
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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432 Chs

Live and die for the persuit of knowledge!

Olvia watched as the tearful Robin buried her face in her chest, feeling her own eyes well up with tears. Mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, Olvia gently stroking Robin's hair, her eyes filled with guilt and tenderness. She knew she might be an excellent archaeologist, but she was far from being a competent mother.

"Well, well, isn't this the famous archaeologist Nico Olvia? After abandoning your own daughter for six years, you finally decided to come back?" a sarcastic voice rang out, drawing everyone's attention.

"Thunder God Nicholas, what do you want from me?" Olvia asked, recognizing the terrifying man before her. Calling him a monster wearing human skin would not be an exaggeration.

"I don't want anything. Someone asked me to come to Ohara and save you during the Navy's operation here," Nicholas replied casually. For him, saving Olvia was no big deal.

Hearing Nicholas's words, Olvia frowned deeply. She could discern a lot from what Nicholas said. She had been somewhat prepared for the Navy's possible action against Ohara; she returned partly to warn the scholars that the World Government might have taken notice of their research on the Poneglyphs. But she couldn't fathom who had the power to convince Nicholas to save her, considering she was not only hunted by the Navy but also wanted by the World Government.

Nicholas wasn't particularly concerned about Olvia's contemplative expression; he was merely repaying a favor to Dragon. Besides, he found it hard to sympathize with someone who could abandon her child in pursuit of historical truth.

"By the way, where's that guy Saul? A giant vice-admiral who dared to betray the Navy—I'd like to meet him," Nicholas said, glancing at Robin, who was half-hiding behind Olvia, gripping her clothes tightly.

"Saul is worried that his presence might scare the townsfolk, so he's hiding in the forest on the northwest coast," Olvia replied candidly, seeming to realize that Nicholas had no hostile intent—or that even if he did, they were powerless to resist.

"Is that so? Never mind then. Oh, one more thing: the World Government has launched a Buster Call. Based on the timing, it should already be on its way. I don't need to spell out the target, do I? You all know," Nicholas remarked, noticing Dr. Clover emerging from around the corner.

"What?! How dare they!" Dr. Clover exclaimed, visibly shaken by the news. He knew all too well what a Buster Call against Ohara would mean.

Nicholas chuckled at Clover's reaction. "Come now, Dr. Clover, don't be so surprised. When you decided to study the Void Century, did you not anticipate breaking the rules? Nico Olvia and a total of thirty-four scholars set sail from Ohara and maintained contact throughout six years of voyaging. Don't underestimate the World Government's intelligence network. Remember the incident of Daskori a few years ago? Apparently, that wasn't enough of a lesson for you. When you lack the strength to break the rules, don't fantasize about challenging them."

Nicholas had always found the mindset of Ohara's scholars puzzling. Just like him and Roger, they pursued history, but unlike them, the World Government couldn't simply eliminate them without considering their strength.

Ohara, truthfully, can't withstand a single Buster Call. Even if they uncover the Void Century's history, it would be useless—they'd be easily wiped off the map.

"Alright, you don't have much time left. Figure out what to do," Nicholas said, glancing at Robin. Olvia and Dr. Clover understood his implication.

"Then let Robin be Mr. Nicholas's guide while he's in Ohara. Robin, are you okay with that?" Dr. Clover asked with a smile.

"No problem," Robin replied, standing tall and trying to show Olvia that she was mature. If it weren't for the tears she hadn't quite wiped away, she would have been more convincing.


"Nicholas, I'm preparing to get my doctorate. Don't be fooled by my age; I'm very smart. Dr. Clover is always amazed by my talent!" Robin said proudly as she led Nicholas to the place Dr. Clover had arranged for him to stay. Clearly, she already liked Nicholas, who had told her she wasn't a monster. She wanted to share her strengths with him to gain his approval.

"Is that so? Robin, you're amazing, becoming a doctor at such a young age is truly impressive," Nicholas praised her. Hearing his words, Robin smiled happily. Not only had her mother returned, but she had also made a friend in Nicholas.

"Hehe, Nicholas, I'm really good! My dream is to become a great archaeologist!" Robin said proudly, her eyes frequently glancing towards the Tree of Knowledge behind them. Her mother was there now, and she was no longer an unwanted child.

"Mm-hmm, then I wish you an early achievement of becoming a great archaeologist."

Robin's eyes narrowed in delight at Nicholas's blessing.

Behind the window of a room in the Tree of Knowledge, Olvia and Dr. Clover watched Nicholas and Robin.

"Olvia, are you planning to entrust Robin to that man?" Dr. Clover asked, looking at Olvia.

Olvia nodded silently, not denying it. After being hunted by the World Government and witnessing the slaughter led by Saul, she understood that uncovering the truth of history was impossible without sufficient strength. If the World Government could erase a century of history from the world, they could just as easily erase her and her discoveries.

"Dr. Clover, you heard it too—the Buster Call is coming. What are you planning to do?" Olvia asked, turning to Dr. Clover. She knew the terror of a Buster Call, capable of wiping out an entire island.

"I plan to have some scholars take our collective achievements and the civilians away beforehand. As for me..." Dr. Clover said, pressing his hand against the wooden wall, the trunk of the Tree of Knowledge where he had spent his entire life.

"I will live and die with the Tree of Knowledge and the library."