here's a new plate of food."

"Yay!!! Thanks Makino! You're the best!" Luffy thanked her happily and started munching on the food. Makino giggled and smiled at him.

"Thank you, Luffy."



"Ahh!! That was a good breakfast!" Luffy sighed happily as he rubbed his full stomach. Makino was cleaning the plates.

Luffy sat there for a while, 'a while' meaning 10 seconds. He groaned loudly. "I'm so bored!!!" He complained. Makino snickered.

"You can go outside to the village Luffy. No one's stopping you. But make sure to be back by lunchtime." Makino reminded him. Luffy grinned and jumped down from the barstool to the ground.

"Alright Makino! I'm off now!! See ya later!!!" Luffy bid her farewell and dashed out of the bar.

"Hihihi!!" Luffy grinned broadly as he dashed through the village. He bumped into some people but kept running. Nothing can stop him.

Foosha Village resembles a typical rural community, with rustic wooden houses, docks and a few windmills. It is located to the east of the Goa Kingdom capital.

A prominent feature of this sleepy village is Mt. Colubo in the background. Several notable mountain bandits live in or around the mountain near the village, causing the occasional chaos to the villagers or assisting them as needed.

They are led by mayor Woop Slap who usually is against most ideas presented by the other townsfolk on pirates.

The town also has a local Sea King called Lord of the Coast. However, it is not as big as some of the sea monsters in the rest of the world and there is no indication it is as big of a problem as others of his kind may create.

Luffy started running into the forest near the village. He jumped over rocks and ducked under some branches.

He ran out of stamina and rested by leaning against a tree. He stared at the blue sky before noticing something.

"Huh? Is that smoke? " He asked himself as saw a small trail of smoke rising from a place in the forest. Luffy suddenly grinned.

"Smoke means that there's a campfire. And a campfire means that there are people! " Luffy somehow had all of his stamina back as he quickly dashed towards where the smoke came from.

When he arrived, he saw a campfire but the fire was already put out. "Aww man! They're gone now!" Luffy sighed in disappointment.


Luffy gasped as he saw a small log flying towards him. "Ahh!!!" Luffy shouted and jumped away. The log crashed into a tree and fell down to the ground.

Luffy breathed out a sigh of relief. "Haaa... Saved...." He whispered.


Luffy blinked as he heard another banging sound. Curiosity got the better of him as he started running towards the source of sound.

When he arrived, he saw an unbelievable sight. There was a bald headed old man making the trees blast away with a kick from his feet.

The old man had weird arrow tattoos on his bald head and hands. Luffy was so amazed at what he was doing that his jaw was dropped to the ground.

The old man noticed him staring at him with a look of disbelief and smiled at him. He stopped kicking and turned towards him.

He started walking towards him, Luffy backed up a little. The old man arrived in front of him and bowed a little.

"Hello, my name is Gyatsu. What's yours?

To be continued.....