
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Anime & Comics
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213 Chs



Luffy and Lucci were both grinning madly as they punched each other in the face at the same time. They spat out some blood and skidded back.

In the middle of the fight, Lucci revealed he had eaten the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard. It is a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a leopard hybrid and a full leopard at will, making him a Leopard Human.

Lucci was now in his leopard hybrid form and is currently clashing equally with Luffy. When he became a leopard hybrid, he gained a dramatic increase to his physical strength, equivalent to that of an actual leopard and more.

Luffy could sense the bloodlust leaking from Lucci and he too returned the favor. Lucci did a feral growl. "Kamisori!!!" He growled out before disappearing.

He moved extremely fast in three dimensions. But Luffy knew where he was going to attack him from.

"Rankyaku Hyobi!!!!" Lucci shouted as he appeared behind Luffy and sent a large, powerful Rankyaku in the shape of a swirl, which was launched at Luffy like a razor blade.

Luffy easily dodged it and sent out a powerful Rankyaku at Lucci who quickly dodged it by using Soru to appear in midair.

"Tobu Shigan Mitsubachi!!!" Lucci fired the Tobu Shigan: Bachi three times consecutively by flicking his finger.

Luffy kicked them away with his Haki coated leg. He unsheathed his cutlass, coated it with Busoshoku Haki and sent out a large red colored air blade at Lucci who growled at the attack.

"Tekkai— Argh!!!!" Lucci spat out blood as Luffy appeared behind him and kicked him straight to the air blade.


Lucci spat out more blood as the air blade slashed his chest, creating a large diagonal slash wound on his torso.

"Tch!!!" Lucci grinded his teeth angrily and did a quick kip up. Luffy assumed a combat stance, waiting for Lucci's next move.

"Seimei Kikan: Kami-e Bushin!!!!" Lucci declared. His muscles shrink and compress, granting him a smaller and slightly more human half-leopard form.

Using Seimei Kikan, Lucci makes his half-leopard form smaller, lighter, and possibly increasing his speed.

At any rate, he is much more agile in this form, and harder to hit as opposed to his hulking normal half-leopard form.

Lucci dashed at blinding speeds at Luffy who widened his eyes as Lucci got at least 15x faster than before.

The two fighters' fists were then clad in black coating, signifying that they were using Busoshoku Haki.

They yelled as they threw their fists at each other. Their fists clashed, creating a large shockwave that shook the bridge they were fighting on.


Lucci quickly sent out his left fist at Luffy who sent out his own left fist. They clashed again.


This pattern continued at blinding speeds while throwing their barrage of punches at each other. Their fists always clashed in the middle, creating hundreds of shockwaves that started destroying the bridge they were standing on.


Suddenly, Lucci held two fists at close range to Luffy's chest. Luffy widened his eyes knowing what Lucci was about to do.

"Sai Dai Rin: Rokuogan!!!!" Lucci shouted and attempted to use Rokuogan on Luffy who expertly dodged it due to sensing it coming with Kenbunshoku Haki.


The move is so powerful that the shock wave it sent out shattered the ground behind Luffy. The pirate captain appeared far away from the CP9 agent as he entered a stance.

His entire skin turns slightly pink and shiny from the increased blood flow and his entire metabolic rate went so high that his sweat vaporized rapidly making his body look as if it were steaming.

He looked at Lucci menacingly. "Gear Second!!" He declared and disappeared in a flash. He appeared in front of Lucci with an open palm out to aim at him.

"Gomu Gomu no.....JET PISTOL!!!!!!"


The next second, Lucci spat out large amounts of blood and crashed into the tower that was near the bridge.

Luffy leaped up to the air as he cocked back both of his arms which were hardened with Busoshoku Haki.

"Gomu Gomu no...

Both of his arms ignited and released a majestic stream of fire in the process. He spotted Lucci who just managed to get out while blood was flowing out of his mouth.

"Rankyaku Gaicho!!!!" Lucci shouted before slashing the air with his claws three times, creating three large Rankyaku in the shape of a bird that was zooming towards Luffy at blinding speeds.

Luffy grinned and punched through them with his flaming fists. He suddenly disappeared and appeared about 5 meters away from Lucci. Lucci immediately hardened his body with Busoshoku Haki and prepared for a whole mountain of pain.

"HAWK GATLING!!!!!!!!"

Lucci spat out large amounts of blood as he was being pushed back by Luffy's endless barrage of punches.

The speed of Luffy's flaming punches were even faster than a gatling gun. Lucci was then backed up to the wall behind him and started breaking through it as Luffy didn't stop there.

Luffy's arms retracted as he yelled. "Gomu Gomu no!!....." He then stepped up a bit while twisting his rubber arm, preparing for another punch.

"HAWK RIFLE!!!!!!"


Lucci spat out a large amount of blood as his stomach was pierced by Luffy's powerful punch.

The agent was blasted back to the bridge and crashed onto it. Lucci then started tumbling violently on it before stopping after a few more seconds.

Lucci was facing the bright sunny sky with a dazed expression. He growled angrily and clenched his fists tightly.

His determination was fueled up even more. Lucci ignored the pain and slowly started getting up from the ground.

Luffy landed on the bridge too. His Gear Second was deactivated as he didn't want to waste any more of his energy.

He stared at Lucci who was glaring at him with immense hatred in his leopard eyes. Lucci stood up straight, but then he started coughing out blood violently and knelt on the ground with one knee.

The two then noticed someone approaching them. They took a glance and realized that it was Spandam.

Spandam was clearly in an extremely bad mood. He had a hostile expression and he was sneering at Lucci. He was also holding the Golden Den Den Mushi in his right hand.

"Lucci.....You failed your mission. You and the rest are fired."




Sanji and Kalifa's legs clashed, creating a shockwave. Kaya threw several senbons towards some of the CP9 agent's pressure points.

Kalifa used Soru to dodge them. She then started fighting Sanji once again who kept dodging her attacks.

Kalifa was just as experienced as Sanji in fighting in her own kick-based fighting style.

"Rankyaku!!" Kalifa kicked the air multiple times, sending out air blades towards Sanji who did some flips to dodge them and ended up in the air with Geppo.

Then, Kalifa used Geppo and started fighting Sanji in the air. Suddenly, soap and bubbles started appearing on Kalifa's body. Sanji widened his eyes, realizing it was a Devil Fruit ability.

"Golden Hour!!!" Kalifa shouted before trying to manually spread her bubbles on Sanji's body.

But before she could, a senbon pierced her a pressure point on her shoulder, rendering them useless.

Kalifa widened her eyes. She had completely forgotten about Kaya being on Sanji's side too because Sanji was keeping her busy. She had been careless and this was the consequence.

Sanji landed beside her. "Thanks,Kaya-chan!!" He gave a grateful smiled at the poison expert of the crew. Kaya smiled back and gave Sanji a thumbs up.

"What did you do?" Kalifa asked while looking at her arm. She could not raise it or do anything with it at all.

"Oh nothing, I just closed off your pressure point and made your left arm a nuisance." Kaya replied darkly while looking at the agent.

By the way, Kalifa ate the Awa Awa no Mi, a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that allows the user to emit and control soap and bubbles that not only clean off dirt but can also 'clean off' power, making the user a Soap Human.

This ability is not to be confused with a Logia power, because the user cannot turn themselves into soap and bubbles.

What Kalifa tried to do to Sanji back there was to drain the cook of his strength and leave his skin shiny and smooth.

This also has the side effect of impairing Sanji's mobility, as his extremely slippery skin makes it hard for him to move around.

Sanji's legs were coated with Armament Haki as he assumed a stance similar to the fighting style Muay Thai, which relies on strong direct kicks.

He then started spinning at high speeds, thus heating up his legs due to friction. His feet then caught on fire. Sanji grinned at Kalifa who was shocked at the new ability.

"I'm sorry, pretty lady, but I must do this. This is possible because of my burning passion. The heated-up leg is further fueled by the speed of the attack. Its destructive power is like that of the Devil. I call it....Diable Jambe. "



" Luffy and Lucci have stopped fighting. " Usopp commented while he, Nojiko and Zoro were standing side by side facing Kaku and Jabra.

" Guess we better pick up the pace then, Usopp." Zoro muttered back as he assumed a fighting stance with Usopp and Nojiko doing the same.

In front of them, Jabra and Kaku were in their wolf hybrid and giraffe hybrid forms. Kaku ate the Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows its user to transform into a giraffe hybrid and a full giraffe at will, making the user a Giraffe Human.

The fruit's major strength, as demonstrated by Kaku, is that it gives him more strength and longer reach in their Human-Beast Form.

This fruit grants the user the abilities of a giraffe, such as an increase in size, strength and durability, fast running speed, powerful legs and hooves, horn-like ossicones and notably a long powerful neck used to whip enemies with.

The user of this fruit apparently has the unique weakness of having a long and very exposed neck which an attacker could exploit.

Zoro noticed it and quickly thought about how to exploit it. He looked at Usopp and Nojiko who were both staring at Jabra.

"Alright! Let's go!!"




"Holy shit..." Nami whispered while breathing heavily with Robin by her side doing the same.

They managed to escape being stabbed by Kumadori's hair Shigan thing via Nami using Mirage Tempo.

Nami uses the Cool Ball in a dry and hot environment to change the air density and create a mirage of herself.

The extreme difference in temperature causes major light refraction, allowing Nami to disappear and create an illusionary copy of herself.

She is able to do more, by using the Cool Ball located on the staff, she is able to cloak herself in a blanket of air to make herself and Robin invisible to Kumadori's vision.

They escaped for now, and they were sure Kumadori would find them again. They heard someone approaching them and got on guard.

"Ladies ladies! It's just us!" Franky greeted them while Chopper was walking beside him. The two women breathed out a sigh of relief seeing their comrades.

"Great timing, can you lend us a hand?" Nami asked them. Franky grinned and gave her a thumbs up while Chopper nodded repeatedly.

"Great! Let's finish this everyone!!"

To be continued.....