
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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426 Chs

Still have to rely on fists to speak!

As Nicholas spoke, the expressions of the Whitebeard Pirates towards Denjiro and the others began to change.

"What do you mean by saying these things!?" Denjiro gritted his teeth. Clearly, those were black marks in their history now that they were Kozuki retainers.

"It's simple," Nicholas said. "Kozuki Oden accepted you not because he was great, but because he was simply foolish.

"Which of you knows how to govern a country? Kuri under your control was impoverished. Why do you think you can lead all of Wano to prosperity? Even the poorest in Hakumai no longer worry about food and clothing. Can you achieve that if you regain control?

"Remember, the Kozuki family became rulers because they brought peace and prosperity to the people. If everyone no longer acknowledges you, then what kind of ruler are you?"

"Ridiculous! Such talk is nonsensical! The Kozuki family has always been the rightful rulers of Wano!" Denjiro's anger surged, his face contorted with rage.

Kanjuro stepped forward to calm Denjiro, saying, "Denjiro, calm down. This isn't the place for fighting."

"The rebels in Hakumai and Udon won't return to Kozuki rule because of this man's dangerous ideas. If he isn't eliminated, Wano will never be united!" Denjiro's eyes twitched in fury.

He realized Nicholas had influenced Hakumai and Udon with more than material wealth—his ideas were even more dangerous. In a few years, who would recognize the Kozuki family's legitimacy?

"To maintain the Kozuki family's rightful place in Wano, we must act…"

Kanjuro, noting Denjiro's agitation, gripped his weapon, remaining calm. He couldn't allow anyone to ruin his grand finale.

Denjiro, noticing Kanjuro's stance, couldn't contain his anger anymore.

"Kanjuro!" Denjiro yelled, his veins bulging as he reached for his sword.

Raizo and the others, seeing the tension, quickly intervened. "Denjiro, Kanjuro, calm down!"

"I am calm, but Denjiro is losing control…" Kanjuro said, still composed.

"How long will you keep pretending…?" Denjiro began, but was cut off by Toki's stern voice.

"Enough. Get out," she ordered.

Despite her status as Oden's wife, Toki had never been close to the retainers. Their infighting, especially at such a crucial time, was intolerable.

"Yes, my lady," Denjiro and Kanjuro reluctantly sheathed their weapons and stepped back. However, they couldn't leave entirely, as Momonosuke was still present and the threat from Nicholas and Whitebeard loomed.

Whitebeard, standing under the gathering storm clouds, spoke up.

"Nicholas, let's settle this with a fight. If I win, you leave Wano…"

Nicholas, calm, replied, "So, it comes down to fists after all."

As Nicholas finished speaking, the massive Sea Sovereign ship appeared through the storm, heading towards Kuri Castle. The sight drew the attention of the Whitebeard Pirates, their eyes widening in surprise.

Standing on the bow were the members of Nicholas's crew. Among them, the most notable was not June but Vista, a man whose strength rivaled that of the sea emperors. His presence alone brought a tremendous sense of pressure.

With Nicholas's entire crew now present, the atmosphere grew tense. If a full-scale battle erupted, Whitebeard could potentially face two top-tier opponents.

Nicholas, glancing at Kanjuro with a knowing smile, revealed a hint of intrigue.

"Alright," Nicholas replied to Whitebeard. This straightforward agreement surprised Whitebeard, who couldn't understand why Nicholas agreed so readily.

Figures descended from the Sea Sovereign ship, organizing themselves neatly around Nicholas. Vista, June, and others stood by him, forming an entourage fit for a king. Though Nicholas's group was outnumbered, their presence was no less imposing than Whitebeard's.

The Whitebeard Pirates, including Marco, wore serious expressions, fully aware of the impending clash. Only Whitebeard, unafraid of any challenge, remained calm as he faced Nicholas and his crew.

The tension was palpable; a battle was imminent.

"Gu ra ra ra, then let's get started," Whitebeard laughed heartily, stepping forward with a sharp gaze full of fighting spirit. Nicholas's agreement served two purposes: he wanted a real fight and gave Whitebeard a face-saving gesture. Regardless of the outcome, Whitebeard could report back to Oden and Izo with honor.


The battle site was where Oden had once been defeated. Dark clouds rolled in, and thunder rumbled as fierce winds kicked up dust and sand. On opposite sides, Nicholas and Whitebeard stared each other down, understanding that one would leave Wano after this fight. If Whitebeard won, Nicholas would leave, and vice versa.

"Gu ra ra ra, let me see just how strong the legendary Thunder God is," Whitebeard's eyes flashed red. His naginata was covered in Armament Haki, black and red lightning crackling around him. His mere presence exuded a terrifying aura.

Nicholas, holding his long sword, had lightning patterns on his skin, the thunder robe draped around him. Despite Whitebeard's overwhelming presence, Nicholas remained calm.

"Let me show you," Nicholas said as he moved.

Thunder roared, and Nicholas charged at Whitebeard with incredible speed, transforming into a bolt of lightning. The sheer power and countless bolts of electricity converged towards Whitebeard.

However, Whitebeard, unfazed, stood his ground with even greater resolve. Since Roger's disappearance, he hadn't felt this alive. Standing atop the world as a powerful figure was lonely, but now he felt his blood boiling again.

Whitebeard gripped his naginata with both hands, pouring all his strength into it. The naginata glowed with the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, surrounded by Conqueror's Haki and the fruit's energy.

With a tremendous clash, the naginata blocked Nicholas's lightning-speed attack.

The sound was deafening, drowning out all other noise, even the thunder. The clash of their powerful auras caused black and red lightning to spiderweb outwards, as if the very space around them was shattering.

Everyone watched in shock and awe as the two powerful figures clashed in the center of the battlefield.

"The sky... it's splitting!" someone shouted.

High above the point of impact, the sky itself had cracked, with clouds churning on either side of the fissure.

"Zehahahaha, this is terrifying," Teach laughed, staring at the sky.

"I never thought I'd see Dad so excited again," Jozu said, smiling. The battle's intensity made him feel that Whitebeard was genuinely enjoying himself.

"Just watching this makes my blood boil," said Marco, amazed by the scene. Despite his prowess in Hand to hand combat, he couldn't hope to cause such a monumental clash.

"Marco, what's wrong?" Saatchi noticed Marco's unusual expression.

"Nicholas doesn't have Conqueror's Haki, but there's something strange about him," Marco replied, puzzled.

"Marco, remember when Nicholas fought Roger and Dad alone? He emitted an aura just as powerful as Conqueror's Haki," Teach reminded him, prompting Marco to look at Nicholas with renewed focus.

 [AN- Bingo! This is what i wanted to say but i didn't knew how to explain, so i have said as is. So, sorry if i have mislead you in the past]