
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

Return to Sabaody

" Sister Shakky, do you also know something?"

Nicholas looked at Shakky and asked. As an active information dealer on the high seas, it was apparent that Shakky knew something significant, enough to retire at a young age in Sabaody.

"I don't know much about the Celestial Dragons' affairs. After all, the blank hundred years in history have erased many things. But in some ancient ruins and among some long-standing races' records, I found something. There are indeed celestial dragons who have achieved immortality."

It seemed like Shakky remembered something, but she didn't continue. Instead, she fell silent, as immortality was something only gods could touch. And those who could touch the realm of gods were beyond her imagination. Sometimes, knowing too much makes one feel powerless.

"The Old Monster, huh?"

Nicholas muttered to himself. In fact, he could guess who Shakky was referring to. It was Imu, the true ruler of the world, the one before whom even the Five Elders bowed.

"That's indeed an apt description," Shakky said, with a self-deprecating tone in her voice.

"Now, looking back, I was so naive. The power struggles among these strong figures on the high seas might seem like children's play to others, just some spice to pass the time on boring days."

Shakky extinguished her cigarette in the ashtray.

"Is it really that interesting? If we liken the world to a game, shouldn't the final boss be formidable enough?"

Seemingly infected by Nicholas' spirit, Shakky laughed heartily, raised her glass towards Nicholas, and drank it all in one go.

"Nicholas, you're still the same as when we first met, aren't you? But I'm curious: Why does someone with your determination lack the ambition of a king?"


Nicholas scratched his head at Shakky's words and casually replied, "Maybe because I don't have the desire to dominate."

"Then, to what extent does your ambition reach now?"

"My conqueror Haki is neither exceptional nor mediocre, but decent enough. As for Observation and adamant Haki, it's in the top three."


Shakky looked at the young man beside her with a hint of admiration. To have such power at his age, he already held a handful of cards.

Nicholas modestly smiled.

Then the two of them talked about recent events on the high seas.

When Nicholas heard about Captain John's demise due to his deception of his subordinates, he almost fell off his chair from laughter.

Talking about Captain John's strength, he wasn't bad at all. But due to having several subordinates with strength comparable to his, he stumbled carelessly.

"That guy used to boast about how many subordinates he had and how impressive they were. Sometimes he even mocked me for having too few subordinates and lacking prestige. But unexpectedly, as soon as his crew disbanded, he was killed by his own subordinates. Haha..."

Nicholas was clearly in a good mood.

Shakky glanced at Nicholas, who was laughing so heartily that he almost seemed carefree, and then she lit another cigarette.

Nicholas was a bit stunned. This kind of smoker was really not afraid of getting lung cancer. The smoker dared to smoke like that because he had a Devil Fruit ability to fall back on, but Big Sister, you smoking like this is a bit arrogant.

"After Captain John's death, news of a treasure map related to him also circulated. Many pirates are now eyeing that treasure map, which is said to be the wealth looted by Captain John throughout his life. Whoever finds it would become unbelievably wealthy."

"Shakky Sister, are you kidding me? Although treasure and such sound very piratey, you and I both know that Captain John's treasure was almost entirely used to sustain his huge pirate fleet's expenses. If there isn't enough benefit, why would those guys listen to Captain John? Did they do it because of Captain John's Thicc Ass?"

Nicholas said, getting a bit vulgar.

Shakky didn't mind; she just suddenly said, "Nicholas, when you go back to the first half of the Grand Line, are you preparing to conquer the New World?"

"Not really."

Nicholas shook his head.

"I do intend to take my crew into the New World, but not to conquer. It's to stir up trouble. After all, the New World is now in chaos due to the dissolution of the Rocks Pirates. With Whitebeard, Shiki, Roger, Charlotte Linlin, and the recently rising Redfield causing havoc, the seas have been turned upside down. Apart from these monsters, former followers of Linlin like Kaido are also mingling with the Big Brothers, and there are many young talents appearing in the Four Seas."

After hearing this, Shakky looked at Nicholas and smiled, saying, "Of course, there's also our little Nicholas about to enter the New World."

"Nicholas, when you head to the New World, you may need to deal with some small troubles on the island first."

"Such as?"

Nicholas looked at Shakky curiously.

Shakky took a puff of smoke and said with a smile, "Such as this year's five Supernovas with bounties over a billion. They've been here for a while, but after coating their ships, instead of immediately heading to Fish-Man Island, they chose to stay on the island. Do you know why?"

Nicholas shook his head in response.

Shakky's smile widened, and she said seriously, "Because they're specifically waiting for you. They know you're going to take your crew back into the New World, so they plan to use your head as a gift to enter the New World."

"Waiting for me, just to take me down? Where do they get the confidence?"

Nicholas was quite surprised. He hadn't paid attention to the so-called supernovas each year. He thought his opponents would be at least at the level of Kaido.

So he never expected the Supernovas to target him.

Shakky nodded and explained, "To become a Supernova each year, you must be quite exceptional. But compared to others, you're younger, and your reputation is huge. Naturally, you would attract their attention."

"What kind of reason is that? Isn't Roger's and Whitebeard's reputation even bigger?"

Nicholas said it without hesitation.

"It's simple. They know that Whitebeard, Shiki, and Roger are not easy targets. But you seem younger and probably weaker than the others. They think that way, and it's not surprising. They probably see you as a stepping stone; after all, the quickest way to fame is to defeat a strong opponent and step on their reputation to the top."

Nicholas suddenly felt a bit hurt. Was being young his fault?

At the same time, in the Sabaody Archipelago, at the One-Day Girlfriend Shop on Tree Island 72.

A handsome man was flirting with dozens of women beside him.

At this moment, a man walked in.

"Captain, vice Admiral Dragon's warship has appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago!"


The man's expression changed slightly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Meanwhile, the Supernovas in the Sabaody Archipelago all learned about Dragon's appearance.

But none of them chose to leave. Instead, they became low-key and continued patiently waiting for their prey.

"Why hasn't that guy come yet?"

They were getting impatient.