
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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608 Chs


In the distance.

After Nicholas and Bedeck left.

A group of people came quietly, skillfully searching the bodies first, taking everything valuable, and then gathering together to whisper.

"Is it over?"

"It seems so. I didn't expect the Fear Spreader Mar to die like this. I really had high hopes for him to make a name for himself in the New World."

"Was that guy Bedeck just now?"

"Yes, it was Bedeck. I've dealt with him a few times."

"What's going on? Are the Mar Pirates so pathetic? And is this Bedeck's doing?"

"Idiot, can't you use your brain? Although we don't know who did it, do you not know Bedeck's strength? If he could take down Mar, would Bedeck still be just the squad leader of a slave-catching team?"

Watching the bodies of Mar's crew members, the followers known as 'Scavengers' were in an uproar.

They had come to scavenge, thinking it was just some vendetta, but they didn't expect Mar, one of this year's Supernovas, to be the one taken out.

"Hehe, instead of worrying about those issues, why don't we discuss the distribution of these bodies? They're still warm, and if we sell them to organ traders, we can get a good price."

With one person's remark, the others quickly began to discuss the allocation of bodies, even starting to argue and even draw their blades.


While the scavengers of Pirate World were cleaning up the remnants, Nicholas also encountered two other supernovas.

It was Jack the ripper, and the Explosive Bear, Ralph, who had decided to team up for the hunt.

When they saw Nicholas suddenly appear not far from them, both of their faces turned sour. After all, the fact that the other could silently appear in front of them could only mean one thing: the opponent's strength was far superior to theirs.


Jack the Ripper said it with a gloomy face.

Instead of answering, Nicholas took out the wanted poster he had obtained from Shakky and carefully examined it before putting it away, somewhat uncertainly asking, "Jack the Ripper? Explosive Bear Ralph?"

It wasn't that he was face-blind, but the Peeping King, also known as the Photography King or the Flame Photography Hero, seemed not to have started working for the World Government yet, which meant that the updating speed of the Marine bounties was a bit pathetic. The photos of these supernovas' bounties were still from several months ago.

"Hey, you big idiot over there! I'm talking to you!"

Suddenly, a shout came from behind Nicholas, immediately drawing his attention.

As Nicholas instinctively turned to look at the source of the sound,.

A bullet suddenly flew from a distance, aimed directly at Nicholas's head.

It can be said that the attacker chose to launch the attack at the moment when Nicholas's attention was drawn away, which was the least vigilant moment.

The timing and angle were impeccable.

It could be seen how experienced the shooter was in shooting.

Unfortunately, the person he was facing was Nicholas.

As the bullet was about to penetrate Nicholas's skull, he flashed a toothy grin in the direction from which the bullet came.


Then the bullet passed straight through the middle of Nicholas's head, hitting the ground and leaving only a smoking bullet hole.

At the same time, Nicholas saw the guy who had cursed at him just now—a golden macaw flying away in the distance. Apparently, the parrot was a partner with the sniper eight hundred meters away.

The parrot attracted the target's attention, and at the moment when the target relaxed, the sniper launched the fatal shot.

And on the trunk of the Yarukiman vine tree, eight hundred meters away, a man with a single eyeglass over his right eye and slightly dark circles around his eyes was kneeling with one knee. In front of him was a single-shot flintlock rifle with obvious modification marks.

One shot missed, and the man's face changed.

If the man had played FPS games, he would have cursed at this moment: "Damn, hacks!"

Just now, during the sniper attack, he believed that the timing of the shot was perfect, not to mention the accuracy; even if it was shooting a fly, he was confident. So he was particularly confident in this shot.

He had personally modified the flintlock rifle, equipped with a custom-made scope that had been painstakingly polished by craftsmen, coupled with his eagle-eyed vision.

With such eyes, he could see the antennae of ants moving in the distance and even catch the trajectory of bullets with the naked eye.

Such talent made him unquestionably a skilled sniper.

Although his bounty was not the highest among this year's batch of Supernovas, he was crowned in the name of God.

The nickname Gun God was the most appropriate evaluation of his strength among his peers on the sea.

Before pulling the trigger, he even saw the scene of Nicholas's head bursting in his mind.

However, reality gave him a harsh slap.

At the same time, he suddenly recalled the man who had been locked in his sight just now, smiling at the moment he squeezed the trigger. Perhaps it was even before he pulled the trigger?

But, how was that possible? How could anyone predict that someone would snipe him before he even pulled the trigger?

No matter how he tried to convince himself, the image of Nicholas smiling with his big teeth remained in his mind.

"Captain Woodrow, it was a beautiful shot!"

Beside him, the man's companions looked excitedly at him. In their eyes, once the captain chose to shoot, it meant there was a 100 percent chance of hitting the target. This was accumulated from the countless bullets that had pierced through enemy vitals since Woodrow set sail.

Woodrow shook his head and began to reload the ammunition, his hands continuously moving, but his gaze remained focused on the situation in the distance.

"Dammit" he grunted

His companions, upon hearing this, were all (⊙o⊙)...

"Hehe, let's enter the hunting moment."

Woodrow finished reloading and raised his gun again, aiming at Nicholas's vitals.

After missing the first shot, Woodrow understood that the opponent was not a simple character. To kill him, he had to wait for an opportunity when the opponent exposed a vulnerability.

Therefore, Woodrow did not hastily fire the second shot but focused his attention, waiting for Nicholas and his companions to engage in combat.

As long as Nicholas engaged in battle with them, Woodrow would be able to find an opportunity to kill him with one shot!

After all, no one could maintain enough vigilance to withstand attacks from hundreds of meters away during combat.


Suddenly, Woodrow's eyes narrowed, and his brow furrowed.

He saw Nicholas raise his right hand holding a modified pistol toward him,

On Nicholas's side.

Seeing Nicholas still standing there posing, Explosive Bear Ralph and Jack the Ripper were also standing still without any movement.

It's not that they didn't want to move, but they didn't dare to. One was a true lunatic, and the other was a pseudo-beast. Every time they wanted to make a move, their brains would sound crazy alarms. The feeling was that if they didn't move, it would be fine, but if they did …