
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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432 Chs


"This is the true power of the World Government? How terrifying."

Jinbei remarked, watching Urouge being overpowered and Ivankov locked in a fierce battle with the enemy. Both Urouge, a Supernova, and Ivankov, a high-ranking revolutionary and queen of the Kamabakka Kingdom, were formidable, yet they were struggling.

Meanwhile, the forces at Red Port had transitioned from initial chaos due to the ambush to a more stabilized formation, even pushing back towards the coastline with their superior training and coordination. Though Fishmen had physical advantages, the disciplined human soldiers, especially on land, quickly suppressed them.

Jinbei began to understand why the World Government had maintained control for so long and why humans had dominated the Fishmen.

"Jinbei-san, watch out!"

A sudden shout from Aladine alerted Jinbei.


Sensing an incoming water blast from his side, Jinbei instinctively crossed his arms, covering them with Busoshoku Haki, and used his Fish-Man Karate technique, "Plum Blossom Skin," to defend.


With a tremendous impact, water splashed everywhere. Jinbei wasn't angry about the ambush; instead, a deep, cold look appeared in his eyes. Only another Fishman could create such a water bullet.

Emerging from the shadows was a figure clad in the standard white robe of CP0, with a skull fish mask and a bulging hump on his back, making Jinbei uncomfortable.

"Are you the Supreme Commander of the Sea God Army, Jinbei?"

The figure studied Jinbei with curious eyes.

Jinbei wasted no time, instantly appearing before the masked figure and delivering a powerful punch.

"Karate Brick Fist!"

"New Karate Brick Fist!"


The collision of their fists created a 360-degree shockwave, shredding their clothes and revealing the muscular, Busoshoku Haki-covered chest of the CP0 agent, which was brown-skinned—a Fishman!

"You're a..."

"Don't lump me in with the likes of you!"

The CP0 agent interrupted Jinbei, tearing off his mask to reveal his shark-like face. He removed his robe, showing his brown-skinned, Haki-covered chest, a testament to his Fishman heritage.

He was a rare Megalodon Fishman, possessing immense defensive and offensive power, rivaling even the ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruits. Jinbei was puzzled why such a rare Fishman, thought to have vanished, appeared here as a CP0 agent.

"Wondering why a Fishman like me is here on the Red Line and a member of Cipher Pol Aigis 0, the World Government's top secret intelligence agency?"

Knowing his identity was exposed, the CP0 agent crushed his mask and challenged Jinbei with a cold smile and predatory eyes, as if Jinbei were his prey.

"Want to know? If you want to know, then defeat me. But be careful not to get torn apart!"

The Megalodon Fishman gave a cold smile, his eyes gleaming with a predatory gaze as if Jinbei were his prey.

Amid the flames.

Clad in a black cloak, Karasu glanced at the fallen CP members around him. He wasn't surprised by the enemy reinforcements; after all, this was the Holy Land of Mary Geoise, their stronghold.

Even though Dragon and Nicholas had attracted the main forces, some enemies were bound to come their way. The defenders of Mary Geoise wouldn't let any invader go.

Pushing aside his thoughts, Karasu looked at the CP0 agent standing atop a pile of rubble.

The CP0 agent was in rough shape; his white cloak was tattered by fire, and his mask was cracked.

Karasu knew that as long as this CP0 agent stood, he couldn't easily leave the battle. So, Karasu decided to unleash his full power, ready to end this quickly.

Atop the rubble.

The CP0 agent tore off his burnt cloak, looking up at the circling fire crows and Karasu.

"The burning must be painful. How long can you last?"

Through the battle, he had found Karasu's weakness: while the fire empowered the crows, it also scorched the masked man controlling them. If this dragged on, Karasu would lose—no one could endure such fiery torment indefinitely.

For a sharpshooter like him, this drawn-out fight was perfect. A good marksman keeps the enemy within range but out of reach. Now, he was the hunter, and Karasu was his prey.

"You've got something wrong."

For the first time since the fight began, Karasu spoke, surprising the CP0 agent.

Karasu then roared, "Compared to what I've seen and endured, this hellfire is nothing! Feel the terror—Crow Storm!"

With his words, Karasu instantly appeared before the CP0 agent. More crows flew out, but these were wreathed not in red flames but in eerie green fire, like something from the underworld.

Surrounded by the crows, green substance began to leak from the CP0 agent's mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, as if his soul were being extracted.

When the crows dispersed, the CP0 agent lay on the ground, a dried-up husk.

Karasu spared him a glance before rushing towards the bubble cable car port, where his help was still needed.

Below the Red Port, another fierce battle was underway.

"Hey, who are you?!"

"What are you doing?!"

"Watch out, traitor!"

Underwater, the Fishman soldiers tasked with covering the retreat were suddenly ambushed by another group of Fishmen. These newcomers were highly trained, causing significant losses to Jinbei's Sea God Army in moments.


The commotion underwater caught Jinbei's attention as he fought the Megalodon Fishman. Jinbei was bewildered. It made sense for one Megalodon to join the World Government, but why so many Fishmen?

"You still have time to worry about others? You're in trouble yourself. One day, we will overthrow the false king of Fishman Island's Ryugu Kingdom. The Fishmen will become the new rulers of the sea!"

With a precise Fishman Karate strike, Jinbei was sent flying. (To be continued) Jojo style.