
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Anime & Comics
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626 Chs

Kinemon pissed his pants!

Kin'emon's eyes widened in shock, as if he'd seen a ghost, when Nicholas suddenly appeared and intercepted his attack.

"It's you again, you bastard..."

"Nicholas, what do you want this time?!"

Regaining his composure, Kin'emon gritted his teeth, glaring at the man who had become Wano Country's greatest enemy after Kaido.

"You ask what I want..."

Nicholas, dressed in a black trench coat, gripped Kin'emon's sword tightly with one hand. The eyes of the surrounding samurai were all fixed on him, filled with fear, dread, caution, and hatred.

Because of this man, the status of samurai in Wano had plummeted. Many common folk no longer referred to them with respect.

"I came to see what Whitebeard is up to," Nicholas said nonchalantly, his words like thunder in the hearts of Kin'emon and the other samurai.

They understood well what the name Whitebeard represented. Though not the strongest man on the sea, he was undeniably one of its apex figures.

They also knew that the Whitebeard Pirates, who had driven Kaido away and now stayed in Kuri, were their strongest trump card. Nicholas seemed to be targeting this very trump card, filling Kin'emon with rage.

"You bastard! Pay for everything Wano has lost!"

Kin'emon's anger made him blame Nicholas for all the misfortunes of Wano and the Kozuki family. His fury blinded him to the vast difference in their strengths.

"Take this!"

Kin'emon released his sword, still gripped by Nicholas' armament Haki-clad hand, and drew another blade from his waist. In his anger, he attacked Nicholas without hesitation.

A surge of flames shot from the blade, reaching Nicholas in an instant.

"That flame is better suited for lighting birthday candles."


A sudden explosion sounded in the air. As the flames rushed towards him, Nicholas raised his free hand and slapped them away.

The wind from his hand extinguished the flames, leaving only a few sparks that quickly vanished. Kin'emon's proud Foxfire Slice was effortlessly snuffed out.

Seeing this, Kin'emon's expression changed. Nicholas' casual deflection brought him back to his senses.

"If this is all you have, don't make empty threats."

Nicholas flipped the sword he had seized, holding it by the hilt, and casually swung it towards an empty space beside him.

Kin'emon's eyes turned dark as he saw Nicholas playing with his beloved sword right in front of him.

"I said, stop underestimating me, bastard! Fire Willow Flash!"

Before his words had fully left his mouth, Kin'emon once again charged at Nicholas with his sword held high. Flames erupted from the blade, adding significant power to his thrust. If his opponent were any weaker, this attack would pierce their body and burn their insides.

However, to Nicholas' observation Haki, this seemingly fast attack was clear and slow.


A sharp metallic clash echoed as Nicholas' sword met Kin'emon's blade mid-thrust.

"I told you, the gap between us is something you can't fathom."

Seeing his attack easily blocked and the nonchalant expression on Nicholas' face, Kin'emon felt a chill down his spine. The surrounding samurai were equally shocked, their eyes wide with disbelief. They had never seen anyone block a fast thrust so effortlessly. Kin'emon, one of their strongest, had his signature move dismissed like a joke.

Nicholas had no time to dwell on their reactions. He sheathed his sword slowly, then swiftly swung it down.


Creating a terrifying pressure, A massive clearing, hundreds of meters long, appeared in the forest.

Kin'emon, standing at the edge of the clearing, moved his eyes with difficulty. Seeing that his fellow samurai had vanished, he swallowed hard, sweat pouring down his face. Yamato, standing behind Nicholas, watched in awe, her mouth slightly open.

"He's so strong..." Yamato thought, glancing at Nicholas' back. This man who had suddenly appeared and saved her seemed even stronger than her father.

Nicholas sensed Yamato's gaze but didn't respond. Instead, he recalled the words of the great thinker, philosopher, educator, life scientist, and human modification master, Orochimaru: to truly impact a child, you must leave an indelible impression and memories that flash back even at the brink of death.


He raised his sword, pointing it at Kin'emon.

A gust of wind rustled the leaves, creating a soft, whispering sound.

"It's over," Nicholas said quietly, but his voice carried over the wind, reaching Kin'emon and the young Yamato.

Faced with death, Kin'emon's expression twisted with rage.

"What do you...?" Kin'emon began, but before he could finish, Nicholas moved. When Nicholas returned to his original position, Kin'emon's voice had stopped. He stared blankly at his chest, where a familiar sword hilt was now lodged.

"If you can survive this, then maybe Momonosuke really is destined," Nicholas said, watching Kin'emon collapse forward.

As Kin'emon's consciousness faded, he heard Nicholas' strange words before he fell silent forever.

"Still a mere mortal after all. Kaido must be really frustrated, hahaha," Nicholas chuckled, looking at the fallen Kin'emon.

He then turned to Yamato, a smile on his face, and extended his hand to the young girl.

"I've seen your desire for freedom. Will you join me in searching for the true meaning of freedom?"

 [AN- He deserved it, prove me wrong]